I just started searching for a soultion for this as well
For the above he can eliminate the stop all sounds in the new pano to keep the sound from stopping,..and that may be OK in a smaller tour with few sounds, ..in a complicated tour this will run into problems....can you or someone help with the code for a tour with multiple nodes and multiple sounds. This is needed where a sound "a" will be used multiple times in a tour, in conjuction with other sounds, but it some instances it will be desired to have sound "a" run continuous when moving to a new node. Is there way to ...........use the if or if not to solve this,maybe in an action, kinda like below where "A" is our desired sound
if sound 'A" is not playing, then (stopalllsounds),playsound(A,,,,); in this instance, if "a" is playing, and it is still wanted, it will continue to do so(with elimination of the playsound command),.....if "A" is not playing then the sound needed willl be called while stopping any unwanted sound.
Maybe this has been explained before,..please direct if it has,........like i said i just started searching.