Beiträge von fragghetto

    Hi there,
    I' m trying to invert the default rotation of the viewer.
    I would like to keep the moving vector "moveto", and leave the touchtype as is "drag2d".
    What i'm trying to have the pano rotation "clockwise" and not in the default direction (not clockwise).
    It seems that there is not a function that set this parameters.
    Could be "invert control mouse" like in videogames... *wink*

    Any idea?

    I have a question:
    if I give my .swf file created with KrPano TOOLS (make single .swf) is it possible to take control via AS3 (flex,flash,ecc) over some function like: lookat (atH,atV,FOV), stagewidth, EnableMouseInteractive, freezeView, ecc

    Thx in advance

    Hi all,
    i would like to know if it is possible to hide the .xml file, not like with krpano encrypting tool, but via server.
    The solution should be an https session (without a certificate request apply) were to put the xml file.
    Any idea? A new plugin? *tongue*

    thanks in advance