Posts by shinji

    Your plugin is excellent.
    Could you tell me about the DISTORED HOTSPOT EDITOR?
    In my environment, when using hotspots with style, I cannot obtain the coordinates even when clicking print.
    In Toolbox V1, the coordinates are displayed.

    Is there any solution?

    s-maier -san.
    Thank you.

    It seems that you can overwrite with the same name.

    In the case of non-professional code, if there is a mistake somewhere, you may be able to get it to work by changing the loading order.

    This is the method I often use for tests when I don't have time...
    Sorry for my bad English

    Thanks for the advice!
    I changed the xml as advised.

    It turned out to be the movement I was hoping for.

    However, unfortunately youtube won't play.

    I might be wrong,
    I think I did my best to research as well.

    日本語で tomozoh932 返事が遅くなり申し訳ありません。

    ただyoutubeが再生されません。このあたりは私のミスなのか ACTIONの記述を変更する必要があるかもしれませが、調べてみたいと思います。


    I embedded a YouTube video by referring to Inline Video Players.
    I changed the setting of littleplanetintro to "true".

    It worked correctly.
    krpano - 2102223_AMU_PANO_007

    Next, I modified the hotspot settings to load via include.
    When I played it, during the expansion from the little planet view, it ends up facing towards the bottom.
    krpano - 2102223_AMU_PANO_007

    It seems that this symptom occurs when loading the hotspot via include instead of directly describing it within the <scene> tag.

    in the tour I am currently creating, there are a large number of hotspots. Therefore, I would like to avoid directly configuring the hotspots in the tour.xml file and instead load them via an include file, if possible.

    Is there any solution for this?

    Please help me.

    Hello Everyone,

    When you move the scene, the BGM will start playing from the beginning. I want to play BGM without interruption even when the scene changes.Someone please give me some advice.

    krpano - 2

    Thanks in advance for your attention.

    Have a nice day everybody :)

    there are two small limitations
    - video with direct link hosted by vimeo freezes on iOS - no problems with desktop, Android not checked
    (maybe the forwarding to AKAMAI is the problem)

    - the number of simultaneous videos is limited because of computing power (-> Firefox has problems, Chrome not)
    I have seen a krpano solution with about 10-20 small video loops per scene at the same time and on Firefox it's was not really usable


    Dear Jürgen
    Thank you! *thumbsup* *smile*


    When opening the map, the size is adjusted to fit the width and height of the screen.…V1/floor-1.html

    The map image moves in an unnatural manner when the map opens and closes.
    I have tried various methods but cannot find the cause.

    Can anyone give me some advice?


    <!-- the map image -->
    <layer name="map" url="../skin_map/inmap.png" keep="true" handcursor="false" capture="false"
    width= "30%"
    height= "prop"
    scale="1" scalechildren="true"
    showlog(); trace('layer-map-imagewidth-',get(layer-map-imagewidth));
    showlog(); trace('layer-map-imageheight-',get(layer-map-imageheight));"

    <action name="openmap">
    set(layer[map].onclick, closemap(); );
    showlog(); trace('a');
    if(layer-map-imagewidth GT stagewidth, div(bigscale, stagewidth, get(layer-map-imagewidth)); );

    div(screenaspect, stagewidth, stageheight);
    div(imageaspect, get(layer-map-imagewidth), get(layer-map-imageheight));

    if(imageaspect GT screenaspect,

    tween(layer[map].x, 0);
    tween(layer[map].y, 0);
    showlog(); trace('b');
    tween(layer[map].x, 0);
    tween(layer[map].y, 0);
    showlog(); trace('c');

    <!-- map closing - -->
    <action name="closemap">
    set(layer[map].onclick, openmap(); );
    tween(layer[map].x, 0);
    tween(layer[map].y, 0);
    tween(layer[map].width, 30%);

    I'm in trouble! Please give me some advice.

    I want to find the percent of the screen width vs. the pixel width of the image.


    Is there a way to convert the value of crose-map-ratio-h to a percentage?

    best regard:)