Beiträge von gkaefer

    Ok just had a reply on the PTP forum. There is a pano list which looks the same as the combobox which is good.

    Do you know if it will work the same on the iPad? I can't test with the trial software!

    have no demo online...
    and I have no ipad so I didfollowing: I tested a mobile tour exported from ptp in combination of the ipad simulator coming from krpano package. just adopting the path to refer to the files from panotuor...

    the combobox is displayed and looks like usable (I mean big enough to klick with fingers...)


    Hallo Jürgen,
    leider kann ich da nicht weiterhelfen bzw. mithelfen, ich habe keinen mac *cry*
    aber bitte einfach vincen an einem der beiden foren um Hilfe...

    sorry, cant help because have no mac to test with...
    vincen will give help on the forum...

    just want to ask because the docu does not comment it...

    the push(myvarA), push(myvarB) etc... and the following pop(myvarB2), pop(myvarA2)

    if the push takes place in one loop inside an action myaction1 and the stack so contains several values,
    can the pop be places inside a second action myaction2 to read the stack?
    (clear that the myaction2 is placed and executed lower/later in the code than myaction1)


    its easy - as everything in live - if you know it ;-)))

    in above example, in action startup events.onidle get the command to execute: autotour().
    this means that the action autotour will be executed. But what do you have to do if the events.onidle should execute more than one action or command?
    For this the ; is used:

    set(events.onidle, dec(step); autotour(); );
    this now says that the events.onidle should execute: 1. reduce the value of variable step with 1 and than 2. execute the code in action autotour. The () says that no additional values are assigned to the action autotour.

    it does not work if using two lines ... I assume that the last assignement is valid so when the autotour() is executed the dec(step) is no longer valid.
    (but this I dont know... if events.onidle would be an ordinary variable your approach would have success, but because events.onidle is no variable this is handled other way...)


    and still, I don't understand, why it needs this workaround and doesn't just do what we want, start at the current step after idletime

    in line 10 and 11 of your code at the end you have places the inc(step). The value of variable step get a new value assigned +1. and this value does remain valid during execution of all of your xml code. The value of the variable does not expire or does not get reset it remains valid until you give the variable a new value.

    so step==1 ... first pano gets loaded .... step get the value 2
    so step==2 ... second pano gets loaded ... step get the value 3
    lets say you now interrupt with a mousclick.... the action autotour is left...
    what happens now... the onidle counter is starting and if event is true (the idletimeout has reached) than the autotour() action will be executed again.
    but now the step==3 so normally it should now proceed with step3 pano... why in your original case the pano4 is shown I cant explain.
    if you place the line "set(step,1);" at the beginning of the action autotour() the behaviour should change so that after every idletimeout the tour should automatically start with pano 1

    Liebe Gruesse,

    I would try to set the set(step,1) inside the action autotour.
    if interrupted, than the actual action is on break...
    ... if events.onidle takes place, the step value is no longer 1, so if action autotour is starting again, its not beginning with step == 1 ...
    ... so I asume the tour starts at first pano again (so not that what you want either...

    an what if you try:

    set(events.onidle, dec(step); autotour(); );

    instead of using 2 lines...

    Liebe Gruesse,

    oh man,

    seems that "sitting on the line" is a my new hobby.
    it got it & found it & it works now.
    many thanks,
    Liebe Grüße,

    the working code and the result:

    the result:

    INFO: --- action: myswitch ---
    INFO: myswitch (1):  5
    INFO: myswitch (2):  9
    INFO: myswitch (3):  12
    INFO: myswitch (4):  2
    INFO: myswitch (5):  1

    so far all is clear, but it does not work on my side.
    it seems that after the switch the %1 cant be accessed anymore:

    the traceoutput shows me that %1 and %2 are correct loaded by myswitch
    but I cant access the %1 with its correct variable name after the switch, get(testit2) gives me null...
    I also tried to use '%2' inside the switch ... same result.

    many thanks in advance for your patience,
    Liebe Gruesse aus Salzburg,

    ok, die letzten beiden Zahlen bestimmen das jeweilige Kästchen für das Bild z.B. 96x32px
    die 1. Zahl ist die jeweilige Startposition des Kästchens z.B. 0, 32, 64, 96 usw.

    Aber für was steht die 0?

    Ist hier im Forum überhaupt was los? Kann doch nicht jeder zu faul sein für ne Antwort *blink*

    weiss nicht, obs genau passt...
    aber bei crop onovercrop gibts die "4er" Kombination auch...


    d.h. wenn ein Bild 1000x500 pixel gross ist, kann man alle icons darauf plazieren.
    in deinem beispiel also x=0 pixel nach links und y=0 pixel nach unten. von hier dann wird eine grafik ausgeschnitten die x=32 und y=32 pixel gross ist.
    für drag und move sind also zwei verschiedene grafiken...


    killing/removing a variable is currently not possible,
    but I already thinking about adding a "delete(var)" action for that,

    best regards,

    that would be great.
    Currently I have to use for placeholder variables for loops etc something like actionname-i so no interference with similar placeholder variables from other actions can take place ;-)) I dont know how often did fall over my legs here ;-))
    a nother big step towards a own programming language could be if variable would be only valid inside an action with option to be exported globally

    Liebe Gruesse,

    I created followin action, but why do I get 9 x NULL instead of the values of the switch?

    <action name="testit">
    		trace('--- action: ',%0,' ---');
    		set(var1,1); set(var2,9);
    		loop( 	var1 LE var2,
    			trace('test it(',get(var1),'): ',get(testit) );


    INFO: --- action: testit ---
    INFO: test it(1): null
    INFO: test it(2): null
    INFO: test it(3): null
    INFO: test it(4): null
    INFO: test it(5): null
    INFO: test it(6): null
    INFO: test it(7): null
    INFO: test it(8): null
    INFO: test it(9): null

    Liebe Gruesse,

    I did download the krpano package where the examples are included.
    I took the splitscreen example…plitscreen.html

    and editing the splitscreen.html file on exact 2 line I could produce the effect you described:

    I just added the "360 -" on the view.hlookat lines...

    its not perfect, but I think a first step in your direction....
    Liebe Gruesse,

    switch(testit, 2, 1, 2, 1);
    	if(	get(testit),
    		trace('test it: ',get(testit));
    		switch(testit, 2, 1, 2, 1);

    is it possible to give a variable "testit" several values and than to work with these different values inside a loop.
    in my example, if all values of the variable are print on logwindow than exit/end the loop?
    (above code does not work)... or is the switch(variable, value1, value2, value3) etc.only usable for oncklick events and similar?

    many thanks in advance!
    Liebe Gruesse,

    ok final action giving correct result is:

    trace shows now the complete filename, because I finally used txtadd to add the .xml ...

    Liebe Gruesse,


    letter-final is 47 which you're setting to the length of the string you want back.
    virtuartour1 has 10 letters if you just wanted to get that .. or maybe I misread something..

    omg - ok see it... subtext values are not from position x to position y - its from position x and y characters to .xml is also included...
    *wink* thanks - sometimes you're looking at some line of code and your blind...


    with following action I read the xml.url and do extract the filename between fist "/" from right and before the final ".xml",
    but why is the result containing the final .xml, all values shown with trace show that it should not be the case...

    and debug output shows:

    so finally: why is finalname = "virtualtour1.xml" and not "virtualtour1"?
    and I doublechecked the variables I used in this action are not declared/used in any other part of my code...

    Liebe Gruesse,

    I've a button. onclick will start music and does show a text by starting myaction()
    How can I make this text clickable ... opening a weburl?

    onclick="openurl(" inside the mytextstyle is no way....
    and in the mytext something like [a href=""] Kalimba [/a] does also not work.

    *wink* I dont see my error - nore a solution?

    Liebe Gruesse,

    ahhh bingo. and so simple...


    ... so I can figure out the name of the main xml file used and panotour uses this for creating the individual pano xml files part of the tour...
    so if main file is named mypanoproject.xml than the first loaded pano gets mypanoproject0.xml, the second one mypanoproject1.xml etc.

    and the get(xml.url) does give me also the path of the file...

    so I think I can achieve it to crop the name of the panofile and create a loop to verify how many panofiles are existing...

    Luebe Gruesse,