Hi Ramiro.
Great, but how I can store two or more virtual tours?
Inside the .pano-runner folder you can create as many sub folders as you like. For example, your folder structure could look like this if you wanted have 4 tours inside Pano Runner.
/.pano-runner/Tour 1/tour.html
/.pano-runner/Tour 2/tour.html
/.pano-runner/Tour 3/tour.html
/.pano-runner/Tour 4/tour.html
The index.html file simply needs to contain hyper links to the sub folders. For example, the body of the index.html file would look like this in the example above.
<a href="Tour 1/tour.html">Hotel California</a>
<a href="Tour 2/tour.html">Pizza Hut</a>
<a href="Tour 3/tour.html">Sea World</a>
<a href="Tour 4/tour.html">House of Horror</a>
In the future it maybe possible to get Pano Runner to to auto scan every sub folder for *.html files, but for the moment you must reference every tour in the index.html file as a hyper link.
You can also customise this index.html file with graphics, animations or anything you like to make the page look fancy. Pano Runner will load anything that is referenced in a sub folder of .pano-runner
Kind regards