Beiträge von smartin

    I got some e-mails about my krpano plugin for worpress so I made it available for download. See this link.

    The plugin is under heavy construction. Feel free to make it better or just to tweak it for your own website. If you use it, please e-mail me a link so I can see the result or simply write a comment below. The plugin validates XHTML strict right now and I hope it validates strict or transitional in the future also. Cross browser support is crucial.

    I just recently changed spi-v for krpano and an automatic workflow in wordpress is a must for me. I didnt find any krpano plugin for wordpress at all so I rewrote my old plugin a bit. I really should clean up the code but right now it seems to do the job all right. I am not a programmer so I took an old plugin and changed it a bit a couple of years ago and now I change it some more.
    My workflow is this. Upload a panorama jpg via FTP, go to wordpress and write a new post, paste the filename and select it, click the pano-button. And thats all there is to it. Another good thing is that now I have three diffret viewing options. Flash, shockwave or java.

    I did this for my personal website only and the plugin is far from finished and I dont really have the time to do so right now. But if anyone is interested maybe I can upload it so someone else can work on it too. Let me know if you are interested.

    You can see it in action here