Very interesting example! Thanks! I was not familiar with this interesting feature.
But my idea is focused to static positions of the view, when we could adjust with right, left, down, up, ctrl and shift the view coordinates and zoom, and additionally we could control the tilt of view with "<" and ">" keys (while we stay in moveto control mode).
The idea appeared from a presentation of spherical panoramas. I find it great presenting feature to show VRs by guiding the visitor through the pano by showing different views and with diff. fov ( hope you had a chance to check my latest work about mt.Elbrus, each VR there starts with "author's recommended views", where you can be guided through the VRs). With tilting it would be even more possibilities to show the VR from new angles
Hope I did not make the explanation to complicated . 
PS. I would like to ask about another additional feature (it is partly concerns the tilt). As I described above it is a great feature to be guided through the photo (most of my visitors accept it with interest and fun). Today I had to make an action which makes to lookto to selected views. The way I could prgramm it was change the view in player, than open option plug-in or editor, than typing current coordinates into xml. Is it possible to make some kind of "capture view plug-in" which could copy coordinates into clipboard (like hlookat, vlookat, fov and maybe in future
tilt parameters).
This feature could be used for faster programming of guided toors and e.g. for people to share their favorite views in a VR...
Kind Regards,