Posts by ivvi

    Very intresting combination of low and hi rez.

    Recently brought some panos from Sagarmatha, and doubt if it is possible to combine it with low-rez VR pano. Your example inspires me to try))

    Can you tell what is the final size of your example in MB's (the folder with comlete set of files)?

    Hi People!

    Here is few examples of exotic night views from the top of mountain where God gave Laws to Men according to Old Testament. - jedi trick photo ;)

    Usually people come to the Top of mt.Sinai in evening to watch sunset than leave and new groups coming in early morning or at night to meet sunrise. Me with my friends decided to stay there and meet both) But the most spectacular and impressive views we was able to see in midnight! when there was nobody but us on the top.

    As far as there was no moon the light was very poor so each shot for VRs took from 7 to 30 minutes to capture. That night gave me only 1 hour of sleep, and few memorable VR shots.

    Kind Regards,


    Hi VR people!

    Here is the showcase of my first try underwater panorama shot on 8m depth in Blue Hole dive site near Dahab, Egypt.

    The panorama was a really stitching challenge as far as it was shot during 2 dives without oxygen (freediving) without a tripod as well)

    The first dive shot was made downside by my friend to capture the air bubble ring made by me from 10 meters depth, than I took a camera and dived into "the same place" and shot the rest of the panorama. There was only an Digicam aquapack which was crop the angle of view from 8mm lens dramatically, so there was approximately 30 shots to stitch into sphere.

    Very interesting example! Thanks! I was not familiar with this interesting feature.

    But my idea is focused to static positions of the view, when we could adjust with right, left, down, up, ctrl and shift the view coordinates and zoom, and additionally we could control the tilt of view with "<" and ">" keys (while we stay in moveto control mode).

    The idea appeared from a presentation of spherical panoramas. I find it great presenting feature to show VRs by guiding the visitor through the pano by showing different views and with diff. fov ( hope you had a chance to check my latest work about mt.Elbrus, each VR there starts with "author's recommended views", where you can be guided through the VRs). With tilting it would be even more possibilities to show the VR from new angles *smile* .

    Hope I did not make the explanation to complicated . *rolleyes*

    PS. I would like to ask about another additional feature (it is partly concerns the tilt). As I described above it is a great feature to be guided through the photo (most of my visitors accept it with interest and fun). Today I had to make an action which makes to lookto to selected views. The way I could prgramm it was change the view in player, than open option plug-in or editor, than typing current coordinates into xml. Is it possible to make some kind of "capture view plug-in" which could copy coordinates into clipboard (like hlookat, vlookat, fov and maybe in future *wink* tilt parameters).

    This feature could be used for faster programming of guided toors and e.g. for people to share their favorite views in a VR...

    Kind Regards,


    Hi Claus,

    Yes, idea is to keep the "moveto" mode with new camroll control... I am not sure if it is technically possible - but still idea that we have arrow controls with keyboard, and by additional control buttons (like it is possible now with "ctrl" and "shift" to zoom) to get an effect of "camroll" (e.g. tilt left "<" and tilt right ">"), if we would use the command than the plane of X-Y axes should rotate around the axis of the view (or relatively to default coordinate system)

    Best Regards,


    Great work!

    I was impressed with this action! Also I find the design is very nice.

    IMHO, you should use more simple tweening for opening of thumbnails preview. The closing with "bounce" effect is nice, but opening confused me a bit.

    Also if I swithced between the panos with help of the thambnails the control buttons with page numbers in the right-bottom corner does not change (the number of page is kept the same nad the link to the next pano is according to number). It could be solve with more individual programming of each pano I think.

    Kind Regards,
