Hi Klaus

    Sorry to bring this up again but just wanted to get some clarity on this if possible.

    How do we control this in a multi pano tour?

    I have roughly the right lookat loading for most panos that load but a certain number of panos end up being backwards. Tour has been created using Panotour pro 2.5 beta but I've been using Krpano for years and have gone into the xml but can't seem to find why the headset would reset just for these particular panos and not for others.

    Also not sure how we can get around this issue. I wish I could post an example but unfortunately whole project is under NDA.


    I'm having the same issue trying to create hotkeys to use a gamepad with the tour

    The main issue is the grabbing the nearest hotspot part

    I want to use get(view.hlookat) and then compare it to the ath value for the hotpsots but easier said then done when dealing with unknown number of hotspots per pano.

    I probably need to use a loop to loop through all available hotspots in a given pano and then calculate which is closer in a clockwise or anti clockwise movement but not quite sure where to start. I'm sure I'll figure it out but it's a bit daunting as although I used to be a regular xml and javascript junkie I'm a bit rusty now.

    What I am surprised about is no one seems to have done this yet so I'll try and share with everyone once I get something working.

    In the mean time if anyone has any handy pointers let me know. *smile*

    Hi Dorin

    Not that Im aware of sorry.

    Thats one of the reasons I developed the old interface that I used on my website to link custom tours into Google Streetview. Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in the master code Google side that causes some browser compatibility issues and the links to custom tours dont always appear, at least that was the case last time I looked.

    Its something I might ask about as some clients dont like the fact the copyright logo is there.


    No table that i'm aware of too many differences really. SachaGriffin's answer isnt strictly correct as there are huge differences between the two.

    Main difference is that Google Business Photos tours appear natively within and are accessible through Google products such as search, maps and street view itself. This has obvious SEO benefits due to increased click through rates etc.

    In terms of interaction yes krpano is ahead of the game but alot of the functionality for krpano I and other maps api developers are trying to recreate such as in video and hotspots etc. theres a way to go but i will be launching a service for Google Business Photos tours soon that adds functionality although it doesnt do this natively within Street view and Maps it still works on private websites and in effect does and hopefully will do, what Krpano does eventually.

    Hope this helps, if your interested in finding out more about Google Business Photos feel free to check out our website at


    Just wondering if this is even possible but if I have for example a krpano tour that I display full screen in an iframe can I then create another version of Krpnao over the top of the iframe contained within a DIV element that I set the wmode to transparent and still control both panos with the mouse? and display additional content such as videos etc.

    Thinking I might need some custom Javascript also if it is possible but have been playing around with no joy so far.

    It would lend itself to some great applications in what I'm currently working on.

    Ps sorry for long time no posting on the forum ;)

    Hi Zephyr

    Thanks :) glad you liked it.

    I saw the weblab example after I had started development. Theres has a number of drawbacks however.

    1) as far as I'm aware, (they may have changed it), it totally utilises Google v3 API for tiled panoramas thereby not allowing for heaps of customisation available through KRPANO
    2) It's not scalable the code for the entire site is one Javascript file it's not Database driven. StreetVisit is database driven with one Javascript file that doesn't need to be rewritten every time a new tour is added.

    If you've got any tours you want to add in let me know *thumbsup*

    Just thought I'd update eveyone I have now made it free to upload single panorama images.

    The best way of doing this at the moment is to upload high quality stiched pano to our site we will then process it using the Krpano multi res droplet tool for inclusion as well as create relevant code for linking back into StreetView.

    Multi Pano Tours can be added also either through direct linking to tour on your server or via the new uplaod facility that will be added to the site shortly.

    This is the area we mainly need to work on streamlining/ organising as additional code is required to be added and code needs to conform to certain factors.

    Please feel free to respond if you want to add a tour and have any further questions. either here on the forum or you can contact me direct


    Yes it is only possible to access custom tours through the interface.

    Even though I've spent time developing this it would be great if Google did finally allow custom virtual tours to be displayed in Street View.

    Who knows perhaps Bing will or Apple when their mapping product comes out.

    Yes getting users to switch from Google maps itself is and will be difficult but through added content in the form of custom tours, if we can get enough of them to make things interesting, I hope it will work.

    Also want to add lots more functionality perhaps making it switchable between Bing maps, where applicable, and Apple's when their product is released.

    There's loads of things I want to eventually add in functionality wise like social elements plugging into Facebooks API perhaps EBAY most definitely Twitter.

    With geolocation information systems GIS and augmented reality being the new buzz words it really does have potential.

    Recently I applied to be a Google approved Photographer for Google Business Photos. Had a really interesting conversation with my contact there. For those not yet aware Google is providing a facility to businesses to have their own tours available in Google Places. I asked my contact if these listings were eventually going to be included in StreetView. But they are not now and he said he didn't know when they would be.

    Not only does Streetvisit provide this functionality now it also does it in a way that is scalable and available to existing tours of many different types whether from krpano users or others. KRpano though I think has the most flexibility and also compatibility as well as functionality.

    With the latest release including video player plugin supported on multi platforms as well as the huge range of additional functionality that Krpano provides having an interface that supports this as opposed to just the custom tour tiles option that Google provide as the main way to add custom content has to be the way forward.

    My goal now is to open this up to the KRpano community as a free service. So anyone out there that wants to start adding tours let me know.

    Hi Everyone

    So been working on an idea for a while now and it's almost where I want it for those of you that want to check it out it's at

    Basically I've built a web interface that allows users to navigate from Google Street View into KrPano Tours and back out again into Street View.

    There's probably a few bugs and fixes to be made so if you spot anything let me know.

    I'm currenty adding other panoramas for other Photographers for £9.99 but want to make this free!!! And think I need some help.

    Basically in order to link to the tours I'm using multires droplet to create tours so that they work on lots of devices platforms then tweaking some of the code inside so user interface is similar to that of streetview + adding a hotspot from initial pano back out into streetview.

    reason I'm currently charging for this is that to get it right I am asking users to upload rectilinears and then I'm manually processing them and adding cutom code.Then uploading to site.

    I don't want to have to do this would rather make it free / small fee for featured tours or other such model.

    There's tonnes of possibilities here and could really grow if everyone started adding their tours to it.

    The site is built in Drupal with custom PHP code linked into backend database for storing tour info. This in turn is linked into the StreetView V3 API via Javascript code.

    Tours are linked to through by URL so could be on any server potentially, although a few code tweaks would be needed for that.

    Please let me know any thoughts.

    Look forward to hearing from you all *smile*

    For anyone that may of looked at this and thought what is he on about - I've fixed it yipeeeee *g*

    for anyone that may look at this and think I'm having that problem here is how I got round it.

    initially i figured it was an inside outside object issue as firfox uses inside and internet explorer and safari use outside this dind't work for me though after another code rewrite to remove swf and recreate the div it was in all way out of my normal programming range but stuggled along and it still didn't work.

    Therefore I hit the drawing board again and decided that in the function I called from the tour xml file in javascript that I'd use the document.getElementById("name").innerHTML and set it to = "hello world";

    low and behold I can now place other stuff back in the div element again without using the innerHTML method which didn't work for what I was trying to place in there.
    It's one of those bugging things though... It works!!! but I don't know why!? I'm one of those people who really likes to know how and why stuff works so will be comming back to this at some point when I've got time but in the meantime if anyone has an explanation great.

    Hi all having a bit of an issue with embedpano and other methods for embedding the Krpano tours I have created.

    The main problem seems to be that I can't embed content in the same div after I have loaded my krpano tour by any of the embed methods.

    Question probably been asked before but is there any way to un embed rather than just change the content in the div.

    Whats really weird is it seems to be browser and operating system dependent.. For example

    Windows 7 - firefox = works
    Windows 7 - safari = doesn't work
    Windows 7 - ie = doesn't work

    Mac Os 10 - safari = works
    Mac Os 10 - ie = unknown
    Mac Os 10 - firefox = unknown

    therefore rewriiten javascript code for my site abouta 100 times looking for problems / work arounds.

    am gonna write some really simple code tomorrow to test just loading a jpg in the div before and after a tour has been loaded in there and will post results..

    Also had problems with the createPanoViewer method in Safari on Windows 7.

    Anyone had any similar issues or know any work arounds

    Will post links to code fragments tomorrow ie Tuesday it's late now and just wanted to get the ball rolling.

    Look forward to hearing from you all

    Hi there I'm experimenting with linking tours together and want to be able to control/effect/change data within a javascript file from an xml file.

    For example I have two tours one which links to a panorama in the other and vice versa I have managed to do this one way through javascript to the xml file but can't figure out the reverse route through javascript prob just tired and not thinking straight
    *confused* *sleeping* *squint* *sleeping* *sleeping*

    Hi downtp

    There's a few ways to do this but need to check with you what exactly you are doing if your creating two seperate objects one an info button the other an info window with one opening and closing opposite to the other there's no probs at all have you looked at the textfield plugin examples of masking and scrollable text are there.

    Check out an example I've used if you like at

    Just adding some code to what you've already created I'd probably use something like this:

    <plugin name="openhelp" align="bottom" blendmode="screen" keep="true" url="tdata/graphics/menu/help.png" onclick="action(opennotice);" x="40" y="10"/>
    <plugin name="notice" width="55%" height="prop" url="tdata/graphics/notice.png" visible="false" onclick="action(closenotice);"/>

    <action name="opennotice">
    set(plugin[openhelp].visible, false);
    set(plugin[notice].visible, true);

    <action name="closenotice">
    set(plugin[openhelp].visible, true);
    set(plugin[notice].visible, false);

    You could create one action to reference called infotoggle or something like that and apply an if statement to toggle between the info button and the notice but as your a beginner the above is prob best option for now. *thumbsup*

    let me know how you get on

    Ok for anyone who might be having the same problem as me or may be likely to until a permanent fix is found the workaround to this involves losing the blend pano effect from the loadpano() command bit of a comprimise but at least things work videos don't all load at once as in previous workaround which reduces processor load and download time significantly.

    I did this by applying an if statement to the adjacent loadpanos that if a particular video was playing not the original then load the next pano without the blend effect and bobs your uncle fannys your aunt it works yippeee but still would prefer the blend effect to actually work after running the playvideo() command.

    If anyone runs into anything similar finds a more permanent fix etc etc feel free to email me


    ZB *cool*

    So I've been contstantly on this as I need it to work it seems that I can get the loadpano cmmand to work

    loadpano(panoramic1.xml) .... this works

    loadpano(panoramic1.xml,null,null,BLEND(1)); .... doesn't work

    It seems to be something about the blend command any ideas anyone as I just keep inching closer I can see that finish line on the horizon


    Hi Klaus

    Sorry for so many posts I've got all the latest versions plugin and player wise but am still suffering with the loadpano command not working after running the playvideo() command any updates anyone may have on this would be greatly appreciated


    Benjamin? You both mentioned that this was working for you now is this the case?

    Have you managed to incorporate the use of the loadpano and playvideo() actions without a crash?
