Posts by Alexey Tkachenko
Hi guys!
I had reports that on some systems people see black screen or black areas instead of pano in Yandex browser. I took my old Win10 laptop, and yes, even
Krpano example Corfu tour has this problem... However, all is OK if I open Corfu tour in Google Chrome on this very same laptop.The latest Krpano version is used, of course.
What could be the reason?
Thanks! -
Can you please share the way you open Krpano tours in VR mode on Vive? Our client has difficulties entering VR mode on his HTC Vive Pro. Please, check out this post:…&threadID=18982
Hi everyone!
We've got some problems viewing Krpano tours using HTC Vive Pro. Our client reports than he can see the tour only 'as flat window/screen' inside VR room. When clicking 'enter VR button' inside vtour skin, nothing happens, the tour stays as flat element on the virtual scren whle Krpano enters 'fake MobileVR' mode.
This happens also with Krpano example tour like Corfu Tour:…-corfu/tour.xml
Has anyone encountered the same problem with HTC Vive Pro and what is the best practice to view Krpano tours on this VR headset?
Any help is highly appreciated!
Seems like 'http to https' redirect issue on your server.
Check out Chrome console:
QuoteVM7:1 Mixed Content: The page at '…bion_beach.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Hi guys.
I've tried today to set up a tour located on a subdomain while tiles are on other subdomain of the same domain. I set up CORS, but then I got an ERROR:
QuoteQuoteVM95:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': Tainted canvases may not be loaded.
I wonder if this is a fundamental rescriction and if not - how to bypass it?
Hi )
As far as I understand it 'calc()' (without semicolon) is a 'parameter in action' while 'calc();' is an action. You can use first one inside comparisons.
see this line in documentation:
The calc(expression) action is a special action that can be only used as parameter when calling other actions or when accessing array elements.
Therefore, 'if(A GT calc(B - 10), do_smth();); is OK and 'if(A GT calc(B - 10); , do_smth(); );' might throw an error.
Or like this one:
set(A, calc(B - 10));
or shorter would be:
calc(A, B - 10); -
Very beautiful locations and pano btw
Hi James)
Just yesterday I had to show 2 variants of the tour from one folder locally. What I do is NOT have index.html in the root folder of the 'testing server.exe (in my case it's renamed 'start.exe'). In this case when you click 'start.exe' it opens a root folder contents in the browser and then I click the needed 'tour.html' to launch it. And then click browser 'back' button to return to index.
See the attached printscreen.
I'm not sure if that's what you need. but it might be helpful
Did you tested this layer on MobileVR or on actual VR (Oculus, HTC)?
I guess this 'VR' setting is not documented because it's a kind of a custom 'tag' to mark some layers.
For example, inside 'webvr.xml' there's a layer named 'webvr_enterbutton' (ENTER VR button). On mobile I can see this layer, of course, it opens Mobile VR settings.
I'm sure this layer is not visible in real VR on HTC, because there only WebGL (and no layers) can be dispayed.
I wanted to check out the trial version and I downloaded the .zip archive (Win 10, 64 bit) and then after unzipping I launch "vrTourSoft.exe" and enter the trial version licence code and press "REGISTER KEY", but nothing happens...
I tried both pasting the license code and typing it manually.
What am I doing wrong?
It's used inside 'webvr_hide_all_non_vr_layers' action inside webvr.xml
this param decides which layers to show in VR mode (on mobile obviously).
I just remember that setting because I bumped into the same issue maybe a year ago. However, I don't see 'selectable' in the Textffield plugin documentation.. Strange..
This combination works here for me:
Codeset(layer[test], type='text', keep=true, handcursor=false, align='center', width=150, height=150, bgcolor=0, bgalpha=0.5, bgroundedge=50, vcenter=true, css='color:white;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center', interactivecontent=true, selectable=true, html='test', bgcapture=true );
Try adding 'selectable' (and perhaps bgcapture=true).