Beiträge von Asperix

    nice tour! i dont like that is forces you into fullscreen mode when entering a new scene. some pcs have a hard time with fullscreen and forcing that to be used could drop the frame rate I would prefere to start in a normal window with a text pop up that clearly shows how to enter fullscreen if desired.

    also the video would be much cooler if when the remote was clicked it zoomed into the actual video screen on the wall and had the movie play there. just my opinion.

    The full screen is my choice ... I do not like Small screen;) for the video in reality TV is right in that position .. leaves the central cabinet.

    Thanks for the comments


    The code simpleviewer pro is this:

    <simpleviewerGallery imagePath="imgallery/"	thumbPath="imgallery/thumb/"	useFlickr="false"	flickrUserName=""	flickrTags=""	enableRightClickOpen="false"	flickrTitleFontSize="24"	flickrTitleFontColor="#FFFF00"	imageNavStyle="CURSOR"	thumbNavStyle="TRIANGLE"	imageNavPadding="0"	dropShadowStrength="0"	useFixedLayout="true"	lockTopStack="false"	lockBottomStack="false"	showDownloadButton="false"	showNavButtons="false"	showAutoPlayButton="false"	showAudioButton="false"	buttonBarHAlign="RIGHT"	floatButtonBar="false"	buttonBarX="400"	thumbPosition="BOTTOM"	thumbColumns="6"	thumbRows="1"	thumbVAlign="CENTER"	thumbFrameStyle="ROUNDED"	thumbHoverFrameWidth="2"	thumbFrameWidth="1"	thumbFrameColor="FF6600"	imageFrameStyle="ROUNDED"	frameWidth="1"	frameColor="FFFFFF"	imageAreaWidth="700"	imageAreaX="80"	thumbFrameHoverColor="FFFFFF"	imageDropShadow="false"	thumbAreaY="560"	thumbAreaX="60"	captionX="80"	titleWidth="450"	thumbWidth="90"	thumbNavColor="FF6600"	thumbNavPadding="30"	buttonBarPadding="0"	showOpenButton="false"	showFullscreenButton="false"	showToolTips="false"	imageAreaY="10"	titleX="0"	titleY="0"	captionY="520"	captionPosition="BOTTOM"	floatCaption="false"	captionTextAlignment="CENTER"	captionWidth="700"	captionHeight="40"	captionPadding="2"	imageNumberFontSize="13"	captionBackOpacity="0"	captionDropShadow="true"	thumbNavHoverColor="FFFFFF"	stageHPadding="0"	stageVPadding="0"	imageTransitionType="SLIDE"	imageTransitionTime="0.8"	thumbDropShadow="false"

    The code for the button is this:

    <plugin name="gallery" url="imgallery/simpleviewer.swf?galleryURL=gallery.xml" visible="false" keep="true" refreshrate="auto" zorder="2"	align="center" edge="center" y="-60" />
    	<plugin name="attfg" align="bottom" x="-220" y="10"	url="d:/kr/skin/tasti.png" crop="570|0|90|30" onovercrop="570|30|90|30"	blendmode="normal" onhover="showtext(get(strings[get(lang)].menu14));"	onclick="showgallery();" zorder="0" keep="true" />
    	<action name="showgallery">if(photog == false, gallery-si(); , gallery-no(); );</action>	<action name="gallery-si">set(plugin[attfg].zorder,10); set(photog,true); set(plugin[gallery].visible,true); fondo1();</action>	<action name="gallery-no">set(plugin[attfg].zorder,0); set(photog,false); set(plugin[gallery].visible,false); fondo0();</action>

    Best Regards

    The tour consists of 49 panoramic 360 ° representing the interior and exterior of the Palace of the Normans in Palermo, home of the ARS. Inside the famous Palatine Chapel, the Hall of Hercules, Red Room, and much more ... be guided by the "golden men" shall live by clicking the tourist trail and places not accessible to the public ...

    Click here

    Welcome your valuable comments .. thanks ..


    Many thanks for the answers.

    But it is since I installed Windows Seven that I have this problem. With XP it worked fine ... swf file that I still work perfect.

    The problem is only with swf and mac, in exe version works ..

    Use / file.png in each folder for menus, hotspots, etc. .. is not acceptable. I try to put the skin folder to another HD to avoid syntax ../../ but hopefully soon the great Klaus solves the bug.


    In the first image no errors, but does not work!

    as shown in second image .. Why?

    placeolders've eliminated using only direct path ... but when I move the swf file to another folder does not work .. not embed files *confused*

    thanks for help

    I want to create dynamic plugin, but does not work with this code ... What's wrong?

    many thanks byebye

    Hello everyone ... year comes to an end .. We exchange greetings ... everyone is on holiday and I, in my small way, I would contribute to cheer with an aerial view of the waterfront winter to 360 degrees of Gioiosa Marea.

    -> Aerial view of waterfront Gioiosa Marea <-

    Unfortunately, the nadir is not that great .. but hiding un'autogru was not easy .. Furthermore, the basket was not stable then there is some inevitable overlap small ... Be patient ;)

    As always your comments are precious ... and good luck ...

    greetings Asperix

    Thanks to Shanti for the original script.

    I did because i needed a change,

    1) Selected to highlight thumb with XML data, because the tour does not always begin with the first image.

    parameter: <NumSelThumb> 1 </ NumSelThumb>
    where 1 equals the number of thumb, starting from 0.

    2) Eliminate size effect.

    I do not know how to center ... are not experts in AS3 .. help would be appreciated ;)

    Modified script with 4 thumbs, start from 2 (1) visible on

    Best regards..