Posts by eliecer
benji33, what version of krpano are you using?
Inside the file combobox.js (~line 11), you can find that formula ( F=Aa(la)*a+1*(ma[1]-ma[0]-28) ) which is the one controlling the width of the pop up menu.
I took a look at the 'skin_updatescroll' action from the vtourskin.xml, what's next?
The only way I made the thumbnails to scroll is using: layer[skin_thumbs].scrollby(-10,0); but this method is not precise due to the size of the screen on mobiles. -
I made the changes, clean the cache, and I am getting the same results.
The following formula is the one creating the mess:
F=Aa(la)*a+1*(ma[1]-ma[0]-28)Another question... once combobox is synchronize with the thumbnails, how to automatically scroll the thumbnails to center the one selected in combobox?
Klaus thanks for your reply. Any walk around?
I am getting a 404 error message with your links. Log out from your Google Account and click the links.
Thanks for the suggestion but I tried that before.
With cbdesignscale="1", the icon/text at the top is fixed but it screws the menu. Check image: -
Any guidance is appreciated.
Following the documentation: Distance from the align point to the edge point.
align: Alignment / origin-point position of the layer / plugin element on the screen.
Possible values: lefttop, left, leftbottom, top, center, bottom, righttop, right, rightbottom - or - no value (empty or null)
The changes made in vtourskin.xml are doing nothing at all. You can change those parameters as your imagination wish and they stay in the same way.
Can someone explains where to change those parameters in order to see the changes? -
Images are not displayed.
I am attaching 3 images of what's happening with combobox on mobiles.
It's creating a huge icon. The menu looks fine once the icon is clicked. How can I change it to a normal size?I am using krpano 1.19 pr3…creenshot_2.png…creenshot_1.png…creenshot_3.png -
I am trying to align the thumbnail icon all the way to the left in order to be the first one. I modify the X value but the icon stays in the same spot. Is the position controlled in any other section of the coding?
I'm using krpano 1.19 pr3 -
Images are missing from your post.
I'm testing the plugin and it looks good so far.
Few questions...
1) How to change the position of the "Menu Icon"? I want to move it up.
2) How to change the position if the "X"? The one used to close the menu.
3) The Side Menu covers the vtourskin, how to put it behind?
4) The mouse over effect showing the thumbnail works locally but not in the web. Sample:
5) How to change the logo for a different image once the side menu is closed?
Thanks in advance.
How to start the autorotation right away?
How to apply different autorotation speed for different scenes? -
I used VTOUR (MULTIRES) to create the tour, and the plugin seems to don't work in that environment.
If I switch it to a single image (as your example), the arrows are displayed. -
I just tried with krpano 1.18.5, and I got the same results. Is this plugin still working or it's depreciated?
I am trying to implement your arrows plugins in krpano 1.19-pr3 and nothing is displayed. Is your plugin compatible with krpano 1.19-pr3 or not yet?