Posts by hyung


    I have a global click event and I want this to be triggered only when clicking DIRECTLY on the panorama.

    -> NOT when clicking on the hotspot (or layer) and bypassing the click event to the panorama.

    The problem is, sometime I have lots of hotspot images ("capture=true" and "onclick" applied) and sometimes these hotspots image hide the screen (especially when viewing on small mobile devices), which blocks users to pan the panorama.

    If I apply "capture=false" to hotspots and click the hotspot, the global click event is triggered too (which I don't want).

    Is there any way to drag the panorama in this case?




    Awesome plugin! I am really enjoying this plugin.

    I think I found out one possible bug?

    Scene points have three states - start, viewed, active.

    These states seem to work fine except for the first loaded panorama.

    For example from the example above


    If I have load "Living Room" as my first loading panorama,

    The status of "Living Room'"s scene point of turns to "active" (green).

    However, if I load another panorama, the status of "Living Room'"s scene point of turns to "start"(red) instead of "viewed"(gray).

    When I load "Living Room" again and then another panorama (in thise case "Corridor"), the status of "Living Room" turns to "viewed"(gray), which is as expected.

    This happens to my tours too.

    Can you please check this?



    Hello Klaus,

    Sorry I think I made my code was too short.

    Please refer to the code below (which is more similar to my actual code)

    I have a style and several hotspots which use this style:

        <style name="polygonal_hs"
            blink_on="tween(fillalpha, 1, 0.5,, blink_off());"
            blink_off="tween(fillalpha, 0.3, 0.5,, blink_on());"
            fillcolor="0xffff00" fillalpha="0.30"
            bordercolor="0xffff00" borderalpha="0.80"

        <hotspot name="h1_t" style="polygonal_hs" >
            <point ath="-72.9589" atv="-30.4572" />
            <point ath="-70.4091" atv="-27.2998" />
            <point ath="-67.2064" atv="-31.3229" />
            <point ath="-59.0580" atv="-16.6194" />
            <point ath="-55.6416" atv="-18.9404" />
            <point ath="-64.4720" atv="-33.8924" />
            <point ath="-59.5064" atv="-37.4353" />
    -        <point ath="-63.7152" atv="-42.0385" />

        <hotspot name="h2_e" style="polygonal_hs">
            <point ath="-56.6233" atv="-37.5551" />
            <point ath="-48.2821" atv="-21.7764" />
            <point ath="-40.4096" atv="-22.5966" />
            <point ath="-40.1212" atv="-27.2638" />
            <point ath="-47.2280" atv="-26.8896" />
            <point ath="-48.2008" atv="-29.8786" />
            <point ath="-45.2454" atv="-31.7670" />
            <point ath="-47.3317" atv="-35.2486" />
            <point ath="-49.3959" atv="-33.4768" />
            <point ath="-51.9742" atv="-36.4485" />
            <point ath="-48.7434" atv="-39.6989" />
            <point ath="-52.2168" atv="-43.0692" />

        <hotspot name="h3_x" style="polygonal_hs">
            <point ath="-49.2304" atv="-45.3128" />
            <point ath="-37.9226" atv="-38.2654" />
            <point ath="-37.0980" atv="-22.9855" />
            <point ath="-31.1866" atv="-24.5562" />
            <point ath="-31.6545" atv="-35.9112" />
            <point ath="-21.0987" atv="-26.9081" />
            <point ath="-13.3231" atv="-28.9798" />
            <point ath="-29.6066" atv="-41.6111" />
            <point ath="-28.5883" atv="-56.1656" />
            <point ath="-36.9412" atv="-52.3019" />
            <point ath="-36.4842" atv="-43.3404" />
            <point ath="-45.5119" atv="-48.8976" />

    When I mouse over on any of the hotspots, I want all hotspots' blink tween to be stopped and then start again when I mouse out.

    First I have tried this code which works only with one single hotspot instead of all hotspots.

        <action name="stop_blink1">
            for(set(i,0), i LT hotspot.count, inc(i), 
                if(hotspot[get(i)].style == "polygonal_hs",                
        <action name="restart_blink1">
            for(set(i,0), i LT hotspot.count, inc(i), 
                if(hotspot[get(i)].style == "polygonal_hs",                

    And when I use callwith function instead of hotspot.action() style, everything works fine.

        <action name="stop_blink2">
            for(set(i,0), i LT hotspot.count, inc(i), 
                if(hotspot[get(i)].style == "polygonal_hs",                
    callwith(hotspot[get(i)], stop_animation);
        <action name="restart_blink2">
            for(set(i,0), i LT hotspot.count, inc(i), 
                if(hotspot[get(i)].style == "polygonal_hs",                
    callwith(hotspot[get(i)], blink_on);

    Can you exaplain the difference?

    Maybe I should try to use callwith function whenever possible? (instead of hotspot.action())




    I have mutiple hotspots with custom action.


    <hotspot name="hs1" custom_action=".." />

    <hotspot name="hs2" custom_action=".." />

    <hotspot name="hs3" custom_action=".." />


    And I want to call these custom_action inside an action.

    <action name="action1">

            for(set(i,0), i LT hotspot.count, inc(i), 


    However in this case, only one hotspot's custom_action is called.

    When I change the code from



    callwith(hotspot[get(i)], custom_action);

    It works fine -> all hotspots' custom_action are called.

    Can somebody explain why?

    Maybe I should always use callwith() function instead of hotspot.action() style?



    Hi! I have one more question!

    I have just found out that clicking on any area inside Grid Menu area closes the Grid Menu.

    I need the "close" event of the Grid Menu. (for toggling some other menu icon)

    The simplest solution seems to be an setting for not closing the grid menu when clicking on empty area,

    but I don't this setting is supported.

    Would this be possible?

    Thank you!


    Thank you jeromebg!

    I have one more question.

    I have added "skin_hideskin()" action to your "ondown" event. (so that krpano's UI and the plugin's UI don't overlap)

    <layer name="skin_btn_thumbs"    style="skin_base|skin_glow" crop="0|128|64|64"  align="left"        x="50"   y="0"  scale="0.5" ondown="skin_showmap(false); rg_show_thumbs_grid(true);skin_hideskin();" />

    And now I wish to call "skin_showskin()" when clicking the down arrow of Responsive Grid Menu plugin.

    Would this be customizable too?

    Best Regards,



    I am really enjoying this plugin!

    I want to use this plugin together with krpano's default vrtourskin.

    -> When click "thumbs" icon in the krpano's default skin, open this plugin (instead of krpano's vrtourskin thumbnails)

    Would this customization be possible?

    Best Regards,



    Recently I created VR Tour which consist mainly of 360 videos.

    I don't why but I get following errors when swtiching to (from) VR Mode.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'posterDOM')
    at $a (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:259574)
    at da (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:267644)
    at ia.renderpano (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:319093)
    at Q.renderview (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:189959)
    at of (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:41817)
    at b (eval at r (tour.js:6:368), <anonymous>:3:433895)

    This is one of my 360 videos:

    SRT 신규노선 홍보 VR 콘텐츠

    and the following is my 360 video scene code (nothing special):

    Maybe there's something wrong with my 360 video?

    Any comment would be appreciated.



    I just came across an issue with soundinterface's oncomplete event.

    I have a simple hotspot which plays a sound.

    I wish to pass arguments (var1, var2) in "hs_clicked" action to "on_complete2" action.

    However, soundinterface 'oncomplete' seems to work differently from tween 'donecall'.

    Is there any way to pass parameters via playsound's oncomplete action?
