Beiträge von AGRID


    I try to developp a video player plugin, and it works perfectly... but :
    When I close my video player without stopping the video, the video disappear but the sound still continue???

    I try to use removeplugin without results...

    Someone to help me ???



    Thanks jarredia, i know this post...

    But my question is about a textfield, where the visitor have to write his name and email (contact form)... when the fullscreen is "off" no problem, i can't write anything I want... but when the fullscreen is "on", no issue I can't write anything...

    I don't think it's a limitation of Flashplayer, but I can't find the reason or my error ???

    Someone help???


    I create a contact form in as3, and it work well when I'm not in fullscreen... but when I try to use it in fullscreen, it's impossible to edit the textfield of my form?? anybody know issue, is it like shift and ctrl button a limitation of flashplayer in fullsscreen???

    Thanks for your help,


    Hello everybody,

    I'm trying to developp too a plugin to creat a menu, and I have one question, anybody can help me??
    I want to scale up all the buttons of my menu when the mouse is hover one of these buttons, ans scale down when the mouse is out of the menu...
    but I don't know how the code it ? somebody has solution?

    I want to creat this effect in as3, cause I know I can creat scale up and down in the xml plugin, but it's not very beautiful...



    Hi Klaus,

    One question about your imagegallery :

    I try to make an action which hide the thumbar AND the images, but I can't find the right code...

    <action name="end">

    I try some set setting, but always my images stay on my screen, I just can make the thumbar visible=""false" ... Can U help for an action which close all the thumbar and images too!

    Thanks and GREAT update,


    I try to embed all my files (xml, png & jpg) in one swf file with krprotect, but I've got the same problem anything I do :
    Only one of my jpg images can't be embed on my embed file .swf. This file is in this example "logototo.jpg".
    I put it on a textfield like the example of Klaus, the code is

    <data name="html_infos"> 
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/logototo.jpg"/></a><br/> 
    Les images peuvent illustrer votre visite, ou servir de lien vers un panorama ou vers un site.<br/> 
    Dans cet exemple, cliquer sur l'image revient à ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre notre page d'accueil toto.<br/> 

    But it doesn't work...
    Anyone can help me, I don't understand where is the problem???

    Thanks, Agrid.