Beiträge von Astroman

    Hello, I am using the transition script provided by Klaus.
    I wanted to know how cld I set a new startviewhlookat for the transition script to a scene so that I can walk for and back through a tour and have the right direction. The quick and dirty thing wld be to copy the same scene and set the startview.

    Hach ne simple Frage ;)
    Wie kann ich ein Preview Pano ausrichten, also im Moment springt es, d.h. es wird geladen und das "richtige" Pano hat einen "lookat". Leider funktioniert das irgendwie nicht mit dem Preview. Der Lookat hat leider bei mir keinen Effekt auf die Ausrichtung des Preview Panoramas.


    <original pano>

    Habt Ihr nen Tipp?!

    Hello Michel, that works absolut perfect!
    Many thanks. Can I ask about this:
    tween(area.height, get(stageheight),,,WAIT);

    When doing it without ",,,WAIT);" the "tour" shakes a little and starts tweening - working with "wait" makes all smooth.
    So for what is the ",,,WAIT);"?


    Hello, I wld like to know if there is a possibility that the area scales via tween to 100% when resetting the predefinded area.

    <action name="reset_and tween_area_size">
    set(area.x, 0%);
    set(area.y, 0%);
    tween(area.width, 100%);
    tween(area.height, 100%);
    if( area_vars.border.value == false, reset_border(););

    In this way the area tweens from upper left corner over the whole screen, I wld like to have an animation that scales the area that it fits the screen from the before setted area. So I want to use it as an animation that while the tour is loading a static images shows up and after loading is done and mouse click, the area grows to full stage and you can navigate through the tour.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hallo Ice, ja das ist wohl wahrlich die einfachste Lösung. Ich bin so fasziniert alles schön auszulagern, ich dachte das geht auch irgendwie mit simplen Mitteln und ich habe nur ein "Syntax Problem" *confused* .

    Hello, my first posting here (yippie).
    I want to link "flyout" Images to scenes.The easiest way is to put that into the <scenes> </scenes> without a keep="true". I have a seperate flyout.xml and thougth I cld do this with the parent="..." tag. I wld like to do this in that way parent="scene1" but that didn´t work. Can someone push me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance.