Will test it later.
Will test it later.
Is there any way to run offline a tour on a Chrome OS computer? I need to accomplish that for a trade show next week.
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone!
Recently we programmed a few virtual tours that work flawlessly on desktop computers but have a strange behavior on android devices. The site on which the tours are embedded recognizes the tour as pdf files, any idea about what could be happening?
The link to the site is:
Thanks in advance.
I appreciate your input, but haven´t been able to make it work yet. Will keep you informed.
Hi everyone!
I´m aware it´s been asked before but, do you know any workaround to display a Fancybox iframe while a tour is in fullscreen mode?
I wouldn´t want to program by hand a slideshow that can be easily called using Fancybox.
Link to tour which presents the issue:
Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone.
I have a client that for security reasons would prefer his virtual tour to be run inside a folder created and shared using MS OneDrive. The problem we are facing is that HTML files can´t start the Java Script from KrPano (I´m attaching screenshot). Has anyone encountered this problem before? How do you suggest we solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone!
I have published a simple tour using hotspots to display JPG images but it isn´t working on all devices. As far as I´ve asked, the non working environment is Windows 10 with IE. This si the tour´s link: l . Is there any work around to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I get a "Access Denied! message. As if I did´t have permission to view the html file containing the tour.
Hola Todos!
Today I found out that the latest Chromium build is not compatible with VR tours, as previous versions.
Does anyone know if there is a list of the currently compatible browser to show panoramas as VR content?
Thanks in advance
This is what we use:
<krpano version="1.18" title="CECC" onstart="startup();" idletime="75">
<events onidle="skin_nextscene_loop(+1);set(autorotate.enabled,true);" />
The "skin_nextscene_loop" is borroed directly from the default skin xml.
Will share a piece of code:
You can add a variable to your hotspot:
<!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
<hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-38.577" atv="12.473" linkedscene="scene_34" lookx="-120" looky="-10"/>
And a piece of code to you hotspot style:
<style name="skin_hotspotstyle" url="flecha1.png" scale="0.4" edge="center" oy="0" distorted="true"
onclick="if(linkedscene, skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); lookto(get(ath),0,70); loadscene(get(linkedscene),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_updatescroll(); lookat(get(lookx), get(looky), 110.0););"
onloaded="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, if(linkedscene, copy(tooltip,scene[get(linkedscene)].title); loadstyle(skin_tooltips); )); sub(rx,90,atv);"
Thanks Benji33.
Will give it a try as soon as 1.19 arrives!
there will be very soon a pre-release of krpano version 1.19 (I'm already preparing the release) - and this version will have direct WebVR and Cardboard support.
Does that mean that we will be able to watch panos directly on a MAC/DK2?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I´ve already tried that plugin:
But it saves that hotspots on a single scene, and I need a plugin that can save the new image hotspots over different scenes without loosing configuration.
Very, very nice!
Hi everyone,
I need a plugin for a client that won´t have programminug skills. It must:
1. work over a multiscen xml file.
2. be able to import external images as hotspots, place them on a specific scene and adjust scale/distortion of the image. If possible the images will be located on a subfolder of the tour folder.
3. save the xml file to be read only (non editable version or version that does´t load the editor plugin).
4. if possible, disable the plugin inserted hotspots, so they won´t be clickable but retain the previously (arrow navigation) hotspots clickable.
Please, contact me by PM for questions or quotes.
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone.
I need to insert image hotspots in various scenes in a virtual tour. The editor plugin seems to do the job fine for a single scene, so now I´m wondering if there is a plugin available that can do the same job on a multiscene pano, or if a plugin can be developed for this use.
Thanks in advance.
I´ve just ried it and it´s amazing! Thanks a lot.
Hi everyone!
I would like to know if anyone here has programmed a kiosk like this one:…FC8E8Ng&index=6
It consists of a touchscreen to control a videowall showing panoramas. I would like to control a similar videowall but use an iPad instead, like this:…lsUs8noTFC8E8Ng but not in mirror mode.
Thanks in advance.