Posts by Blochi

    This is super cool.

    Is there a way to show a different pano behind the 3d object?
    The "depthmap.background" attribute seems to hint at something like this. I wish it would have an option to point to another krpano object. Maybe the "none" option (render background empty) could be used to make a panorama on a layer behind visible (is there something like that?). And would I have to manually synchronize 2 viewing cameras then? It feels hacksy....

    Anyone done this before?
    Show a different pano behind the distorted one?
    Or layer multiple 3d panos together?

    great thread!

    Klaus, how is the depthmap coming along?

    I know a few tricks on how to bake depth maps for my panos, and would like to experiment.

    Think if the tx ty tz coordinates would be Camera-Local coordinates instead of World coordinates, we could setup a neat effect. Camera would swivel around a center point, and with a depth-distorted sphere that could give a very sweet parallax shift.

    Damn you Klaus,

    You got me all excited with the fading slider demo, and then I look at the XML and I discover that you abused 6 giant image hotspots as cubefaces for the secondary panorama.

    Don't even waste your time on making such a hack a demo, please. I need real panorama layers. I really really need them. Apparently the performance is there, just no mechanism to actually pull it off right.

    There's a million applications. Fake Exposure fading (ala ADR), Day/Night blending, Before/After, all sorts of stuff. Here is one example that I was just working on, where I'm trying to compare the West Rongbuk Glacier in the Himalaya between 1921 and 2010. As Gigapixel, serving Zoomify tiles.…Rongbuk_Glacier

    Click the Clock icon and you can switch. But it's not smooth, because these damn tiles don't stay in memory. I have to switch XMLs and it keeps reloading. The best I can do is to have the transition wait until the new tiles are loaded, and then do a smooth fade. But that takes forever, up to the point where it's confusing for the user.

    Please, please, put real panorama layers on top of your list. The scenes are a good start. Now let me show multiple XMLs in sync, with Alpha and blending modes. Some great experiments could be done when I can make them spin at lower rate, resulting in a Parallax scrolling effect.

    Christian Bloch

    Wenn dir Deutsch lieber ist, können wir wir das auch gerne in Deutsch ausdiskutieren, ich steh in jedem Fall zur Verfügung wenn du Fragen hast ....

    Thanks Castellonis for bringing this up. *g*

    And yes, I would love to stick with krpano, because I love the customization features. But I would need some way of showing an HDR.

    Either by supporting JPEG-XR, so I can use the HDView tiles like I use Zoomify tiles for the other Gigas. Or by letting me do multiple pano layer, with a blending mode and event integration. Would also need to have a display pixel value picker, that I can use to trigger events and tweens. Or a mask that can be moved to show a different pano, that would especially be interesting to X-Ray the old glacier photos...

    Big or biggest krpano fan?

    Ah, wie schön mal zur Abwechslung was in Deutsch zu posten :)

    Kann ich mit KRPano auch zwei Panos gleichzeitig anzeigen? Ich weiss dass ich von einem zum anderen umblenden kann, was auch prima funzt bei Hotspots. Nur wuerd ich das gern mit Splitscreen oder einer Overlay Maske die dem Mauspfeil folgt, machen.

    Etwa so wie hier:…adAdd&boardID=5
    Oder hier:

    Geht sowas?


    very nice.

    What I'm trying to achieve is something more like this: (Skip's Ditch shows the effect pretty well...)

    I'm trying to achieve real HDR with auto-exposure, not just a tonemapped version. Again, I would be fine with selectively blending 2 different panos like in Spy-V's ADR method - this would actually give me more flexibility, because I could show the original middle exposure in a loupe overlay...

    Hope it's OK when I sketch out how I would imagine this to work:

    1. Basic feature would be the ability to load 2 or more panos at the same time.

    2. Blending modes.
    3. A method to tween the blend and transparency of layers.
    4. Some method to get a grey value from a low-res B/W panorama, that is left invisible. This would the my driver, that I can use to change the blending.

    Would also be cool to use a circle mask attached to mouse coords, to blend one pano over the other... like a torchlight.

    Love KTpano so far. The fisheye view is amazing....
    The only one thing I'm missing is some way of showing my HDR panoramas. Either by supporting a WDP image pyramid (like HDView) or the ability to display two panoramas blended on top of each other (like the ADR mode in spy-v).

    What do you think?
    Christian Bloch