I want to open a tour directly into vr mode (without having to press the vr goggles icon in the bottom menu) on a mobile phone using a QR code.
Is this possible and can anyone tell me how to do it ?
I want to open a tour directly into vr mode (without having to press the vr goggles icon in the bottom menu) on a mobile phone using a QR code.
Is this possible and can anyone tell me how to do it ?
Hey I want the job of the guy that's stood next to the water wheel with his pipe
Great tour. What software did you do all your 3d in? Looks like a fair bit of work.
Thanks Andrew.
Yes it did take some time to build. I made it in 3dmax, rendered in stereoscopic using Vray.
It was tricky to decide on the output render size : keeping the scenes as sharp as possible in VR whilst retaining smooth movement and transitions around the tour.
I think next time i may try a lower resolution as the graphics do drag a bit in the oculus and i'm not sure if i found the optimal output size for the devices graphics capabilities.
Anyway i like the new version krpano VR mode, now with a proper pointer for navigation, it's a lot better than before.
no problem.
i've just copied the entire tour contents to a newly built vtour made in the new version and it works again.
phew !
a year or so ago the oculus go browser stopped working with VR. Klaus then wrote a fix as follows:
<events webvr_onentervr="set(display.framebufferscale,0.9); delayedcall(0.1, tween(display.framebufferscale,1.0); );" />
This worked fine for a while but now once again VR has stopped working in my Oculus Go browser, no doubt because of another oculus update.
I understand the latest krpano version has sorted all the oculus problems out now but is there any way to fix my existing tour (built in version 1.19-pr16) by adding some fix scripting anywhere or maybe by replacing some of the js files for newer ones ??
Perhaps this has something to do with WebVR - WebXR ?
I'm dreading to have to go back and rebuild the entire tour using the latest krpano version.
this is the tour in question. Works fine on the desktop still.
please help !
tell a lie ....
i think it might have done the trick.
great job Klaus as always.
<events webvr_onentervr="set(display.framebufferscale,0.9); delayedcall(0.1, tween(display.framebufferscale,1.0); );" />
i've pasted in your 'quick fix' above into the webvr.xml inside the 'plugins' folder but its not fixing the problem for me in my oculusGo.
i'm getting the VR split screen appearing in the left eye view only (nothing on the right side)
not sure what do do next now? have i missed a step?
i would very much appreciate any advice please
this is the tour in question.
thanks for your reply Klaus and sorry to push for your reply, its just that i have a cliet waiting for my response and i wouldnt want to advise my client to buy an SSL certificate only to find the VR button still didnt appear afterwards.
So the consequence of the chrome update and no gyro support on http would be that the VR button is no longer showing on a mobile then ?
The host where this button is missing is http and the one where it is still visible is https.
but then the VR icon does still appear on the http site when viewed on desktop.
So the VR button would disappear on a mobile when there's no gyro support ?
thanks for your help on this,
thats interesting.
so would the consequence of that be that the VR button is no longer showing (in a non https environment on a mobile) do you think ?
recently the VR icon that allows you to switch to VR mode on a mobile device has disappeared from the menu when viewing my tour with a chrome browser on android.
it still appears with different browsers and when viewed on the desktop with a computer.
can anyone advise what may have happened and how i might correct this problem please.
even more strangely the menu does appear (using chrome android) with the same tour but when hosted on a different server. the only difference is that the one where the menu button is invisible is launching from a server via an .htaccess file.
any help welcome
that did it.
ps: obviously i am talking about it non-VR mode..
i tried calling it in the main xml as an action like this but with no luck ...
<action name="soundicon">
spot anything wrong ?
just something new that has come up ...
i would like to remove the sound speaker icon from the menu bar which i guess is buried in one of the xml files. These are all encrypted though. is there a way for me to do this ?
thanks for your reply.
i'm not going to bother with it as it plays perfectly on the oculus and on your system you tell, me so lets leave it.
thanks for replying so quickly though, much appreciated.
nice plugin too.
interesting ...
i'm using windows7 with google chrome.
how odd ?
i've just viewed it in oculus go and the problem does not exist in the oculus browser.
that is good as its meant for that.
i would like to get it working for chrome though ... any ideas ?
hi there,
this is the link to take a look
the sound that wont go away is the snoring sound in the opening scene. it remains through the whole tour.
i'm testing it using chrome
not sure what you mean by a multimedia blockade ?
so i'm trying to stop a directional sound playing when leaving a scene.
the plugin edit tool has given me the following script that i have entered into my tour and that works fine.
<scene_id name="scene_museum">
<sound name="snoresound" audiofile="snore" ath="-179.83182405713566"
atv="20.428189372766735" range="180" rate="1.0"
vol="0.7" type="ambient" />
all the other directional sounds in the following scenes end when i leave them .. all besides this one sound in the first scene.
i want to force it to stop when i leave the scene
i tried to put in an event including the line onloadcomplete="Html5Soundstop(snoresound)" into the next scene but
this hasn't worked.
Can anyone tell me how i can stop the sound once i've left the 'scene_museum' please....
just tried it.
Fantastic !
it works better than my previous method of viewing in chrome through the gear. much smoother movement.
thanks for that.
i will put the mini USB back and give it a try out.