Ok nice to solve my own problem: I got the brilliant (ahum) idea to define width and height of the images. Well, that works. Jeej!
Autoheight now works, so my first question is still the same: is it possible to 'preload' the textfield-image?
Ok nice to solve my own problem: I got the brilliant (ahum) idea to define width and height of the images. Well, that works. Jeej!
Autoheight now works, so my first question is still the same: is it possible to 'preload' the textfield-image?
Ok, Tuur showed me how to solve this bug of the not-showing images: When I add a <br /> before my image, my image is showing. This means I always have a 'margin' above my image :(. Thx Tuur! Can this be solved please?
Autoheight problem stays: When I have add image and text next to it, my textfield is not resizing for the whole image, only the text fits. How can this be done? It looks like the image loads later, and because of that the height of the field is not being calculated. Sometimes it is going well (I don't know when, it appears to me the image is loading sometimes, and sometimes not :(). Is there someone with a solution?
Of course I can add <br />, but when someone has another font, maybe the <br /> is not doing well.
Ok nice. I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to a higher krpano version, so I updated to 16.9. Now my images are not showing anymore at all. Nothing changed to the code.
Any ideas?
My data file looks like this:
I have a textfield and loading information from an external file. The images are not showing up quickly, so after the textfield is loaded, the image will show up. Is it possible to preload the images or something? Or is it possible to show the textfield when the image is fully loaded (which is less responsive of course :()?
The image also loads slow when it's already loaded.
Another question: how can I get autoheight working? The textfield is a 'standard' height (around 300 pixels?) and autoheight does not work at all :(. Here is my code:
set(plugin[showinfo].width, 400);
set(plugin[showinfo].align, lefttop);
set(plugin[showinfo].x, get(showinfo_x));
set(plugin[showinfo].y, get(showinfo_y));
set(plugin[showinfo].alpha, 0);
if(onDragStart!==null, onDragStart() );
copy(showinfo_x, x);
copy(showinfo_y, y);
if(drag_currentx == plugin[showinfo].x,
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(a trace shows me the height is null:
trace("Height = ", get(plugin[showinfo].height));
I have tested Chrome and Firefox in Ubuntu and there the contextmenu was working fine.
Basically the contextmenu should work in every HTML5 browser that sends the "contextmenu" event on right-click...Best regards,
Hmm I think I turned off right click context menu change by javascript. And that's what basically happens I think. Ok, clear to me!
Is it correct that I have no (right click) context menu in Chromium on Linux when I type ?html5=prefer behind the url?
No. When you zoom in, it will only zoom in to the middle. You can't see the sides anymore. When you try to drag the object (car) to the side, it will turn around.
The 'real' krpano object movie will when zoomed in not turn, but you can drag the object to the left or right (or up/down, etc). So you can also see the corners of the object.
I'll explain it in our native language:
Weetjewat, ik leg het ff in het Nederlands uit. Als je die auto van jouw voorbeeldlinkjes inzoomt, dan zoomt ie in naar het midden. Als je dan de zijkanten wil zien kan dat niet, want als je probeert te 'draggen' gaat ie meteen draaien. Als je met wat Klaus ooit heeft gemaakt een object movie inzoomt en dan naar een zijkant wil kijken, dan kun je het object gewoon opzij draggen. Hij gaat dan niet verder draaien. Dus je kunt dan ook de hoeken van het object zien als je ingezoomd bent in plaats van alleen maar het midden. Snap je het nou?
If you don't understand, I have to show you next tuesday ;).
Thanks Tuur, I know, but it works different. When zoomed in and trying to move the object, it's turning around. When you do that on the 'desktop' version, the object is moving. With the html5-version, you only zoom in in the middle and you can't see the sides when zoomed in.
Besides, would be nice if I don't have to write the code again for html5 (have to do that a little bit of course, but not the whole code).
Looks great, I will test the WebGL function shortly. Was waiting for that for a long time!! Thanks a lot!!
Object movies for html5 not yet supported or didn't I read well?
Edit: works like a charm on Android standard browser!! And I really like the scrollarea plugin.
The code in your updated version is a little bit different than the code in this topic? You didn't add the 'sub' and 'div'. Is this not needed?
Thank you for changing the code. I hope I will get the resizable hotspots (interactive areas) done.
Then what is the action 'updateframesize'?
Or do you mean the autoscale for hotspots (interactive area's in my case ;))?
If you made one and would like to share it also, you're welcome ;).
Is it possible to zoom? Or do they get scaled automatically and is zooming not possible anymore?
I'm also curious what happens when the image is scaled and there is an interactive area on top of it. I hope that one is scaled too. ;) I'm afraid I have to ask my friend to help with that code.
Thank you very much for your code! I will try to make some interactive area's together with this. Hope that's possible.
Thanks a lot, I needed this! If I get the money from the customer, I will also give you some ;) (can take some time, this project started in April ;)).
I don't understand why it's so needed to use the CSS 3D transformations? For example Pano2VR has other possibilities for html5 (also for objecti movies). Why isn't that an option?
On the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 you see small white lines between the cube faces (html5 css 3d transformations).
Ok, I solved it (don't know about tweentype, but the NaN-error is gone):
<action name="loadnextscene">
set(scenename, get(scene[get(sceneloaded)].name));
if (sceneloaded == '8'
loadscene('get(scenename)', null , KEEPALL,BLEND(1)));
Looks like krpano html5 doesn't like adding a number to a string (txtadd(tmp, 'scene', 'get(sceneloaded)');
Another question: when clicking on 'next', the screen on the ipad gets black and then blends the next scene. Why does it not blend like on the pc?
I made a panorama with 8 scenes. When trying to load the next scene, I get the error 'loadscene() - scene "NaN" not found. Only on the iPad, the desktop version (using exactly the same code) works well.
<action name="loadnextscene">
txtadd(tmp, scene, get(sceneloaded));
set(nextscene, get(tmp));
if (nextscene == scene9
loadscene(get(nextscene), null , KEEPALL));
trace('nextscene= ', nextscene);
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I also get a warning: tween type '' not found - using 'easeOutQuad' instead!
I have to find out where it comes from, I have some textfields with tweens and plugins, but I think I didn't set any tweentype. Is setting a tweentype required in the iPad version? I also don't get this error on the desktop (oh and I had that tweens before, only in the first scene, and didn't get the error, strange?).
Does somebody know what's wrong? Oh, the names of my scenes are scene1 to scene8 ;).
Today I read that Adobe also stops flash support for Android 4.1. And from August 15th it's not possible to download flash for Android anymore at all.
So it starts to get 'urgent' to get krpano working on Android ;). Maybe without the CSS 3D transitions, I think there are other ways (Pano2VR has something without the 3D transitions that might also work, and that works on the desktop).