Beiträge von Dr. Schneckem


    I have tiles named like this:


    I can't figure out the right syntax.

    ./kmaketiles l1_b_%0v%0h.jpg retiled.tif 0

    doesn't work, just like

    ./kmaketiles l1_%_%0v0h.jpg retiled.tif 0

    or anything else I tried. I always get this:
    ERROR: unable to open inputimage l1_%_%0v0h.jpg

    What´s my mistake?

    Actually it isn't as simple as I thought it is, because the buttons disappear when switching to fullscreen mode.

    This is my current code:

    So if anybody knows how to fix it, let me know. *smile*

    Okay, it's really simple:




    By setting native="false" it would be possible to use the iPad-style combobox also on Desktop.

    doesn't work in my example. There's just the normal flash combobox. What's wrong?

    <plugin name="navibox" url="../plugins/combobox.swf" alturl="../plugins/combobox.js" align="leftbottom" x="10" y="10" onloaded="action(navibox);" native="false" keep="true" />
    <action name="navibox">       
        addIdItem(item1, 'Zimmer', 		loadscene(zimmer1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1)); 		);		
        addIdItem(item2, 'Küche', 		loadscene(kueche, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));		);
        addIdItem(item3, 'Wohnzimmer', 	loadscene(wohnzimmer, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));	);
        addIdItem(item4, 'Deck', 		loadscene(deck1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));		);

    You can call an onstart action like this:

    <krpano version="" onstart="action(onstart);" >
    <action name="onstart">
    if(stagewidth LT 1024,
       set(progress.showload,bar(top center,100%,10,0,11));

    It will edit the settings of the progress bar like defined in the set() action if the stage width is lower than 1024 pixels.

    I was looking for a possibility to write text from a panorama to a file on the user's computer and found Downloadify, which can do this via JavaScript. So I have this code to add to the panorama.html:

    And this for the panorama.xml:

    <plugin name="save" url="save.png" onclick="js( load(get(variable1), get(variable2)) );" />

    As I don't need the <form> I deleted it, but now (I guess) I have to rewrite these lines in the <body>:

    return document.getElementById('filename').value;
    return document.getElementById('data').value;

    ...but I don't know how. Can you help me? I'm sure it's very simple, but I couldn't manage to get it work.

    It just calls action(test2) but it doesn't loop. Where is the mistake?

    <action name="test">
    	loop(1 LT 2, action(test2);     );
          <action name="test2">
    	delayedcall(2,	set(view.fov, 15);     );	
    	delayedcall(4,	set(view.fov, 70);     );

    Hope it helps

    Unfortunately not. I use the gyro.js from the krpano site so it should be the newest version. I tried some combinations with putting it in different folders and the different xmls of the tour but none of it worked. It didn't work in a single panorama as well. I just don't get it. *confused*