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Bottom Menu Plugin menu_bottom.xml XML-only Plugin
for Flash and HTML5
by Umalo -


It's very simple to create your own bottom menu. Define menu items in xml file, include provided xml file in your main xml and that's it. If you want to make your own design play with prepared attributes and come to menus you like.

This is a xml-only plugin. No SWF files are provided or needed. Just store the menu_bottom.xml next to your main xml file and include it.

From example folder also copy/paste following folders in your project: /menu_bottom and /plugins (if you are not using default krpano gui - scrollarea.swf and textfield.swf are needed).

Syntax / XML Usage Example

Example on how to include plugin in your main xml:
<krpano .... >
    <!-- include the bottom menu -->
    <include url="menu_bottom.xml" /> 

Example on how to adapt menu itemas / bottom of the bottom_menu.xml:
     <group name="menu">
        <group name="menu_item_1" item_text="• Menu item #01" linkedscene="scene_01" />
        <group name="menu_item_2" item_text="• Menu item #02" linkedscene="scene_02" />
        <group name="menu_item_3" item_text="• Menu item #03" linkedscene="scene_03" />
        <group name="menu_item_4" item_text="• Menu item #04" linkedscene="scene_04" />
        <group name="menu_item_5" item_text="• Menu item #05" linkedscene="scene_05" /> 
  . add how many elements you want

Example on how to adapt color sheme for predefined color sets / bottom of the bottom_menu.xml:
     <group name="menu_item_background">
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_1" value="0x7b7b7b" />
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_2" value="0x90B6DB" />
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_3" value="0xf19434" />
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_4" value="0x632e2e" />
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_5" value="0xFFFFFF" />
        <group name="item_bcg_color_set_6" value="0x375b5b" />           

Plugin Settings

BottomMenu has predefined settings you can change as you like to make your own version that fits to your design:
<menu_settings   menu_height="434"       -> Menu width in px
    menu_width="279"                     -> Menu width in px
    menu_parent="skin_control_bar"       -> Assign menu parent
    menu_color_set="1"                   -> Choose 1-6 predefined color sets
    menu_color_text="color:#FFFFFF"      -> Menu text color normal
    menu_color_text_over="color:#000000" -> Menu text color over
    menu_item_background_alpha="0.5"     -> Menu item background normal
    menu_item_background_alpha_over="1"  -> Menu item background over
    menu_slider_graphic_alpha="0.7"      -> Graphic transparency
    menu_itemheight="25"                 -> Menu item height
    menu_itemdistance="5"                -> Distance between menu items                
    menu_overscroll="0"                  -> Overscroll 0-1 (from Krpano1.17)                                  
    menu_hoverscroll="false"             -> Mouse hover scrolling true/false
    menu_start_open="true"               -> Should manu start open        

<menu_settings   devices="mobile|tablet" -> Overriding settings for mobile|tablet 
    menu_itemheight="40"                 -> Menu item height  
    menu_itemdistance="5"                -> Distance between menu items                
    menu_overscroll="0"                  -> Overscroll 0-1 (from Krpano1.17) 
    menu_hoverscroll="false"             -> Mouse hover scrolling true/false

Predefined 6 color sets

Plugis is coming with 6 prefefined color sets:

Download   (plugin and example included, 800kb)


Plugin is offered on Affordware usage policy. If you can afford the plugin license please use Donate button and choose amount afordable for you. However, if you can't afford the license fee, you are allowed to use the plugin for free. If you find anything wrong with the software, let me know and I will try to fix the problem asap.