Responsive Scrollable Grid Photo Gallery
for HTML5 & Flash
by Maël Bathfield -
A photo gallery to smartly show 'classic' photographies.
The idea that led to the conception of this
Responsive Scrollable Grid Photo Gallery (RSGP Gallery) was to go over the classical "thumbnails + one-photo display" layout.
At the opening of the gallery, all images are arranged in a responsive grid (with a minimum of 3 columns), and then a click on a picture changes the gallery into a one column scrollable layout displaying enlarged images.
At any time, clicking again on an enlarged image permits to go back to the initial grid gallery.
- Can handle any size and ratio of source images (automatic downscaling).
The images are never upscaled.
- Dual source images : possibility to use smaller images for mobile devices and larger images for nice display on large desktop screen.
- Images for mobile must have the suffix '_s' (i.e. if url is 'img/myimage.jpg', a smaller image named 'myimage_s.jpg' must be in the same 'img' folder).
- Automatic check for existence of smaller images.
- If they do not exist, source images cannot be too large/heavy for avoiding memory overcharge on somes mobile devices.
- Preloading process of images with loading progress bar for each gallery.
- Various orientation pictures can be used in a same gallery.
- Easy integration in virtual tour (see section 'Syntax / XML Usage Example' above).
- Choice for the arrangement of grid gallery : fixed number of columns or fixed width for images.
- Responsive layout : in 'fixed width' mode, if it is not possible to display at least 3 columns, it's switch automatically in 'fixed number of columns' mode (with 3 columns).
In 'fixed number of columns' mode, the number of columns is automatically decreased by 2 unit on mobile devices.
- Max. 999 images per gallery; Max. 99 galleries per pano/scene.
- Independant parameters for each gallery : arrangement mode in the grid gallery, background color, size and color of images boder, display or not of various titles.
- Double image title management (short_title/second_title).
- Helping messages (displayed once).
- Integrated slideshow function (automatic scrolling).
- Minimal design option for more space to display enlarged images.
- Testing Comboboxes: change the arrangement of the images before choosing your prefered parameters.
[After changing the displaying mode (with the left combobox), confirm change by selecting a new value with the right combobox (displaying 'Row number' or 'Max image width')]
Initial grid gallery with landscape photos in 5 columns.
Enlarged image in the one column scrollable layout.
Initial grid gallery with portrait photos in 5 columns.
Initial grid gallery with various images ratios in 6 columns (
- The plugin price is €40
- The zip-archive 1 includes the ready-to-use simple example (including reduced images) and off-line documentation (~ 1 Mo).
- The zip-archive 2 includes a more complex full example (including reduced images), and off-line documentation (~ 2.4 Mo).
After payment, I will send the 2 archive files (with a link to download 17.6 Mo of full-size images from the on-line complex example) to your e-mail within 24 hours.
- Simply copy all the files included in the 'plugins' folder of the simple example into the 'plugins' folder of your tour.
- Among these files, there are the following free plugins from krpano-1.19-pr14: scrollarea.js/.swf, showtext.xml, combobox.xml.
- There is also the free plugin coded by Jordi Vallverdú (version of February 13th 2018): file_exist.xml
- Take care to do not overwrite these files if you have some more recent ones in your 'plugins' folder.
Most of the plugin attributes are optional, but they allow a quite advanced customization for the final layout of the galleries.
GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES for galleries:
- Timer in second for the slideshow function.
- Default value = 4 sec.
- true : display the Testing Comboboxes that allow to change gallery displaying mode and row number/maxlength.
- Default = false
- After changing the displaying mode (with the left combobox), confirm change by selecting a new value with the right combobox (displaying 'Row number' or 'Max image width').
- The Testing Comboboxes are never display on mobile devices.
- 3 instruction messages for shortly explaining the interface, they are displayed only once.
- Change and/or translate them as you want (default messages in rsgp_gallery_style.xml).
- Leave attributes empty for no display.
- Text displayed on the gallery button when loading the images of the corresponding gallery.
- Change and/or translate it as you want (default message in rsgp_gallery_style.xml).
- Leave attribute empty for no display.
- Text displayed when mouse is onhover the slideshow button.
- Change and/or translate it as you want (default message in rsgp_gallery_style.xml).
- Leave attribute empty for no display.
SPECIFIC ATTRIBUTES for each gallery:
- IMPORTANT : name of gallery must be 'galleryX' , X being a increasing number.
- For virtual tour, THE FIRST NUMBER MUST BE 1 within each scene.
- Fix the aspect ratio width/height of the rectangle of the grid, that influence empty space between images: using the adequate ratio according to images ratio limits empty spaces, that allows to display more images at the same time.
- Possible value = panoramic / landscape / portrait / verticalpano / square.
- panoramic: ratio = 2, suitable for a gallery of panoramic images.
- landscape: ratio = 1.6, suitable for a gallery of images in landscape orientation.
- portrait: ratio = 0.75, suitable for a gallery of images in portrait orientation.
- verticalpano: ratio = 0.5, suitable for a gallery of vertical panoramic images.
- square: ratio = 1, suitable for a gallery of square images or for various orientation / ratio.
- Default = square
- fixedlength: use the attribute maxlength to build the grid.
- Note: with mode="fixedlength", if it is not possible to display at least 3 columns, it's switch automatically in mode="fixedrow" (with column_nbr="3").
- fixedrow: use the attribute column_nbr to build the grid.
- Default = fixedrow
- Maximun width in pixels for images in the grid gallery. If this value is greater than source image width, the latter is chosen.
- Required attribute if mode="fixedlength".
- Skipped if mode="fixedrow".
- Fixed number of columns in the grid gallery for desktop/tablet devices, minimum value is 3.
- This number is automatically decreased by 2 unit on mobile devices.
- Default value = 5.
- Skipped if mode="fixedlength".
- Gallery title displayed when mouse is onhover the corresponding gallery button.
- Also displayed on the left top of the gallery if display_title="true" and minimal_design="false".
- Background color of the gallery.
- Default = 0x000000 (black)
- Size in pixels of the border of the images.
- Max value is 10 pixels; min value is 0.
- Default = 0 (i.e. no border)
- Color of the border of the images.
- Default = 0x000000 (black)
- true : display title of the gallery on the left top of the gallery when opened.
- Attribute skipped if minimal_design="true".
- Default = false
- Possible value = true / both / false.
- true : permanently display short_titles on bottom of the image in the grid gallery.
- both : display also short_titles in the 'one column scrollable' gallery.
- false: do not permanently display short_titles, but they are displayed when mouse is onhover the image (or ontouch on mobile devices).
- Default = true
- true : display preload message (see global attribute 'loading_text') and progress bar on gallery opening buttons.
- Note1 : the process of images preload cannot be disabled.
- Note2 : The gallery opening buttons are not enabled/clickable until the preloading process is done, so if images are relatively heavy and the preloading process takes some time, set display_preload="true" is recommended.
- Default = false
- true : do not display gallery title, images titles nor image number in the 'one column scrollable' gallery, and images are displayed a little bit larger.
- Default = false
- true : display a play button on the left to launch a slideshow.
- See global attribute 'slideshow_time' for timer value.
- Default = false
- IMPORTANT : Name of image must be 'imgX' , X being a increasing number.
- THE FIRST NUMBER MUST BE 1 within each gallery.
- Path of the image file (relative to the pano/tour.xml in the examples).
- Images for mobile must have the suffix '_s' (i.e. if url is 'img/myimage.jpg', a smaller image named 'myimage_s.jpg' must be in the same 'img' folder).
- Image title displayed on the image in the grid gallery (if display_image_title="true").
- It is also displayed in the 'one column scrollable' gallery if display_image_title="both".
- Image title/comment displayed only in the 'one image scrollable' gallery
OTHER POSSIBLE CUSTOMIZATIONS: modify the content of the 'rsgp_gallery_style.xml' file.
See the
RSGP Gallery Plugin Thread in the Forum for a
more complex example with multiple galleries integrated in a virtual tour.