krpano 1.0.8 beta (Flash10, QTVR, Zoomify, Teilpanoramen, ...)

  • Hallo,

    Aufgrund vieler Anfragen - hier erste Betas der 1.0.8er Version mit Flash10 Support:

    krpano 1.0.8 beta 8 and Tools

    krpano 1.0.8 beta 8 Documentation
    krpano 1.0.8 beta 7 Documentation
    krpano 1.0.8 beta 6 Documentation
    krpano 1.0.8 beta 5 Documentation

    ältere Versionen:


    der folgende Text ist noch aus Englischem Teil des Forums übernommen und wird erst demnächst übersetzt:

    New Features:

    Flash10 support:

    • full Flash10 support, but still compatible to Flashplayer 9.
    • switch between Flash10 and Flash9 interactively with the "display.flash10" parameter. (check the options plugin)
    • unfortunately Flash10 is a bit slower than Flash9, but I have tried to get the maximum performance out of it,
      see the notes below for more details.

    NOTES for using Flash10:

    • Flash10 allowes to render correct 3D distorted images, this avoids the "waves" known from the Flash9 rendering.
    • using LOW quality (disabled Anitaliasing) while moving doesn't give any performance increase like it was in Flash9, so quality is always HIGH per default now.
      (there are also 2 new parameters - "movequality10" and "stillquality10" to control this - see the options plugin)
    • the performance of the rendering depends very much on the number of the drawn triangles.
      (see them by switching the "show faces" setting in the options plugin or just press TAB)
    • when using cubical panos, then typcial only 2 triangles are needed (the details settings is ignored here),
      this allowes to get the best performance with Flash10.
      but note - when using fisheye distortion the cubical pano still must be split into more triangles (details setting) to get a correct result (test this by by using a cubical pano and change the fisheye setting interactivly from 0 to ... and enable showing the faces)
    • spherical and cylindrical panos also must be still split into many triangles for correct 3D distortion.
      (but fewer triangles compared to Flash9 are needed to get a qood result)
    • Flash9 has a build-in automatic mipmapping (smaller scaled images were subsampled), this reduces "aliasing" of images that have a higher resolution then the current output/screen resolution, Flash10 don't have this anymore.
    • this Beta version has some debug-keys activated:
      • press '9' to switch to the Flash9 renderer
      • press '0' to switch to the Flash10 renderer
      • press TAB to toggle showing the triangles/faces

    QTVR (.mov) support:

    • krpano has now a build-in supports for QTVR (.mov) files.
    • the beta version supports only CUBICAL .mov files, but the final will also suport CYLINDRICAL ones.
    • it loads also the preview and the viewing settings ("setview"-parameter) from the QTVR file.
    • limitations:

      • only "jpeg" or "png" image compression is supported
      • no "header-compression"

    QTVR XML usage:

        <image type="QTVR">
            <qtvr url="" setview="true" />

    Direct usage without XML:


    SWFObject 1.5 example:

    so.addVariable("qtvr", "");

    Partial and cylindrical panos:

    • krpano supports now also partial spherical and cylindrical panos.
    • the view is automatically limited to the area of the image (limitview="auto"), but it's necessary to set "fisheye" to "0" for correct limiting.
    • new parameters for the image tag:

      • "hfov" - hortizontal field of view of the image (default=360)
      • "vfov" - vertical field of view of the image (default=automatically calculated)
      • "voffset" - vertical offset (default=0)

    XML example - cylindrical 360 degree pano:

        <view fisheye="0" />
        <image type="CYLINDER" hfov="360">
            <cylinder url="cylinderpano.jpg" />

    XML example - partial spherical pano with a 120 degree hortizontal field of view:

        <view fisheye="0" />
        <image type="SPHERE" hfov="120">
            <shpere url="partialpano.jpg" />

    XML example - simulating a flat/2D pano (hfov=1):

        <view fisheye="0" fovmin="0.01" />
        <image type="SPHERE" hfov="1">
            <shpere url="flatpano.jpg" />

    The possibility to use Zoomify tiles:

    • I'm still not sure if it's allowed to direct support the Zoomify ImageProperties.xml file, but it's possible now to use the same tiles for krpano and Zoomify.
    • there is a new placeholder "%g" - this is a "group"-counter of 256 tiles, this allowes using the Zoomify tiles.

    here is a example for using Zoomify tiles:

    A new Sound Plugin - soundinterface.swf

    • this plugin adds functions to play and controls sounds direct from the xml.
    • only this one plugin must be loaded for all sound.


    <plugin name="soundinterface"


    • onloaded
      • this action is called when the plugin was loaded and is ready for use.
      • can be used for preloading sound.
    • rootpath
      • root path of the sound files.
      • relative from the xml file, default="".


    • preloadsound(mp3file);
      • preloads a sound file
      • this can be used to reduce the latency when starting play
      • mp3file = the filename/path of a sound file
    • playsound(id,mp3file,loops);
      • plays a sound file
      • id = id/name of the sound (use "auto" for a automatic new id for every play)
      • loops = optional, number of loops, 0=endless, default=1
    • stopsound(id);- stops playing a sound
      • id = id/name of the sound
    • stopallsounds();
      • stop all current playing sounds

    XML usage example:

    Further changes:

    • improved rendering performance on high details setting in Flash9.
    • improved performance when using small tilesizes (e.g. 256).
    • some small bugfixes, more informations in the final version.

    What's still left in this version:

    • a automatic usage of Flash9 on slower computers
    • the complete loading/multiresolution loading code is not finished yet
    • the loading progress is currently not finished
    • cylindrical QTVR panos
    • optimized QTVR previews
    • partial preview panoramas
    • addtional features/bugfixes for the hotspots/plugins
    • addtional actions
    • updated plugins
    • documentation/examples
    • updated website

    okay that's all now, have fun with Flash10!

    Schöne Grüße,

  • Hallo Klaus,

    danke erstmal für Deine super Arbeit und die Zeit die Du dafür aufbringst.

    Nun möchte ich gerne die QTVR auslesen und in die Panoramagalerie einbinden. Ich weiß nicht, ob das in der Beta schon Möglich ist. Leider habe ich so gut wie keine Programmierkenntnisse. Hier der Quellcode:


    foreach($_GET as $getkey => $getvalue)
    $$getkey = $getvalue;
    foreach($_POST as $postkey => $postvalue)
    $$postkey = $postvalue;

    $datei= str_replace("xxx", "%",$datei);
    $datei = urldecode($datei);

    $version = krpano;

    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><krpano version=\"1.0\" onstart=\"\">"; ?>

    <!-- keycodes für die steuerung,
    16=SHIFT, 65=A-Taste, 107=+Taste
    17=CONTROL, 89=Y-Taste, 90=Z-Taste, 109=-Taste
    <control keycodesleft="37"

    <!-- <plugin name="zoombuttons" url="plugins/zoombuttons.swf" /> -->

    <memory maxmem="350" />
    <network downloadqueues="2" decodequeues="1" />
    <progress showload="no" showwait="no" />

    <!-- Beispielcode für Fullscreen buttons
    <plugin name="fson" url="img/btn_openfs.jpg" visible="true" autopos="leftbottom,+54,60" onhover="showtext(Fullscreen-Modus)"
    onclick="set(fullscreen,true);set(plugin[fson].visible,false);set(plugin[fsoff].visible,true);" />

    <plugin name="fsoff" url="img/btn_closefs.jpg" visible="false" autopos="leftbottom,+54,60" onhover="showtext(Schliessen)"
    onclick="set(fullscreen,false);set(plugin[fson].visible,true);set(plugin[fsoff].visible,false);" /> -->

    <plugin name="left" url="img/btn_left.jpg" autopos="bottom,-90,60" ondown="set(movevectorx,-1);" onup="set(movevectorx,0);" />
    <plugin name="right" url="img/btn_right.jpg" autopos="bottom,-54,60" ondown="set(movevectorx,+1);" onup="set(movevectorx,0);" />
    <plugin name="up" url="img/btn_up.jpg" autopos="bottom,-18,60" ondown="set(movevectory,-1);" onup="set(movevectory,0);" />
    <plugin name="down" url="img/btn_down.jpg" autopos="bottom,+18,60" ondown="set(movevectory,+1);" onup="set(movevectory,0);" />

    <plugin name="in" url="img/btn_plus.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="-160" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectorz,-1);" onup="set(movevectorz,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />
    <plugin name="out" url="img/btn_minus.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="-120" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectorz,+1);" onup="set(movevectorz,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />
    <plugin name="left" url="img/btn_left.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="-80" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectorx,-1);" onup="set(movevectorx,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />
    <plugin name="right" url="img/btn_right.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="-40" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectorx,+1);" onup="set(movevectorx,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />
    <plugin name="up" url="img/btn_up.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="-0" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectory,-1);" onup="set(movevectory,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />
    <plugin name="down" url="img/btn_down.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" y="20" x="+40" blendmode="screen" ondown="set(movevectory,+1);" onup="set(movevectory,0);" onover="set(blendmode,add);" onout="set(blendmode,screen);" />

    <!-- fullscreen buttons -->
    <plugin name="enterfs" url="img/btn_openfs.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" x="+120" y="20" visible="true" blendmode="screen" onclick="set(fullscreen,true);" onhover="showtext(Enter Fullscreen);" onover="action(overeffect,enterfs);" onout="action(outeffect,enterfs);" />
    <plugin name="exitfs" url="img/btn_closefs.jpg" align="bottom" edge="center" x="+120" y="20" visible="false" blendmode="screen" onclick="set(fullscreen,false);" onhover="showtext(Exit Fullscreen);" onover="action(overeffect,exitfs);" onout="action(outeffect,exitfs);" />

    <!-- button effects (fade from alpha 0.6 to 1 and back in 0.3 seconds) -->
    <action name="overeffect">

    <action name="outeffect">

    <!-- fullscreen events (new in 1.0.6) -->
    <events onenterfullscreen="action(enterfs);"

    <action name="enterfs">

    <action name="exitfs">

    <plugin name="logo" url="img/kleinlogo.png" visible="true" alpha="1.00" blendmode="normal" autopos="rightbottom,5,5" autoscale="false" onhover="showtext(zu" onclick="openurl(" />

    <?php if(!empty($datei2)){ ?>

    <?php }else{ ?>

    <image type="QTVR">
    <qtvr url="<?php echo"$" setview="false" />

    <?php };?>

    <display fps="60"
    stilltime="0.250" />

    <progress showload="bar(center,33%,3%,0,15%,shaded,
    0x000000,0x666666,0xAAAAAA)" />

    <progress showload="none" showwait="loopings(0xFFFFFF)" />

    <autorotate enabled ="true"
    accel ="1.0"
    speed ="2.0"
    horizon ="0"
    tofov ="off"

    fovmin ="50.00"
    fovmax ="80.00"
    limitfov ="true"
    fisheye ="0"
    architectural ="0.4"
    hlookat ="<?php echo $hlookat ?>"
    vlookat ="<?php echo $vlookat ?>"
    camroll ="0.0000"
    fov ="<?php echo $zoom ?>"

    <control usercontrol ="mouse"
    mousetype ="moveto"
    movetocursor =""
    cursorsize ="10.0"
    mousespeed ="10.00"
    mousefriction ="0.80"
    keybaccelerate ="0.50"
    keybspeed ="10.00"
    keybfriction ="0.95"
    keybinvert ="none"
    mousefovchange ="1.00"
    keybfovchange ="0.75"
    fovspeed ="3.00"
    fovfriction ="0.90"


  • Der Player ist schon mal sehr vielversprechend, insbesondere die Unterstützung von Flash10 (und die damit stark reduzierten Wellen im Bild) gefällt mir hervorragend. Ich würde auch gerne die Multires-Teilpanoramen einsetzen - brauche ich dazu (um sie zu erzeugen) ein Update 1.0.8 der Tools?

  • Der Player ist schon mal sehr vielversprechend, insbesondere die Unterstützung von Flash10 (und die damit stark reduzierten Wellen im Bild) gefällt mir hervorragend. Ich würde auch gerne die Multires-Teilpanoramen einsetzen - brauche ich dazu (um sie zu erzeugen) ein Update 1.0.8 der Tools?


    ja, für automatisch erstellte Multiresolution-Teilpanoramen ist eine neue Version des
    kmakemultires Tools notwendig, diese ist aber noch nicht fertig,

    alternativ kann man die Tiles momentan aber manuell mit dem kmaketiles Tool erstellen.

    Schöne Grüße,

  • Der Player ist schon mal sehr vielversprechend, insbesondere die Unterstützung von Flash10 (und die damit stark reduzierten Wellen im Bild) gefällt mir hervorragend. Ich würde auch gerne die Multires-Teilpanoramen einsetzen - brauche ich dazu (um sie zu erzeugen) ein Update 1.0.8 der Tools?

    mit den neuen krpano Tools (1.0.8 beta 6) sind jetzt auch Multiresolution Teilpanoramen automatisch möglich

    Schöne Grüße,

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