• Hello guys,

    I`m new on this forum. I`m reading posts when i need help but it`s the first time when i`m posting for help :)
    I use krpano from more that 2 years but i never had advanced projects like this. I need to make a vr with video scens inside, something like this example


    Can anywone advise me how to do this? Kind of stept by step :D

    Thank`s all!

  • Thank`s for the info. The problem, untill that, is that i`m shooting all images with a fish eye lens and same for the video. How can i crop or mask or how can i hide the black areas from the fish eye video in order to overlap on the pano?

  • Thank`s for the info. The problem, untill that, is that i`m shooting all images with a fish eye lens and same for the video. How can i crop or mask or how can i hide the black areas from the fish eye video in order to overlap on the pano?

    Well, I do use the same lens for pano and video as well now.

    My approach is, inspired by part of the discussion in this thread here:

    Example/Tutorial - Extract a Distorted Hotspot from any kind of Pano Image (with perfect pixel alignment) You should read some posts there to get an idea.

    Basically, I use ptgui and templates and batches to produce new frames out of the existing video:

    1.Stitch your panoramic as usual
    2. Export frames out of your video
    3. Load one frame into your existing panorama and align. Resolution will differ, but that is no problem for ptgui.
    4. Use this project as a template for batch exporting all the frames according to Klaus' perfect pixel alignment instructions Example/Tutorial - Extract a Distorted Hotspot from any kind of Pano Image (with perfect pixel alignment) By doing so, you will zoom in into the video zone only, don't worry about black areas outside the lens circle then.
    5. Reassemble the frames to a video file.

    (You can add a step to color match panorama and video if need be, there seem to be different ways to do that, I use a Photoshop action to batch the frames.)

    Hope this is of some help


  • Mstoss.....you was very explicit but it`s the first time when i`m attempting to do that and on top of that, i`m a beginer :D
    I have read a lot of posts but sincerly non of them was so helpfull. I`m stuck since from the start :(

    I made my 6 shoots fisheye images (for the panoramic image) and in the same last position, i made the movie (with the same lens).
    After that i have stitched those 6 images and got the panoramic image. With the video, i have broke it in frames (as you told) and for eg i`ve got 300 frames. Untill here was easy. But i don`t understand when you are saying that i`ll have to load one frame into existing panorama and align. From what i have read, some are saying that i have to import in ptgui only a frame from the video and crop it, than use batch builder with the template for all the frames. I don`t understand exactly this stepts.

    Can you please help me again, kind of step by step :D

    Appreciate your effort

  • With the video, i have broke it in frames (as you told) and for eg i`ve got 300 frames. Untill here was easy. But i don`t understand when you are saying that i`ll have to load one frame into existing panorama and align. From what i have read, some are saying that i have to import in ptgui only a frame from the video and crop it, than use batch builder with the template for all the frames. I don`t understand exactly this stepts.

    Well, thats pretty much the same, I guess

    You will need to:

    1. align the video "frame image" in the same way you would with one of the regular fisheye images.
    So load the 360° panoramic image in PTGUI first, then add the frame image. Since your camera is capturing images and videos with different dimensions, you will find, that the frame image is much smaller due to the limited video resolution. So in the lens settings tab check the "use individual lens parameters" for the frame image and roughly align it in the editor window. Then set your control points and optimize (only the frame image!). The frame image should fit the panoramic then.

    2. export the frame-to-be out of the frame image.
    In the panorama editor you can then zoom in to the desired video area, and export as tiff or jpg. Write down the parameters in the image parameters tab according to the perfect pixel alignment thread linked above. You could now replace the frame image no. 1 by no.2 and export again and repeat 300 times... You'll understand that it is much better to use the batch procedure offered by PTGUI for this purpose. So save the project and use as batch template for the rest of the frames (have a look at the ptgui help, if in doubt).

    3. reassemble the video.
    When all the frames are processed, you can build a movie file out of them again.

    4. embed the video file
    This is done analog to the perfect pixel alignment thread again, i.e. with the calc_pos_from_hfov_yaw_pitch_roll action call and the values which you wrote down in step 2

    Hope this helps


  • wowowo... stop it. You create your normal panoramic image. Then you start a new project from scratch, add the final single layer 360x180 panorama image to the project (ptgui will automatically recognise the right settings) and THEN you add the frame image. You will have only these two images in your project then!


  • Would not be more easyer if i`ll upload all 6 fisheye images in PTgui and stitch them for my clean pano and than (in the same ptgui project) add the first video frame picture (so i`ll have 7 images in ptgui)? The first frame image, i`ll allign it in my pano (with control points and mask if necessary) and once this is done, i`ll upload the 299 frames and link them to all values from my first frame. Since this will be done, when i`ll create pano, i`ll just export the layers only. The result will be 300images with my desiered extracted image + 6 images (that i`ll delete) from my clean pano.

    I don`t know if in this way i`ll get the same result as you told me to, but i think is more easy to get.
    I`m asking you this beacause something went wrong when i added in PTgui my pano image (got from those 6 fisheye images) and the first frame from the video. Ptgui has not recognized my 360x180 pano image and i was not able to sthict this pano image with the first frame. Maybe i did something wrong.

  • Would not be more easyer if i`ll upload all 6 fisheye images in PTgui and stitch them for my clean pano and than (in the same ptgui project) add the first video frame picture (so i`ll have 7 images in ptgui)? The first frame image, i`ll allign it in my pano (with control points and mask if necessary) and once this is done, i`ll upload the 299 frames and link them to all values from my first frame. Since this will be done, when i`ll create pano, i`ll just export the layers only. The result will be 300images with my desiered extracted image + 6 images (that i`ll delete) from my clean pano.

    Well, sounds like a reasonable approach as well. Did you try in the meantime? Either way, the problem sometimes is aligning the frame image to the proper pano images.


  • yes, i have tried this method and as you said, it`s hard to allign correctly the pano but it was ok :)
    where i still have problems, is after this step when i have to recompose the frames in to video. i don`t know why but in the final vr, the video hotspot it`s not playing. someone told me that the output video has an inappropriate dimension.....

  • If there is someone who know better this kind of technique to make a virtual tour with a video hotspot inside and who would want to make a tutorial for me, please pm and tell me the price.
    I`m stuck and i have treid a lot of ways and i`m more than sure that i`m not making something correct *cursing*
    So if someone what to make a tutorial for me, please let me know

  • yes, i have tried this method and as you said, it`s hard to allign correctly the pano but it was ok :)
    where i still have problems, is after this step when i have to recompose the frames in to video. i don`t know why but in the final vr, the video hotspot it`s not playing. someone told me that the output video has an inappropriate dimension.....

    How do you recompose your video? What software do you use? I do use After Effects, which you can buy a license for at a monthly rate, so you only have to pay while using it for a specific project. Some might say AE is overkill, but I tried several other free or low cost programs and it was a waste of time.


  • Edited once, last by freezyh (August 24, 2015 at 4:14 AM).

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