I have an array of points of view settings this way:
<pov name="pov1" h="181" v="-20 " fovmul="1.17" fish="0.995" act="callwhen(((plugin[video].time) GT 50), setPOV('pov2'));" />
<pov name="pov2" h="181" v="-73 " fovmul="0.83" fish="0.995" act="callwhen(((plugin[video].time) GT 60), setPOV('pov3'));" />
Then I have an action that set the pov using the variables with
<action name="setPOV">
tween(view.fisheye, get(pov[%1].fish), smooth(%2,%2,%2));
mul (thisfov, fovST, get(pov[%1].fovmul));
lookto (get(pov[%1].h), get(pov[%1].v), get(thisfov), smooth(%2,%2,%2));
It all works fine but for the act value. I want to put there as string a serie of actions to execute; the example in the code is a single callwhen but potentially more things, for an automated virtual "tour".
How do I execute as krpano xml code the content of a variable as string?