VR Thumbnails Menu plugin

  • Hello,

    I've bought it and in use i see 2/3 things:
    I use it with group.

    • The offset of the thumbnails in the group in LEFTTOP are too much in the left ( i've 3 panos in the group)
    • Whem the row thumb =2 (not group), and i've only 1 pano, there is a offset of the link to load pano
    • If i delete the close button, the behaviour of the grid is weird.
    • Strong aliasing in thumb border


    • a button to return in sub group, not dirrectly in first space ?
    • more events or getter : know when this plug in visible (for stopping video not finished for exemple)

    In Oculus browser its ok, the thumb not shaking but in firefox reality, its bad.

    I think its not the plug but the browser (i've test witout the plug and it a same behaviour.if its possible to repair some bugs et adding this feature, i will be happy.
    Thanks, Damien

  • Hi,

    thanks for the plugin Jerome, looks and feels very neat!

    Is there an example for use with depthmaps? I'm not sure how to adapt Klaus' Abu Simbel example.

    Instead of loading a scene using the VR thumb menu I'd like to use transition-actions, so the coordinates are correct. How could I achieve this?

    Also when opening the menu, the bgalpha forms a small black cube at the origin of the depthmap. It shows as a small black rectangle if opening the menu from another scene which has other coordinates.

    Another question would be how to hide 3D placed hotspots when menu is opened so nothing overlaps.

    Thanks and kind regards,

  • Hello,
    I recently bought the "VR Thumbnails Menu Plugin" and I am satisfied.

    But I have the following problem:

    There is a large white information board that you can open in my panorama. If the menu is then also opened, it looks ugly in the background because the white board is too large, too close and bright even through the overlay.

    Is it possible to trigger another action when the menu button is clicked? Just like:vrmenu_onclick = "close_info-board ();"

    I would be happy to have a solution for that.

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Hi,
    thanks for the fast respond!
    Here is the Link: (work in progress)

    Please click menu right top to choose VR Mode, and than click on the blue i on the "real" showcase in the pano, you see left in front.

    If I set the hotspot/info board to zorder = 1, the info board appears behind the vrmenu overlay. If I set zorder more than 1 it is like you see now in the pano. But I have some zorder arrangement and need more range :)

    Anyway I like to hide the info board totally in the background while open the menu, because it is more elegant and nicer to see the room in the background behind overlay.
    (It will happen, that visitors open the info board first, and than directly clicking the menu button, while info board is open.)

    The hotspot ist just a simple image hotspot (here with zorder=2 like you see online right now)

    <hotspot name="info-image-board" type="image" keep="true"
    width="405" height="685"
    enabled="true" capture="false" zorder="2" alpha="0" zoom="true"
     flying="0" depth="off" handcursor="false" distorted="true" />


  • Hello!

    Jeromebg, thank you for your awesome plugin.
    Is it possible to add to the floating menu other items?

    In my vr-tours I usually overwrite the default krpano floating menu by adding my items (like playing music or opening the information box) - like this - https://scanvi.ru/stream/2022/solov/

    I would like to have the ability to run from the floating menu (default or yours) - my items and vr-menu both.

    So I suppose there are two ways to do this:
    1 Having a special section to add to your floating menu new items.
    2 Having the ability to disable your floating menu, enable default, and know an action to run vr-menu just to start in from any place.

    I suppose the 2nd way is more flexible for creators and I like it much.

  • Hi,

    krpano 1.21 is more strict about Javascript errors by default *wink*

    ERROR: vr_menu_following - ReferenceError: dh is not defined

    Either that error comes from an older vtourskin.xml or the vr_menu_following action was copied from one.

    The error means the variable declaration for the dh variable is missing.

    Look for this line:
    dh = h - hsh;
    and change it to:
    var dh = h - hsh;

    Best regards,

  • Hi, My client would like the thumbnails of each 360 to be always visible at the bottom of the tour in VR mode, Is this possible? thanks

    Secondly, where can I set the default FOV for the VR mode? client is complaining the default setting is too wide.


    Edited once, last by hazzbo (January 14, 2024 at 3:05 PM).

  • Hi, My client would like the thumbnails of each 360 to be always visible at the bottom of the tour in VR mode, Is this possible? thanks

    Secondly, where can I set the default FOV for the VR mode? client is complaining the default setting is too wide.


    Not possible with my plugin, would need custom coding.
    Fov is set in the mobilevr_profile : https://krpano.com/plugins/webvr/#mobilevr_profile

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