ProteiStyl' Photo Gallery PLUGIN

  • This is the support thread for the ProteiStyl' Photo Gallery PLUGIN

    Current version: v2.3.0

    Short Description
    ProteiStyl’ Photo Gallery is a html5 plugin for krpano designed for displaying ‘classic’ photos and/or videos into a virtual tour.
    The ‘philosophy’ of this plugin is to go over the classical "thumbnails + one-photo display" in a single layout. The plugin offers two displaying modes: a grid gallery, which displays only thumbnails but gives an overall vision of the pictures of the gallery, and a scroll gallery, which displays only enlarged images. Switching to a displaying mode to another is done by clicking on the pictures (or on the back button if zooming function is enabled).
    Another exclusive feature of this plugin is the possibility to customize almost all elements displayed on screen. Indeed, very different gallery appearances/ambiances can be easily created by using the graphical EDITOR , which directly applies any changes done on the parameters.

    More info on the official web page:

    On-line demo here:
    - Simple example (1 gallery in a single pano)

    - Simple example with EDITOR

    - Full example (multiple galleries in a vr tour; demo of integration of galleries using layer, hotspot or scene; demo of 'permanent gallery'; demo of using an identical layer for opening several galleries...)
    Direct access to the xml file here .

    - Full example with JS Actions

    - Video support example

    - Example of a gallery with 128 images and quite large thumbnails (580px)

    - Example of a gallery without thumbnail files on server

    - Demo of new colors and styles for interface buttons

    - Demo of using different default_settings sets

    Download DEMO VERSION here (fully operative version BUT all images are watermarked). Documentation included in the zip-archive.

    Download only documentation here. (documentation en Français ici )

  • The price of the final version will be 52€... but until it's a beta version you can benefit of an early buying of a license with 10% discount (46.80€) *g*
    Expired offer

    Plugin license is tied to your krpano license (needs a registered version of krpano).
    So, please register using the exact name and email you used for your krpano license!
    You can check your registration information with the "krpano Tools" application ('Settings' tab, then 'Registration Information' button).

  • Release of the beta3 version *smile*

    Changes compared to beta2

    · The EDITOR is fully operative also for the scroll gallery.

    · Preloading processes for grid gallery and scroll gallery can be independently disabled (new ‘preload_image_scroll’ attribute).

    · Progressive loading of images of the scroll gallery when preload_image_scroll=”false”.

    · <keep_gallery> element replaced by a new ‘keep’ attribute.

    · New ‘numbers_opacity’ attribute for defining image numbers opacity (in the scroll gallery) independently of the one of the image titles.

    · New possibility to open automatically a gallery when opening a scene (for integration of a gallery as a scene in the virtual tour).

    · Bug fix: Preloading processes occur only once per gallery (even after scene change).

    · Bug fix: no message “ERROR: style not found: pspg_FS_button” anymore on mobile devices with no fullscreen support.

  • Release of the beta5 version *smile*

    Changes compared to beta4

    · The scroll gallery uses temporarily the smaller images (previously downloaded for the grid gallery) before the normal largest images were downloaded.

    · Add .png and .gif images support.

    · A loading time-out was added (in case of download failure or file corruption). New global parameter to set the time-out : <pspg_settings load_timeout="20"/>. After the loading time-out, images which are not displayed yet are replaced by an error message.

    · Use also email to tie plugin license to the krpano license.

    · Change in the scrolling behavior for the scroll gallery on mobile devices.

    · Change of default color background of gallery (light gray 0xCCCCCC).

    · Updated documentation (in particular with points 3- and 5- (previously forgotten!!) in section “Syntax / XML Usage Example”).

    · Bug fix: message “Loading Images…” (defined by pspg_settings.loading_text) did not disappear when some images were missing and/or if there is some download failure (fixed by loading time-out).

    · Bug fix: updates of galleries were sometimes wrong when changing windows size (in particular changing orientation on mobile phones).

    · Bug fix: the font size of images titles was sometimes not consistent.

  • Finally, release of the v1.0 *smile*

    Official web page

    Changes compared to beta5

    · Compatibility with virtual tours generated by PANOTOUR PRO (tested with versions V.2.5.9 and V.2.5.11).

    · DROPLET ‘MAKE IMAGES for ProteiStyl Gallery’ (.bat for Windows, .app for Mac) to generate the needed 4 sizes of images and a part of the xml code (the other part being generated by the EDITOR).

    · Addition of a zooming possibility (when resolution of images is large enough). 2 new attributes: ‘rel_zoomfactor’ to set the relative zoom factor when entering in the zoom window; ‘no_zoom’ to disabled zooming if necessary.

    · Automatic stopping of autorotation of panorama when entering a gallery (automatic restoration of the initial state when exiting).

    · Possibility to overwrite default value of any gallery attributes by setting new value as global parameter in <pspg_settings name_of_gallery_attribute="new_default_value"/>

    · Major changes in helping message; new global setting <pspg_settings help_duration="5" />.

    · New design for the interface buttons + circular moving loader.

    · Add of a line “About the ProteiStyl' Photo Gallery plugin” in the contextual menu.

    · Branding Free License management (masks logo and removes line in the contextual menu).

    · Flash fallback removed.

    · Bug fix: smaller images were not loaded if extension is in upper case.

    · Bug fix: wrong gallery resizing on exit fullscreen.

    · Other minor bug fix.

  • Release of version v1.1.0 with new functionalities *smile*

    - Possibility to display (or not) the close button in the 'scroll gallery' / Addition of the attribute 'display_closebutton'.

    - In the 'grid gallery', new possibility to individually modify the cropping area for each image (new attributes 'crop_x'/'crop_y' in <img /> elements). By default, the cropping area is centered.

    - The xml code generated by the editor provides now also all the attributes for images (<img /> elements).

    - Minor bugs fixed.

    - Documentation updated.

    There is a part of the updated documentation:
    If you switch on ‘Crop images to fit grid’, you can individually change the crop settings by switching on ‘Display Grid’ (yellow button).
    When ‘Display Grid’ is ON, click on image then click & drag image to choose crop area (switch off ‘Display Grid’ to return to normal behavior of the plugin).

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update.

  • Release of a major update : version v1.2.0 with new functionalities *smile*

    - Add VIDEO SUPPORT. (new demo example here )

    - Add gradual preloading of large images (in the scroll gallery).

    - Add Keyboard controls.

    - Add zorder setting ( <pspg_settings zorder="10"/> ).

    - Add new attribute 'spacing_scroll' for the scroll gallery (set space berween images).

    - All displayed text messages are now defined in the file 'pspg_gallery_style.xml'.

    - Attribute 'masklogo' removed: a branding free license will now automatically mask the logo.

    - Change within the VIEWER: thumbnails images are used as preview of larger images also in 'scroll mode only' (gallery_mode="scroll").

    - Change within the EDITOR: button 'Display Grid' renamed with 'Crop Mode'.

    - Change within the EDITOR: the generated xml code will now contain only attributes with values different than the defautl ones.

    - Bug fix: the EDITOR did not load in case of single panorama (without scene) if the main xml was not named 'pano.xml'.

    - Bug fix: some attributes defined as global parameters (in <pspg_settings .... /> ) were not take into account.

    - Other minor bugs fixed.

    - Documentation updated.

    See pages 8-11 of the updated documentation for more info :)

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update.

  • Release of version v1.3.0 with new functionalities *smile*

    - Add background music SUPPORT.

    => new attributes: music_file, music_title, music_artist.

    - Add gradual preloading of thumbnails images (in the grid gallery) when preload_images="false" [new demo example of a gallery with 128 images and quite large thumbnails (580px) ]

    => default value for attribute 'preload_images' is now false.

    - The file 'pspg_video_support.xml' is not automatically loaded anymore.

    => Add the line <include url="%FIRSTXML%/pspg_gallery_data/pspg_video_support.xml" /> in your main xml if there is at least 1 video in a gallery.

    => Error message if video is detected and this line is missing.

    - New global parameter to specify path of 'local' video files: 'pspg_settings.video_path' (default value ="video/").

    - Minor bugs fixed.

    - Documentation updated.

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update (ou version en français ici).

  • Release of version v1.3.1 *smile*

    - New attribute 'display_FSbutton', set it to "false" in order to not display the Fullscreen button (default value is "true", it does not yet be added in the EDITOR).

    - Color of numbers (in the scroll gallery) is not always white anymore, but it is the same than the one set for the bottom title (attribute 'bottom_title_color').

    - Change in images load time-out process (see updated documentation in page 12). [new example of a gallery without thumbnail files on server ]

    - Bug fix: images were not loaded if static url was used to load .js and .xml files in the html code.

    - Bug fix: attribute display_closebutton="false" was skipped if attribute no_zoom="true".

    - Bug fix in EDITOR: the attributes 'music_file', 'music_title', 'music_artist' were wrongly added in the generated xml code.

    - Other minor bugs fixed.

    - Documentation updated.

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update (ou version en français ici).

  • Release of version v1.3.3 *smile*

    - Bug fix: the sound interface of the plugin could interfere with another sound interface already set.

    - New attribute 'music_icon': set it to false to play sound/music without showing the speaker icon.

    - Add the possibility to deactivate sound management of the plugin with <pspg_settings sound_interface="false" /> (to be sure to avoid any conflict with another sound management).

    - Documentation updated about guidelines to mix sound management of the plugin with another sound management.

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update (ou version en français ici).

  • Release of version v1.4.0 *smile*

    - Text Input implemented in order to be able to change the titles within the EDITOR / New button 'Text Mode' in the EDITOR.

    - New attributes 'Gtitle_style', 'image_title_style', 'bottom_title_style' and 'numbers_style' to change style of the corresponding text (possible values: normal, italic, bold, italic-bold) (ADDED IN THE EDITOR)

    - New attribute 'button_scale' in order to be able to change the size of the interface button. (ADDED IN THE EDITOR)

    - Modification of the files 'pspg_buttons.png' and 'gallery_play_animation.png' (for a better resolution).

    - Changes in the EDITOR:
    - the attribute 'display_FSbutton' is added.
    - the loading attibutes (keep, preload_images, preload_images_scroll, display_preload, skipfilecheck) are added.
    - the video attributes (video_Hmax, autoplay) are added.
    - new button 'Copy All Config.': it generates an xml configuration code with all the attibutes, even if attibute value is the default one.
    - new button 'SKIP music file' to skip music configuration when generating the xml (if the attribute 'music_file' exists in the initial xml).
    - the attribute 'music_icon' is added.
    - text input implemented for the values of the sliders.
    - shift in the location of some buttons.

    The NEW buttons are surrounded in yellow:

    - Change in the DROPLET: the template file 'pspg_img.xml' includes now somes global pspg_settings, the two optional actions 'enter_pspg_personalized_actions' and 'exit_pspg_personalized_actions', and a default gallery button.

    - Bug fix: in particular cases, resizing of the gallery did not happen when switching fullscreen.

    - Other minor bugs fixed.

    - Documentation updated.

    Download again DEMO VERSION here to update (ou version en français ici).

  • I'm going to release version 2.0.0 of the plugin... a lot of change compared to v1.4.0 !
    The internal structure of the plugin was deeply changed. Compatibility checked with krpano v1.20 *smile*

    It's not completely tested yet (particularly on mobile devices) *unsure* (and i have to update the documentation)... but all the examples from the first post of the current thread are now with v2.0.0.

    2 others examples:
    - demo of new colors and styles for interface buttons
    - demo of using different default_settings sets

    If some peoples have some time for testing them on (various) smartphones, please send me some feedback *wink*

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