Hi everyone.
I am new in krpano, I am trying to add textfeild on pano to be one input box the idea is to pass the values that enterd by user to my map-plugin in xml file in order to add spot on map. So, the input format is about coordinates latitude and longitude.
I found out on krpano forum this link: https://krpano.com/forum/wbb/inde…ad&postID=52434 its working but when i still cannot deal with inputted value.
in my xmle file:
set(plugin[input].url, %BASEDIR%/textinput.js);
set(plugin[input].align, rightbottom);
set(plugin[input].x, 180);
set(plugin[input].y, 20);
set(plugin[input].width, 150);
set(plugin[input].height, 30);
set(plugin[input].onchanged, plugin[map].addstylespot(get(spot_pin_google)), get(text)[1], get(text)[2], 0, get(coordinate_spotstyle)));
Here in red colored parameters i wanted to be the entered values but should splitted to two values at first then pass it spot-map.
Any idea on how split the enterd value to two values and pass it spot as lat and lng ??
Thanks in advance gurus,