3D model rendering issue

  • Hi
    I'm a newbie for krpano and everpano, I encountered some issues and need your help.

    I have created the references for pano 001 and 002, and the corresponding extruded polygons are also created. Here are the screenshots (001 and 002).

    After rendering the project, I cannot see the 3D model(extruded polygon) in 001 properly(as the screenshot below), may I know what's the root cause and how to address this issue?

    If I remove the extruded polygon in 002 and render the project again, then I can view the 3D model(extruded polygon) in 001 properly, why is that?

    BTW, I noticed that there is a "Add Sky" button for each pano, what this feature can do?
    I noticed that if I enable this button for pano 001 and render the project again, then I can view 001 properly but I cannot measure the distance in the problematic 3D space in pano 001 (I guess the 3D model is still not rendered properly )

  • I have done some experiments and found that the problematic space would appear once I created the second 3D model in pano 002.
    I also notice that the second 3D model in pano 002 is not displayed properly in 3D editor as expected.

    As you could see in the attached screenshots, the first 3D model (3D model_001.jpg) created in 001 is perfectly displayed without any issue, however,
    after creating the second 3D model (3D model 001 and 002.jpg), the second 3D model is combined with the first 3D model by default and pano 002 is not displayed under "Level 0", I check the video "3D Editor Demo" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orqPTuSbBas) but have not found a way to do it, does anyone know how to add pano 002 under Level 0?

  • I also notice that the second 3D model in pano 002 is not displayed properly in 3D editor as expected.

    I find once you start deleting things the 3D editor does not display the model correctly. The only recourse I find is to save the project as a new file after every modification so I can roll back when something goes wrong....

  • I find once you start deleting things the 3D editor does not display the model correctly. The only recourse I find is to save the project as a new file after every modification so I can roll back when something goes wrong....

    Seriously???.... that's really quite inconvenient, it sounds like I have to create lots of "Checkpoints" for each modification, I have 52 panos to go... is there a better way to do it?

  • Well it would be a judgement on many checkpoints/saves you are prepared to make I guess.

    There may be a better way but not spent time to find one....?

    OK...I recreated the project by selecting 5 panos only, this time I created multiple checkpoints along the way of model creation. I didn't delete anything during the first 3d model creation, and it looks great in 3D editor with pano 001, however, when the second 3D model created in pano 002, the problem still remains the same -- the pano 002 is not displayed in 3D editor and both 3d models (the first one and second one) are merged automatically...

    What is the right way to add pano 002 or second 3D model in 3D editor without any model combination?

  • OK...I recreated the project by selecting 5 panos only, this time I created multiple checkpoints along the way of model creation. I didn't delete anything during the first 3d model creation, and it looks great in 3D editor with pano 001, however, when the second 3D model created in pano 002, the problem still remains the same -- the pano 002 is not displayed in 3D editor and both 3d models (the first one and second one) are merged automatically...

    What is the right way to add pano 002 or second 3D model in 3D editor without any model combination?

    After a few more experiments, here is what I've found:

    Step 1. If I create 3D models with portals (001 and 002) before creating reference, I will still have 3D models displayed in 3D editor properly, as shown in "3D models before reference creation.jpg". *smile* *smile*

    Step 2. After step 1, if the reference is created between pano 001 and pano 002 (as shown in "reference between pano 001 and 002.jpg"), the two created 3D models are merged automatically and the second model (002) under Level 0 is disappeared (as shown in "3D models merged automically.jpg") *confused* *confused* *confused*

    Step 3. If I remove the reference and go back to 3D editor, then all the models (001 and 002) in 3D editor are gone and the whole software hangs deadly. *wacko* *wacko* *wacko*

    Observation: Once the reference is created after the 3D models creation between two connected panos:

    • the two created 3D models will be merged automatically and *pinch*
    • the second model will be disappeared under Level 0 and *cry*
    • the 3D visualization of the first model will have problem (as shown in "360 visualization issue-1.jpg" and "360 visualization issue-2.jpg") *wacko*

    Question: In this case, how could I create reference without any impact to the created 3D models in 3D editor?

  • Hello Ryan. I'm also facing the same problem as you. Have you found a way to fix it yet?

    20. März 2024 um 18:57

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