Photogrammetry - Couchez windmill

  • Aaaah, so many questions - I love it *tongue*

    I don't know if it is necassary, but I would rather have too many than too little pictures. I guess it depends on the leve of detail you want for the final model - both on the geometry side and the texture side. From what I see in other user groups, 300 pictures is not really a lot and some projects are in the thousands of pictures.

    The processing of the data is pretty fast. My process is as follows:
    Lightroom (~30 minutes)
    - copy the pictures to the local hard drive
    - filter images (out of focus, or subject not visible, ...)
    - correct some lighting, mostly lowering or raising exposure (images are in DNG so we have some room to correct)
    - export the pictures for usage in Reality Capture

    Reality Capture (~60minutes)
    - import the pictures
    - align images
    - set bounding box and ground level
    - build a preview model
    - add some control points in case some images could not be aligned or if the model shows some inconsistent areas
    - align images again
    - build a high detail model
    - unwrap and texture the model
    - simplify the model for web usage (krpano)

    If needed, I also make corrections to the exported model in Blender and re-import in Reality Capture to retexture. Corrections take up the most amount of work as it is all manual work.

    Then the krpano work starts *g*

    Taking the images for this model was about 60 minutes (drained 3 batteries).

Jetzt mitmachen!

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