Good value for maxpixelzoom?

  • Hello,
    what would be a good value for maxpixelzoom on modern monitors?

    Pixels on modern monitors are usually smaller than the human eye can resolve, hence with a maxpixelzoom of 1 small details would be lost on such monitors.
    My considerations so far: The limit at which the human eye perceives an edge as sharp is about 2 arcminutes. I assume this as the limit to perceive pixels. To perceive blur, at least two pixels would be needed.
    A monitor is seldom viewed from nearer than its height, which is equivalent to a vFoV of 53°. Hence, a maximum of 1590 pixels (vertically) could be resolved and if you accept minimum blur only 795 pixels are needed. A 4k Monitor can have up to 2160 pixels vertically, so maxpixelzoom should be 1.36 for a display at the sharpness limit or 2.72 to show a tiny bit of blur at the nearest usual viewing distance. Further away, it would still look sharp.

    Does that sound correct?
    Erik Krause

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Erik Krause (12. Oktober 2023 um 20:58) aus folgendem Grund: Wrong language

  • Hi,

    the maxpixelzoom relates to the device-pixels (the physical resolution).

    The CSS pixels could be anything depending on the page-zoom and wouldn't be a useful reference...

    About a good value - I think that's individual and depends on the pano. When the image is crisp-clear and has many details, then even a maxpixelzoom=2 (or more) could be good to allow exploring these details. On the other side when the source image is already at 100% not very detailed anymore, than maxpixelzoom=1 could be already enough.

    Best regards,

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