Hi, I'm facing a problem after adding a depthmap (.obj file format) to one of the scenes in my panorama. I am using cloudfront cookies to access all the panorama files placed on S3
Requests fetching tiles for example do contain the CloudFront-Key-Pair cookie as expected
and the panorama itself is viewable
unfortunately, when krpano sends the request for the depthmap obj file, it's not attaching the required cloudfront cookie resulting in a 403 response
this is the image tag that I'm using
<cube url="tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="512,640,1280" />
<depthmap url="OBJ_FILE_URL.obj" enabled = "true" hittest="true" textured = "auto"/>
this is the security setting I'm using
<security cors="use-credentials">
<allowdomain domain="address"/>
help appreciated