Hello everyone,
For several years now, various optimisation guidelines have been recommending the use of the WebP (and AV1 / AV2) format for web projects.
WebP is a modern, open image format developed by Google that is 25-35% smaller than JPEG.
What's more, this format can be considered mature, with a 96% compatibility rate.
Using this format has a number of advantages:
- Less storage space required on servers.
- Less bandwidth needed to serve these experiences to visitors.
- Reduced loading times.
- Improved metrics.
And as a corollary :
- Lower hosting costs.
- Greener hosting.
- A better user experience.
- Improved SEO.
It's about time we were able to integrate it into KrPano
PS: There is also the AVIF format, which is more recent and more impressive in many respects, but for the moment it is much less widely adopted, with a 92% compatibility rate. But it's worth keeping a close eye on, especially in version 2 (AV2), as it could well replace WebP in the years to come.