depthmap and multires pano level loading

  • Hi,

    I just noticed that whenever I enable depthmap in a multirespano, in my desktop , it loads L3

    If I set enable to "false" it loads L2 (so, much faster)

    Display is 1920x1080

    I was beginning to think of real 3d transitions (like abusimbel sample, may be) but now I'm afraid that some machines/internet wont cope with the demandings and show only the preview

    multires image is
    multires="512,768,1792,3584,6912" />

    depthmap is 8bit jpg 4k res

    <depthmap enabled="true" rendermode="depthmap" background="none" url="depth.jpg" scale="0.5" offset="0.0"/>

    thank you all

  • At present, need to force the required values -

    In Krpano, there is a certain optimize algorithm that works when creating tiles, coming from the PI factor, which is outdated and can be removed from the workflow. Yes, this was true for some time when they used panoramic textures under Java applets, QTVR and Flash. And it didn't matter what size panoramic texture you use. However, now with WebGL (it is recommended to use) native calculation of the value of tiles and the resulting image and, in particular, the side of the cube for right rendering.

  • i see bigger squares beiung loaded

    but oddly with levelsizes=512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

    i get a 729 there.. it's ok by me

    multires="729,512,1024,2048,4096,8192" />

    and by messing with those values i get a significant quality decrease

    well.. thats life. it's not the time yet. i'll leave the 3d stuff for the vr part and no fancy things in desktop.

    thank you for your time and patience

  • You have slightly misunderstood the essence... the sequence of values below is just a multiple list. This should take into account the size of your input texture and assume levels to it. For example: 12000x6000 apply levels 512, 1024, 2048. (2K) if more then you can add the next level 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 from the calculation:

    low-res: 1024
    standard (at present): 2048
    hi-res: 4096
    super hi-res: 8192
    and more GIGAs... PETAs and etc...

    512 - tile size
    1024 - 1L
    2048 - 2L
    4096 - 3L

    this visual canonical tiles matrix - of cube side

  • new one -> multires="729,512,1024,2048,4096,8192" />

    old one -> multires="512,768,1792,3584,6912" />

    I've added till 8192 because the higher value I had initially

    initially I had till 65536 and saw that it did not stop automatically

    I messed with auto, level multiplier and some other variables. I'm on 1.21.. it has some more things than 1.18

    the closest I got to power of 2 values was that one starting with 729 but with that lack of quality

    hopefully the next version will have power of two values out of the box for this.

    it's ok not to have 3d transitions in desktop

    thanks again.

  • The 4K depthmap and high multires settings are probably causing it to slow down. If you want to ensure smoother performance across different setups, you might want to test with a lower depthmap resolution or try optimizing the multires settings.

  • It sounds like the depthmap is adding quite a bit of processing load, which is why you’re seeing slower load times at L3. If you’re worried about performance across different devices, I agree with EdK, lowering the depthmap resolution will help.

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