• where can we find a list of fonts that are usable inside krpano? i see arial and times from the examples but cannot find which other ones are useable.

    EDIT: seems almost every font in the world is available. every single font i choose out of the list in photoshop works so there is a large selection.

    Edited once, last by VN2009 (October 20, 2010 at 4:39 PM).

  • I'd presume Krpano uses device fonts. As such, on your machine, any font installed there is usable in Krpano as well. However, any non-system fonts may not be available on someone else's system.

    Unless you have complete control over the installed fonts on the machine that views the Krpano viewer, I would recommend sticking to system fonts only similar to the font restrictions in regular websites. That or find a way to embed your non-system font in a Flash file and use it like that, but that's a completely different scenario.

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