Posts by Fernando

    Hi, an idea:

    1) When entering the scene you initialize a variable, for example myclicks, with the value "0".

    2) You create an action that when clicking, if myclicks=0, you show the hint and give myclicks a value of 1. If myclicks=1, then you run the other action and give myclicks the value of 0 again.

    This a code (based in Tuur code) for change layer width-height by dragging.

    This variant works fine but I used the "placeholder-replacing older version method" :

    This other variant fails (I don't kwnow why) and it was made by the method "argument-to-variable-mappings:

    Please, Whats is wrong in second variant?

    Hi indexofrefraction Thank you for your advices. I used an html layer linked with bootstrap and it worked well with fullscreen using Mozilla Firefox.

    When you use bootstrap on a layer, should I worry about fullscreen or does it run normally? What is your experience?

    this is my normal html layer (no parent)


    Best regards,


    Thanks very much indexofrefraction solved!


    Demo Menu Lateral

    Codes (adapted from krpano's popup included example):



    <krpano debugmode="true" title="" onstart="">
    <preview type="grid(cube,32,32,512,0xCCCCCC,0xFFFFFF,0x999999);" />
    <include url="popups.xml" />


    Hi, from this post RE: Is it possible for html layer to contain ALL the functionality of a WEB page? everything seems to indicate that Bootstrap is a good solution to complement options that krpano does not have yet.

    Please indexofrefraction or any advanced user: What is the correct way to connect krpano with Bootstrap? i.e connect HTML, CSS and JS

    It may seem obvious but I can't find any precise information in this forum or on the internet. Some example and instructions would be very helpful *thumbsup*


    Hi, indexofrefraction Thank you for your answser. For me It looks a little complicated.

    If you had to program an accordion menu like the one on this site:

    How would you do it?

    Would you create your own plugin?

    How complicated would it be to do it?

    Maybe a solution could be to use CSS to style <details> and <summary> I don't like the idea that it is not compatible with older browsers, otherwise it would be fine.

    Hi indexofrefraction thankyou for your answer.

    This (using iframe) perfectly solves copying a web page (such as an accordion menu) but being an iframe makes it difficult to pass actions to the project. For example, how do I go from that iframe to a scene of the current project? That's why I was looking for the same functionality from a krpano html layer.

    Krpano layer type correctly interprets (runs) style.css but ignores script.js (see below code)

    Hi, Is it possible to copy and paste the content of a web page and have it work in a html krpano layer? (See attachment)

    If yes, How to insert in index.html the js code? (See attachment and code below) ?

    I have <view ... limitview="fullrange"/> in each scene as well as in the setup script.

    But I am still seeing each pano scaled to window height. There must be some other adjustment. Bear in mind that that the main skin is the standard vtourskin.xml.

    I think you should post a link to your project. Also share the .xml so I can help you. Did you see the .xml I posted? Does your project's .xml look similar? What version of krpano do you use?

    <scene name="scene_maqueta" title="maqueta" onstart="" thumburl="panos/maqueta.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
            <control bouncinglimits="calc:image.cube ? true : false" />
            <view hlookat="0.0" vlookat="0.0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="fullrange" />
            <preview url="panos/maqueta.tiles/preview.jpg" />
            <image hfov="1.00" vfov="0.135860" voffset="0.00">
                <flat url="panos/maqueta.tiles/l%l/%00v/l%l_%00v_%00h.jpg" multires="512,4608x626,8960x1218,17920x2436,35840x4870,71680x9738" />