Posts by ParallaxVT


    I'm trying to change the background color of this tour from the default black to white.

    I added the bgcolor attribute to the <krpano> tag as said in the documentation. Doesn't wock:

    <krpano version="1.18" logkey="false" showerrors="false" onstart="startup();" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF">

    I also changed every possible element background in the HTML file to white. Doesn't work either:

    html {background: white; height:100%; }
             body {background: white;  height:100%; overflow: hidden; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#ffffff; }
             div#krpanoSWFObject {background: white !important; }

    What am I doing wrong?

    PS: Using krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30)



    The showetxt plugin only displays text. You can format it by editing the textstyle and including HTML tags in brackets, but that's all. You can't include images.

    You can trigger it by using onhover and onclick.

    It can display text following the mouse (onhover), somewhere in the screen and full screen. Check the following link to see several examples

    I hope it helps.

    Sorry to hear nothing of that worked.

    I don't know why it behaves like that.

    If you don't find a solution, you might consider using the showtext action.

    Onhover Showtext

    XML file

    It's a different approach to what you've done. The text would be displayed in a text bubble following the mouse. This method would save you to apply the zorder trick, and also it feels like it shows the information quicker.



    In VR mode hlookat and vlookat don't work.

    <view hlookat="181.073" vlookat="3.204" fovtype="MFOV" fov="123.438" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto"/>

    You need to use the action lookat or resetsensor.

    Let me know if this works.

    <scene name="scene_f09" title="f09" onstart="resetsensor(181.073,3.204)" havevrimage="true" thumburl="panos/f09.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">



    That's a very weird behaviour indeed!

    1. I know this sounds crazy, but try renaming the hotspot something different than 'hs'. For example:

    <action name="onStartup">

    Once I experienced some problems because I named an action 'hs'. Krpano didn't like that. Maybe this is something similar.

    2. Remove the following line, I don't think it's necessary.

    set(hotspot[hs].height, 'prop');

    3. If I move the panorama and leave the marker near the top left corner, looks like the active area already a bit bigger that it should. Have you tried a different projection? The current one distorts the panorama very much on the edges.

    4. The html attribute is dupplicated:

            set(plugin[get(tag_hover)].html, %2);

    Surely that didn't cause the problem but it helps get the code right.

    5. Just curious. Why do you need to change the hotspot zorder?

    I hope it helps.

    Hello Klaus,

    There is a bug with the zorder attribute when textfield is used in a hotspot.

    Check the following test:
    XML file

    The blue square is a textfield hotspot with zorder set to 10.
    The yellow square is a regular hotspot with zorder set as 20.
    The pink square is a regular hotspot with zorder set as 30.

    You can click on each item to get its respective zorder value.

    The blue square should be at the very bottom, but it's not.

    The zorder works fine when I use the version 1.19-pr3, but all the following versions seems affected.



    I'm on Windows but I use Emacs (with Spacemacs) in a Virtual Box with Linux.

    I've been using Emacs to write Krpano code since 2008 so I have plenty of snippets to insert code automatically.
    Also, I can run python and bash scripts that help me with some time consuming tasks like creating tiles, batch rename files, find & replace strings, etc...

    Hello everyone!

    Last week I started a Tweeter list of Krpano users. Here is the link.

    Krpano Users

    I thought it would be cool if many Krpano users could be in touch in twitter and share news, ask questions and show some examples there too.

    So far it only has 11 members, but I hope that number increases after this post *wink*

    You can follow the list by clicking the Subscribe button located on the left side.

    If you'd like to join please post your tweeter name here and I'll add it to the list.




    This time I've tested it and it's actually very difficult to disable the gyro on VR Mode!
    My solution doesn't work because VR Mode doesn't use the gyro plugin *mellow*

    I've took a look to the WebVR documentation and it doesn't mention anything about how to disable the gyro. I think the use of it it's defined inside webvr.js itself and I can't find any option to turn it off.



    Everything looks OK to me.
    Try adding the following line to your code:

    <action name="open">
            delayedcall(1, trace(get(plugin[sopenimage].scale)); showlog());

    It should print you the value of the scale attribute in your console. If scale is the same value in your desktop and in your mobile, I'd say the explanation is not in your XML code.

    Did you add the following line to the HTML file where the virtual tour is embedded?

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />


    Parallax VT


    What you need to do is edit the attributes onentervr and onexitvr inside the WebVR plugin which is located in the file 'webvr.xml'. But if I were you I wouldn't edit webvr.xml because you could over write it by mistake upgrading krpano.

    Look the following line in tour.xml

    <include url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/webvr.xml" />

    AFTER that line (very important) write the following code:

    <plugin name="WebVR" devices="html5" keep="true"
                onentervr="webvr_onentervr(); set(plugin[gyro].enabled,false);"
    	    onexitvr="webvr_onexitvr(); set(plugin[gyro].enabled,true);"

    WebVR plugin original code is:

    <plugin name="WebVR" devices="html5" keep="true"

    So basically you're overwriting both attributes by adding some custom code. It's a bit better in my opinion.

    I hope it helps,




    You can use the gyro on a panoramic video without involving VR Mode at all *smile*

    Any of the examples included in the video web page do it. The only thing you need to do is add a gyro layer:

    <plugin name="gyro"     
        enabled="true" />

    And don't include the file webvr.xml. If you see a line like the one underneath, comment it:

    <include url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/webvr.xml" devices="html5" />

