Hi everyone!
It was asked several times on this forum how to play different sound in different panos so that music doesn’t repeat or interfere. So I’ve decided to make a small tutorial. Let’s try to write a small xml-plugin which will play different music in a virtual tour.
Step One. Creating a new VT and adding sound files to it.
If you’re not a very beginner, you can skip this one and go further ahead, but I bet this step is a piece of cake even for beginners. Here’s what we do:
- Let’s make some folder and pick up any five equirectangular images inside it. Now select all of them and drag-n-drop onto the MAKE VTOUR (VR-OPT) droplet.bat file inside your Krpano folder (let’s use the latest one, 1.19-pr4).
- While the droplet is making our images, let’s go to Freemusic archive website and find three tracks to use in our VT. I’ve chosen Kai Engel ’s three tunes (Hopes and Dreams, Changing Reality, and Oecumene Sleeps).
- Now let’s create a ‘sound’ folder inside our ‘vtour’ and paste our music inside it.
- Now we have three sound files to play in five panoramas. Say, we want Hopes and Dreams in first two panos, Changing Reality in the third one and, finally, Oecumene Sleeps in the last two panoramas. Let's also add 'ogg' files with the same names for better cross-browser compatibility.