Using the krpanotools via my old droplets and .configs to generate tiles of large (120+ gigabyte) Flat-Multires-Panos.
When I drop the .PSB files to the droplet these variants happen randomly (using the same file!):
- either it does everything perfect without any problems (like 30% of the cases)
- it crashes right after the firfst lines "krpano makepano tool - using config......" (30% of the cases)
- it starts generating the preview image and crashes at 99%
I have to drop the file (not bound to the files, happens with diffrent files of this size) several times until it runs properly without crahsing at one of the two points.
Really annoying as with such big files even the preview image generation takes really long.
Is there anyway to debug this?
Edit: Now it also crashed right in the middle of the work (level 6 after already making like a 100.000 tiles)