Roll over on a textfield image ?

  • Hi,

    I use the google earth logo in a textfield plugin. I'd like to add a roll over when the mouse comes over. My problem is that in a Vtour, i need to open different ".kmz" each time. The only way i found to open a .kmz is to use a textfield. I can give it effects, but how to tween a variable' effect when mouse comes over ?

    <plugin name="google" url="plugins/textfield.swf"
    x="15" y="3"
    onloaded="tween(plugin[google].alpha, 0.7, 2);"

    <data name="htmldata1">
    <a href="Capitainerie.kmz"><img src="skin/google_earth_logo.png" /></a>

    I've tried with tween, set etc.; not working !! I don't know how to write a css in this case.

    MAny thanks. *smile*

  • Hi,

    the behavior of the HTML text and links is completely controlled by flash,
    so it's not possible to have a roll-over image there,

    but why can't you open link to the ".kmz" file by the openurl() action?


    then you could use a normal krpano plugin image...

    best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,

    Thanks for your time.

    Sometimes i hate myself to look so far while it's by my feet. I've done exactly what you said with an other plugin (googlemap) !

    Actually i've tried many ways to open a .kmz file, except this one precisely (with _self). It works your way, of course.
    I've tried, first, to add a "onclick" action to a .swf file. You can't. You have to write the action in flash (via actions in flash cs4) and the function getURL in flash doesn't work with .kmz. I thought it was the same with a normal plugin.

    By the way, is there a topic about how to give an alternative plugin or hotspot when you're loading a pano from an i-phone. It doesn't support flash files, is it?
    So it won't show the swf plugins or hotspots (textfield, navigation etc..), is it ?
    If so, which setting do i have to modify ? Add a "altloaded" to each swf plugin or hotspot, like this ?

    altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(scale,2)); onloaded();"

    If so, any fragment of code to share ? What about the syntax for the i-pad, "ispad" ?
    MAny questions *whistling* , but so far, i'm not really familiar with the i-phone use *unsure* :

    Can't load my pano on i-phone or i-pad

    Many Thanks Klaus. *smile*


    Edited 2 times, last by esys (February 24, 2011 at 2:59 AM).

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