• Hi Mindless Boss,
    I have created a template based on repeat tour format using Orange Scrolling Thumbs and was wondering if you could help me out with an issue about the thumbs setup. When I build a tour using my version of the MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet.bat, the config (assumed) file is auto setting the file path for the thumbs based off of the original config format from Krpano. Example

    I have 4 images for my tour named a, b, c and d
    when I drag them onto the MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet.bat, the xml generated has a thumbnail directory path for each scene set for thumburl="a.tiles/thumb.jpg"; thumburl="b.tiles/thumb.jpg"; c.tiles, etc... but I need it to be thumburl="a.jpg" and so on as per the basic configuration of orange scroll thumbs (all thumbs are in the "thumbs" folder).

    I want to setup either the krpano.config file to correct the directory url listing, OR change the way orange scroll thumbs is setup for this.

    What I DON'T WANT is to have to go through my xml file after creating a 100 image tour and change each of these thumburl listings manually.

    Got a Fix?
    Your direction and assistance would be greatly appreciated. Even if just a link to some documentation.


  • Hi, I am also wondering where the new data / xml info can be found for the vertical thumbs option. I haven't seen an update on the plugin page or a link to anything except the demo. I've tried putting the vertical=true option in but either I'm not putting it in the right place or it doesn't work without having downloaded an updated plugin.

  • Hi!

    just replace vtour.xml in tools/templates/xml with this template (dont forget to make an original copy)
    Or make your own vtour.xml based on this.
    After that you can drag and drop to MAKE VTOUR droplet and tour will have THUMBS

    I test it - all works.

    Andrey *thumbup*

    P.S. - you right! I need to update plugin page with new one.

  • 1st, Thanks for the updated xml template. I will give it a shot, then modify it to my layout if all is well.

    I have been trying unsuccessfully to modify the thumbs and positions of the controlling buttons when faced with iPad and iPhone versions. I copied and tried the code from page 2 of this thread for the... if isflash/ifisipad/ifisIphone. I modified it to include some button location changes and resize the thumbs, but nothing changes.

    I want to be able to move things around a bit (relocate the buttons) and insure that the thumb borders resize properly as well.

    Also, was unable to use the Vertical Scroll Option and haven't found where I can get details for this. If it's linked into this thread somewhere, I've overlooked it. I tried the vertical = true option as found herein, but that didn't work for me... I probably used it wrong.

    Thanks for all the help. Customers like this thumbnail option and it is great to have as a compatible iPad and mobile option.


  • Hi
    included buttons is only flash supported (it's just for demo), you need to use simple image plugin for controling thumbs on iphone.
    for example:
    <plugin url="yourimage.jpg" onclick="thumbnails_movebegin(thumbs1);"/>


    P.S. contact me mail@atlas-is.ru - i will send you version with vertical option

  • Hi Andrey,
    Is it possible to hide the thumbs by tweening them down off stage and back up again with a button? If I put a black bar at the bottom of my stage, and somehow set that as the parent of my thumbs, then had the bar tween offstage, is that a possible? I tried the latter but could not get it to work.

  • Hi!

    Yes of course
    note - thumbnails has plugin with same name. But you can't changing x y width and height directly, only by thumbnails_build function
    but you can do it by parent plugin


    create plugin with some name ('thumbsstageplugin' - for example)


    this will hide thumbnails with name 'thumbs1' by changing alpha to 0
    now you can moving thumbs by moving 'thumbsstageplugin' plugin
    changing x y alpha scale (for scale dont forget about scalechildren attribute, must be true)

    Hope this help

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Yes, it can be done,
    but some limitation - active area must be outside of thumbs active area.
    Maybe some shortcut or other special designed element.
    If setup ThumbsStageArea as draggable

    for example:


  • Well, there are a number of issues that I have not been able to get around.

    • the thumbs disappear OK, then the thumbstage tweens off stage (tacky as the thumbs don't actually follow the thumbstage)
    • when I bring the thumbstage back, the thumbs don't reappear
    • when I get the thumbstage back, it no longer functions a second time

    I've tried everything from setting and tweening both elements (thumbs1 and thumbstage) and nothing seems to work to get either visibility (of thumbs) or functionality (of thumbstage).

    Sample Code:

    This is just a simple test to get the functionality started before I start setting it up nicely... but i can't get it to work.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von nefar1ous (16. Oktober 2011 um 17:53)

  • Hi! Tony
    1) wrong and no need: set(plugin[thumbs1].alpha, 1.0, 2); - just remove it
    2) you set width of thumbContainer to 100% and scalechildren to true, that why thumbs disappear in your case just turn scalechildren to false
    3) no need: set(plugin[thumbContainer].enabled, true); - you don't set it to false
    4) if you do tween(plugin[thumbsContainer].alpha,.6,2); then thumbs will have same alpha as parent plugin (it's 0.6) so set it to "1"

    Your code almost correct, just make little correction *wink*

    PS - please dont share unprotected code it's not safe, if i want i can grab all yours plugins... *attention*

    I think it will help

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Thanks - resize works great now! Great product, and excellent support!

    I was having some issue with the scroll speed on the thumbs - they're pretty uncontrollable, and scroll_speed appears to have no effect on how rapidly the thumbs scroll.

    1) I've got about 40 thumbs (162x120) in thumb1, wrapped in thumbContainer and I'm trying to figure out how to slow down the scroll speed

    2) I can't seem to get the scroll left/right buttons (prevThumbArrow, nextThumbArrow) to work as in the thumbsexample.xml

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    <plugin name="prevThumbArrow"devices="desktop"zorder="86"handcursor="true"url="%SWFPATH%/assets/img/additional/prevnext.png"scale="0.3"keep="true"align="bottomleft"y="-50"x="15"alpha="0.5"visible="true"onover="tween(alpha,1);"onout="tween(alpha,0.5);"onhover="showtext(Scroll Left,standardText);"onclick="thumbnails_movebegin(thumbs1); thumbnails_movestop(thumbs1);"/>
    <plugin name="nextThumbArrow"devices="desktop"zorder="86"handcursor="true"url="%SWFPATH%/assets/img/additional/prevnext.png"scale="0.3"edge="left"rotate="180"keep="true"align="bottomright"y="-50"x="15"alpha="0.5"visible="true"onover="tween(alpha,1);"onout="tween(alpha,0.5);"onhover="showtext(Scroll Right,standardText);"onclick="thumbnails_moveend(thumbs1); thumbnails_movestop(thumbs1);"/>
    <plugin name="thumbsContainer"devices="desktop"visible="false"zorder="81"url="thumbsContainer.png"align="bottom"width="100%"height="5%"keep="true"state="false"alpha="1"x="0y="-150"scalechildren="false"/>	
    <thumbnails name="thumbs1"vertical="false"edge="top" align="bottom" y="140"thumb_width="162"thumb_height="120"thumb_margin="1"skin_url="%SWFPATH%/assets/scroller/thumbsxml/skin/"scroll_speed="3"folow_mouse="true">
  • Hi!
    to go to prev/next thumb you just need to goto prev next scene, and if you add onstart="thumbnails_current(thumbsname, thumbindex); "
    read here https://krpano.com/plugins/userpl…rollthumbs/#top
    in your example you use onclick="thumbnails_movebegin(thumbs1); thumbnails_movestop(thumbs1);"
    it will start moving to begin and stop it immediately, so nothing happend.
    better use
    Hope it help

    Andrey *thumbup*

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