Hello guys!
I've been working with VR Mode Tours for some time and as long as KRPano is IMHO great, hotspots tooltips don't work on VR Mode.
So the solution I found was making a PNG tooltips for each scene and a new hotspot style on the file "skin/vr_tooltips.xml" (attached):
<!-- Tooltips VR -->
<!-- skin_hotspotstyle_vr - style for the hotspots with VR enabled tooltips --> <style name="skin_hotspotstyle_vr" url="arrow.png" scale="0.5" edge="top" distorted="true" tooltip="" linkedscene="" linkedscene_lookat="" onclick="skin_hotspotstyle_click();" onover="tween(scale,0.55);" onout="tween(scale,0.5);" onloaded="if(linkedscene AND skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, copy(tooltip,scene[get(linkedscene)].legenda); loadstyle(vr_tooltips); );" />
<style name="vr_tooltips" onover="tween(scale,0.55); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].url, tooltip); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].ath, ath); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].atv, atv); set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].visible, true); tween(hotspot[vr_tooltip].alpha, 1.0, 0.2);" onout="tween(scale,0.5); tween(hotspot[vr_tooltip].alpha, 0.0, 0.2, default, set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].visible,false); );" />
<hotspot name="vr_tooltip" keep="true" url="" distorted="true" vr_timeout="750" visible="false" alpha="0" enabled="false" zorder="2" edge="bottom" oy="-2" devices="html5.and.webgl" />
Include the file on your main XML:
Then, on each scene, add a new parameter "legenda":
<scene name="pano" title="Title" thumburl="panos/pano.tiles/thumb.jpg" legenda="legendas/pano.png">
And, for every hotspot you want to give a VR mode tooltip, make it's style the following:
<hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle_vr" ath="31.860" atv="1.305" linkedscene="pano" />
Here is a working example:
Hope it's useful for someone!