VR Thumbnails Menu plugin

  • Hi,

    Thanks again for the VR Thumbnails Menu plugin. I've enjoyed setting it up with one of my tours and looks good *thumbsup*

    Thought I'd add some questions here just in case others are after the same info.

    I noticed the option to have descriptions for the groups and scenes which I've filled in but am unable to show them. I also looked at your demo tours on the plugin page and in the xml they have descriptions but also don't show..... just the titles. I'm probably missing something basic but could you let me know what please?

    Also, any chance of adding that back button to the individual scenes please?


    Displaying all group thumbnails and closemenu.png

    You click on a group thumb and then get presented with thumbs for all the scenes within that group. Also closemenu.png and a back.png down at the bottom which is great.

    After viewing scenes within a group there's only the menu.png available so no way to get back to the previous menu that shows the scene thumbs. Only option is to go back to the main menu and start over again

    How about something like this if it's possible? The xml is encrypted so unable to take a look and add it myself if I'm able.

    Thanks again,


  • I noticed the option to have descriptions for the groups and scenes which I've filled in but am unable to show them. I also looked at your demo tours on the plugin page and in the xml they have descriptions but also don't show..... just the titles. I'm probably missing something basic but could you let me know what please?

    Description is only used by the responsive grid plugin.

    After viewing scenes within a group there's only the menu.png available so no way to get back to the previous menu that shows the scene thumbs. Only option is to go back to the main menu and start over again

    For this behaviour just set onlycat and firstgroup to true.
    With those settings groups will be opened the first time the vr menu is displayed, and then it will display first the scene's group with the back arrow to open another group.

  • Thanks for the post.

    I thought it may have been an easy fix but just couldn't work out the process. Works really good now and can go back and forth *thumbup*

    Regarding the description, it's a shame that doesn't work as I spent quite a bit of time filling in the fields within all the scenes as client wanted it.
    On the plugin product page perhaps remove the 'description' parts otherwise it looks like it's an available feature?



  • Hi,

    I have a problem with plugin. When I include vrmenu.xml, maps icon is dissapearing from the skin menu.

    Here are the examples:

    1.19 pr14, out of the box with the only change in xml maps="true"
    **sent in PM** - maps icon is there and works.

    Copy of above tour with vrmenu files and include of vrmenu.xml:
    **sent in PM** - maps icon is gone.

    Could you please help fix this?


    ======= EDIT =========
    The issue was sorted in 1.2v

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von chamas35 (24. Februar 2018 um 13:38)

  • Hi jeromebg,

    great plugin, thank you!

    I have only a little problem with using it in my projects. With including your script the plugin "WebVR" with the attributes "onentervr=..." and "onexitvr=..." is overwritten by your decrypted code.

    Is there an solution to use the attributes "onentervr=..." and "onexitvr=..." to add my own actions? Or is there any possibility to use new attributes (for example "onentervr_new=..." and "onexitvr_new=...") to add my own code?

    I need this to make unvisible/visible several of my hotspots by enter and exit the vr mode.

    Best regards

  • Edit : just checked, webvr.onentervr calls webvr_onexitvr() action adn webvr.onexitvr calls webvr_onexitvr() action, theses actions are not overwritten so you can add your code in it.

  • Hello Jeromebg

    I'm a happy customer, thank you for your plugin

    Quick question, do you think is possible to create a menu with this configuration:

    main group > sub group > panos

    like the below picture ?


  • Hi jeromebg,

    I am a happy customer with both VR Thumbnails Menu Plugin and Responsive Grid Plugin for krpano and Panotour.

    Great plugins, thank you!

    Since till the moment I've obtained just mediocre krpano coding skills I cannot find how to get these few vrtour features my client's been asking for:
    "1. He's noticed that when your VR Thumbnails Menu Plugin demo tours get opened on a mobile device in a vertical position the fullscreen mode is off. And when the device gets rotated to a horizontal position the tour view mode toggles to fullscreen on. Without any other user interaction but just rotating the mobile device from vertical to a horizontal position the visitor activates fulscreen mode. Going back to a vertical position toggles fullscreen off. So he's asked me this particular feature to be implemented in his vr tour but unfortunatelly I don't know how to realize it." SOLVED - display autofullscreen

    2. The other feature my client is asking for is to get the Responsive Grid Plugin button activated and the grid menu opened at the moment the tour initiates and respectively to get the VR Thumbnails Menu Plugin button activated and its grid menu opened on entering WebVR mode (after a splashscreen).
    1st part SOLVED - Responsive Grid Menu starts opened. 2nd part (VR Thumbnails Menu starting opened) not solved yet. Is it technically possible?

    A major part of my problem is that I've built the tour in Panotour due to my current (temporary, I hope) lack of sufficient krpano coding skills. So, if a solution is possible I have to apply it to and alter the Panotour code, which I know they wouldn't recommend. Unfortunatelly since I don't have an alternative way to get my clients's request fullfilled, I woud take the risk to modify their code.
    If any customization of the plugins would be needed my client has agreed to financially compensate this and to cover the expenses.

    Thanks in advance and I hope all this would be possible!

    Best wishes,

    P.S. Here is the tour:

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von vrframe (5. September 2018 um 20:16)

  • 2nd part (VR Thumbnails Menu starting opened) not solved yet. Is it technically possible?

    Is it possible to start with the menue initially open?

    Sorry for this very late reply, didn't saw your posts...
    You could open the VR menu with an event, something like :
    <events name="open_vr_menu" onxmlcomplete="if(webvr.isenabled,show_vrmenu();)" />

  • Thx, that worked.

    But another question. Is it possible to keep the menue between several xml's?

    I'm using the action "loadpanoscene" to load another xml. The menue stays in the next pano, but there are no scenes/thumbnails (i think because in that xml there are no titles and thumburls set). But I just want to show it the set scenes from the start xml.

  • Hi,

    How can I change the name shown in the thumbnails? I understand that this is taken from the scene title, but I need a different name, could it be taken from a title2="... "?


    Hi, no it's coded to use the scene title.
    If you need another title to display somewhere else for each scene I would suggest to use title2 for it ;)

  • Hi, no it's coded to use the scene title.
    If you need another title to display somewhere else for each scene I would suggest to use title2 for it ;)


    I have two plugins that use the scene title, i want the VR use a shorter and more personalized title.

    Can you do a custom job for that?


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