PanoCamAdder+ now available!

  • Hello!
    I'm not sure if I understood you correctly..

    The name is very important!

    Name = 001

    This will create

    • 001_CAM (camera)
    • 001_HANDLE (empty)
    • 001_ROT (empty)
    • 001_MAT (material)
    • 001_WORLD (world)

    Do not rename these things!
    Enter unique(!) names for each panoCAM.

    Blender automatically adds numbers to a name if a name already exists..
    This also can cause problems when distributing/applying pano materials.

    PCA2.0 creates placeholder materials if a corresponding material is not found. So these problems can be easily fixed later.

    However, you can easily avoid problems by assigning unique names and not renaming anything.

  • I mean, when I click the image on the right side, the name of the image on the left side can automatically get the name of the image, and now we need to input the name into the name. I feel that this step takes a little bit of time. *g*

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Hi, I have a question, I'm not sure if it's a **problem** or what.

    When I click 1 to operate, the system seems to have assigned the first material. Then, in 2, I have assigned the material for some of the faces.

    If I want to return to 3 to see if there are any other adjustments to the camera perspective, and I click 1 again, the material assigned in 2 seems to have returned to its original state.

    I'm not sure if I understand your concern.

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Hello!
    I'm not sure what you want to achieve.
    But I think it's important to understand that both operators (assign pano_material and distribute pano_materials) remove all material slots from the selected mesh in the first step..

    I hope this helps a little bit.

    With kind regards, Mische

  • pca-tutorial-high-resolution-textures-1067x600.jpg

    New Tutorial!

    The new ‚distribute-pano-mats‘ function distributes the different panorama materials to the faces of the model. But only one material can be assigned per face..

    This can sometimes lead to an unsightly distribution on very low poly models.

    In this tutorial I will show you a workaround to create highly detailed textures!

    Link to the tutorial

    Best regards! :)

  • Faster production transition from aerial photography to ground panoramas is possible, using krpano+PCA2.0.1


    Faster production transition from aerial photography to ground panoramas is possible, using krpano+PCA2.0.1
    Our case demonstrates the display effect of continuous transition from aerial photography to the ground, and from outdoor to indoor; creating an integrated visit experience;

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • Can you record video? I can't follow the documentation tutorial. I'm not very familiar with Blender.

  • Our modeling follows the PCA standard. There are complete tutorials here, including indoor and aerial panorama roaming modeling tutorials. Of course, you can also give me the panorama to make a roaming model, and I look forward to cooperation. Just send it to my email.

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • The panorama of 3Dsmax uses blender’s PCA plug-in for the baking process
    Information needed to prepare
    1. fbx after surface reduction, about 3M
    2. Rendered panorama of true north direction
    3.fbx needs to include camera
    1.blender import fbx
    2. Find panoramic views of key locations
    3. Rename the list camera
    4. Use the pca plug-in to import the panorama and copy the previous corresponding camera coordinates
    5. Carry out baking processing

    We are now using this method to create 3D houses in 3dsmax. Can subsequent plug-in updates optimize this process?
    In this process, the model and camera are available, and the panorama is in the same direction. The problem is how to associate them.

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • my 3D Transition not working i use this code,

    <action name="tour3d_loadscene" scope="local" args="scenename">
            loadscene(get(scenename), null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(2.0));
            if (global.customtransition != 'SKIP', if(global.customtransition !== null, global.customtransition(); ,
            tween(view.tx|view.ty|, calc(image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), 5.0, easeinoutsine); ); );
            delete(global.customtransition); delete(global.customtransitiontime);
  • We used PCA2.0.1 to make the project. It's a really great piece of software. Thanks to the author!

    Looking forward to combining with 3dsmax fbx and Panoramas to realize baking in blender using rendered panoramas;

    If you need a 3D tour, feel free to contact me for panoramic image 3D tour production services and krpano secondary development. *smile*
    In addition, if you have development business in panoramic image platform, you can also contact me. I look forward to exchanging various application scenarios and exploring panorama applications with you.

    Our company is based in Shanghai, China and we have been engaged in panoramic business since 2017.

  • PCA+2.1



    • Auto PanoCAM naming leave the input field empty to take the name of the panorama-image
    • JSON output output every krp-value as valid JSON structured data
      • depth.JSON
      • hotspot.JSON
      • cameraview.JSON
      • polyhotspot.JSON
      • panorender.JSON
    • Protect Face Map exclude areas from the material operations to keep the current material (Blender3.6 only)
    • Fixes:
      • It was not possible to print multiple cam-values at once
      • It was not possible to print comments (blender for hotspots and cameras
      • In rare cases, errors could have occurred during the internal renaming of the PCA names (_CAM, _HANDLE, ..)
      • sometimes wrong 'non conform scaling' warning for hotspots
      • blender2krpano did not work with CYCLES in Blender.4.

    Tutorials (YouTube):

    The update is free of charge! All PCA+2.0 customers should have already received an email.

    Best regards, Mische

    ..Stay tuned for my upcoming application, the XAdder!
    coming very soon...

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the new update, it’s much appreciated. The new ‘Face Map’ feature seems quite useful.

    Regarding the JSON files, I wonder if they could replace the print output from the Blender console. It’s a bit inconvenient to run Blender using the terminal on macOS just to use the console. If the JSON output could replace the console prints, it would be great for me.

    Could you explain how to use the JSON output and when it would be most useful?

    Thank you.

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