it most likely depends on the presence of components for NWjs on which tools runs

krpano 1.21
Klaus, is it possible to get a build on another version of NWjs?
My wish is only about the rotate. Instant headache when i look around with the joystick :)
Instead of smooth, is it possible to use snap or step turning?That's all fully customizable - the current control behavior is in the depthmap_navigation.xml - and that's only a 'base' example or helper. Basically any movement or turning behavior can be implemented.
Not sure it's full implemented yet but I see in the doc that hotspots can now be childrens of other hotspots ?
That's not ready yet (but almost, it will be probably available in 1.21.1 or so).
What information do you need? because I don't see anything strange, any other executable works perfectly?
It is a recently purchased PC and the version krpano-1.20.11 works most likely depends on the presence of components for NWjs on which tools runs
Klaus, is it possible to get a build on another version of NWjs?
About information - is there a content blocker on the system?
What happens when you run it by right-click and open?
Where is the krpano 1.21 folder located? E.g. when in the 'Downloads' folder, it might be restricted by the system.
Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?About NWJS - krpano 1.21 and 1.20.11 are both using the same NWJS runtime version, so when 1.20.11 is working, 1.21 should work too. That means the NWJS version shouldn't be the reason here...
Best regards,
Klaus -
About information - is there a content blocker on the system?
What happens when you run it by right-click and open?
Where is the krpano 1.21 folder located? E.g. when in the 'Downloads' folder, it might be restricted by the system.
Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?About NWJS - krpano 1.21 and 1.20.11 are both using the same NWJS runtime version, so when 1.20.11 is working, 1.21 should work too...
1. About information - no
2. What happens when you run it by right-click and open?
The nwjs process appears in processes for a second and then immediately disappears.
Тhe same behavior with Convert SPHERE CUBE Droplet and MAKE VTOUR Droplet
3. Where is the krpano 1.21 folder located?
I checked different directories: the root of the drive, a subfolder on the drive,
and the path where there are no spaces or non-English characters.
4. Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?
Processes appear for a second and then immediately close.Test server runs fine. And through the console krpanotools.exe works without problems.
right-click and open
That's all fully customizable - the current control behavior is in the depthmap_navigation.xml - and that's only a 'base' example or helper. Basically any movement or turning behavior can be implemented.
That's not ready yet (but almost, it will be probably available in 1.21.1 or so).
About information - is there a content blocker on the system?
What happens when you run it by right-click and open?
Where is the krpano 1.21 folder located? E.g. when in the 'Downloads' folder, it might be restricted by the system.
Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?About NWJS - krpano 1.21 and 1.20.11 are both using the same NWJS runtime version, so when 1.20.11 is working, 1.21 should work too. That means the NWJS version shouldn't be the reason here...
Best regards,
-"blocker on the system" I think not, because it would also affect version 1.20.11.-"right-click and open" doesn't open anything
-"right-click and open as administrator"
It asks for permissions and doesn't open anything.
-" krpano 1.21 folder" is on the desktop
-"Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?" No.
only the testing server opens and it doesn't work
Basically any movement or turning behavior can be implemented.
Made the licence upgrade
Many thanks for your wonderful work! -
Hello Klaus,
any update regarding chromakey video as layer? its long awaited demand.
please reply.
-"blocker on the system" I think not, because it would also affect version 1.20.11.
-"right-click and open" doesn't open anything
-"right-click and open as administrator"
It asks for permissions and doesn't open anything.
-" krpano 1.21 folder" is on the desktop
-"Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?" No.
only the testing server opens and it doesn't workI had the same problem on my computer.
Hello Anyone Here to reply ?????
Hello Klaus,
any update regarding chromakey video as layer? its long awaited demand.
please reply.
w8, this isnt a chat board :)
any update regarding chromakey video as layer? its long awaited demand.
Use a <hotspot> with renderer="webgl" and flying="1".
That's will be a hotspot in screenspace. -
-"blocker on the system" I think not, because it would also affect version 1.20.11.
-"right-click and open" doesn't open anything
-"right-click and open as administrator"
It asks for permissions and doesn't open anything.
-" krpano 1.21 folder" is on the desktop
-"Any information in task-manager? Is it even running?" No.
only the testing server opens and it doesn't workexactly the same happens on my computer
Use a with renderer="webgl" and flying="1".
That's will be a hotspot in screenspace.Thanks sir, but this have onsize issue with diffrent size device and i want to hide in VR.
Thanks in advance
Thanks sir, but this have onsize issue with diffrent size device
In version 1.21 a hotspot with flying=1 has the same sizing as a layer - and using align is also supported.
and i want to hide in VR.
That's anytime possible:
any update regarding chromakey video as layer? its long awaited demand.
And here another idea by using a krpano layer:
Chromakey Video as LayerCode:
Display More<layer name="chromakey" type="krpano" align="center" width="500" height="500" bgborder="1 0xFF0000" capture="false" videourl="video.mp4|video.webm" onloaded="chromakey_layer()" onclick="togglepause();" /> <action name="chromakey_layer" type="Javascript"><![CDATA[ var view = caller.krpano; view.fovtype = "VFOV"; view.fov = view.fovmin = view.fovmax = 90; var hs = caller.krpano.addhotspot("chromakey","webgl"); hs.url = "%VIEWER%/plugins/videoplayer.js"; hs.videourl = caller.videourl; hs.loop = true; hs.chromakey = "0x238E54|0.294|0.133"; hs.flying = 1; hs.width = "100%"; hs.height = "100%"; hs.capture = false; hs.pausedonstart = true; function updatesize() { if (hs.videoheight > 0 && caller.pixelheight > 0) { var aspect = (hs.videowidth / hs.videoheight) / (caller.pixelwidth / caller.pixelheight); hs.width = aspect > 1.0 ? "100%" : (100*aspect) + "%"; hs.height = aspect < 1.0 ? "100%" : (100*aspect) + "%"; } } hs.onvideoready = function() { updatesize(); // forward the videoplayer actions to the layer caller.togglepause = hs.togglepause; // ... } ]]></action>
3D Transitions with Motion-Blur:…tour-winecellar…otour-apartmentMobile devices do not support, or the result is bad, it is a bug?
3D Transitions with Motion-Blur:…tour-winecellar…otour-apartmentMobile devices do not support, or the result is bad, it is a bug?
It appears that the mobile URL is just different.
It seems to be able to display android.…cellar/tour.xml…rtment/tour.xml
Klaus. Incredible update. Thanks for that super job.
We have a lot to play with now.
I downloaded 1.21 on my second computer, much inferior to the newer one and,
surprise, it works and opens krpanotools, Make vtour droplet and krpano testing server.
Both are windows 10.
How to know what blocks the operation in the most recent?
In which I want to run Krpano.
But the strange thing is that in this newer one
I have been working perfectly with 1.20.11 -
Nothing happens when clicking krpano Tools.exe on Windows 10.
I get an hourglass for a second and it does not open.
for anyone having the Windows issue - there is a new release (build 2023-02-09) available that should fix it.
Actually the problem was the same as in 1.20.10 and related to the NWJS version:
krpano 1.20.10At that time I had changed the NWJS version in 1.20.10, but unfortunately somehow forgot to apply that change also to 1.21...
Best regards,
Klaus -
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