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NOTE: This page is from an older version, see the latest version here.

krpano Actions / Scripting Reference Version 1.19-pr12

krpano has a small and simple dynamic scripting language. With it krpano can be customized in many ways. A command or function is called action in krpano. It's possible to use existing actions and also to define new ones. The scripting language is dynamic and basically untyped, only some predefined variables are typed, but that is normally not relevant because inside the scripts all type conversions will be done automatically.

About this documentation

This documentation is about global krpano variables and objects, about the actions calling syntax and about all pre-defined krpano actions / functions.

Documentation topics:

krpano Global-Variables Reference

Version / Build information Screen information / settings Device informations Mouse / Keyboard Timing / Random values Math constants Keyboard / Button moving Multiresolution information Loading information XML / Scene Debugging / Error handling Layers (Flash only)

krpano Actions / Functions Reference

Programming logic / Flow control Math operators and functions Number / String formating Animations / Animated value changing Dynamic loading of other panos / tours Viewing animations / Camera control Automatic rotation Coordinate transformation Text visualization View / Pano updates Dynamic adding or removing of screen elements Layer / Plugin / Hotspot Actions External / Javascript Interface Debugging

Syntax and Usage

The calling conventions of krpano actions / functions:
actionname(parameters); ...
  • Where actionname can be either:
    • the name of a build-in krpano action or...
    • the name of an <action> element that was defined anywhere in the xml or...
    • the name of a krpano variable / attribute that contains krpano action code or is linking to an Actionscript3 (Flash) or a Javascript (HTML5) function.
  • Whitespace characters (like space, tab, new-lines) will be ignored as long they are not inside quotes (single or double quote characters).
  • If there is more than one action call, the calls should be ended with a semicolon.
  • The action calls will be processed in sequence one after the other.
  • The parameters that can or should bee passed to the action depends on the individual action itself.
  • When passing more than one parameter, then the parameters need to be separated by commas.
  • All parameters will be passed as they are written as text to the action. When the parameter is a variable, then only the name of the variable will be passed - but not the value of the variable! To pass the value of a variable the get(variable) action need to be used.
    Note - some actions are resolving variables automatically to their value, but this depends on the individual action itself.
  • To be able to use whitespace characters and commas inside a parameter, the parameter must be enclosed by single ' or double quotes ".

More information:


The syntax of logical or mathematical expressions / conditions in krpano:
The expression syntax will be used in if checks, in conditional loops (for, loop) and in the calc action. It can be used to evaluate logical conditions, calculate mathematical expressions or to concatenate strings.

The basic syntax is:
  • where the a or b terms can be either variables, values or strings.
  • The OPERATOR can be one of the operators listed below.
  • The resolving order depends on the operator, but withhin equivalent operators the resolving order is from left to right.
  • Use parenthesis / nesting for a custom resolving orders - e.g.:

Comparison operators:
==is equal (non-strict)
!=is not equal (non-strict)
<  or  LTis lower than *
>  or  GTis greater than *
<=  or  LEis lower or equal than *
>=  or  GEis greater or equal than *
=== is equal (strict)
!==is not equal (strict)
Logical operators:
||  or  OR the left OR the right expression need to be true *
&&  or  ANDthe left AND the right expression need to be true *
!NOT operator - invert a boolean value
Ternary operators:
if ? then : elseTernary operator
Nesting operators:
( ... )Nesting operator
Mathematical operators:
+plus - add numbers or concatenate strings
^power of
Binary operators:
<<  or  LSHTleft bit shift *
>>  or  RSHTright bit shift *
BORbitwise OR
BANDbitwise AND

Strict / non-strict comparisons

When using non-strict comparisons (by using == or != when the strict mode setting is false) then it will be assumed that the given values are either variables or strings. That means when a variable with the given name exists, then the value of that variable will be used in the comparison. But when the variable doesn't exists, then the given name will be used as string.
In strict comparisons the strings must be explicitly marked by quotes. Variables will resolve either to their value or to null if they don't exists.

* Note - due of xml syntax limitations, the usage of the characters <, >, & might be not possible (e.g. inside xml attributes or inside xml elements without CDATA tag). Therefore it's recommended to use the alternative syntax.


Basic principles:
  • Every xml element with a name attribute is an element / item of an Array.
  • The name of the xml element is the name of the Array and the name attribute defines the name of the Array element / item.
  • An Array in krpano is always an Array of objects.
  • Such Array-item object can contain any kind of custom properties / attributes.
  • Arrays can be predefined or defined dynamically at runtime by setting an Array item value - when setting an item value the first time, then automatically an Array will be created.

Static XML Syntax: (when defining in the xml structure)
<array_name name="item_name" value="..." />

Dynamic Actions Syntax: (when accessing or setting at runtime)

Properties and Actions from Array objects:
  • count
    • Get the current number of items in the array.
    • An Array can be cleared by setting count to 0.
  • sortby(attribute, parameters*)
    • Sort all array items by the value of the given attribute.
    • By default the sorting order will depend on the type of the attribute (e.g. 'numeric vs. string' sorting).
    • parameters (optionally) - a string that can contain one or more of the following values (e.g. separated by a pipe | character):
      • caseinsensitive - case insensitive string sorting.
      • descending - use a descending sorting order.
      • numeric - parse the values as numbers and sort accordingly.
  • removearrayitem(name or index)
    • Remove an array item.
    • The items following the removed item will rank / move up.

Default properties from Array-Item objects:
  • index
    • The 0-based index of the current Array-Item (read-only).
  • name
    • The name of the current Array-Item.
    • It's possible to delete an Array-Item and to remove it from the Array by setting the name to null.

Global Variables

All default build-in global krpano variables:
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
version String "1.19"
The krpano version string.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
xmlversion String
The version setting from the xml.
When not set, this will be the same as the krpano version string.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
build String
The krpano build date string, e.g. "2014-03-16".
Variable names (read only)typedefault value
The mouse position.

The mouse.x and mouse.y coordinates are relative to the left top edge of the area.

The mouse.stagex and mouse.stagey coordinates are relative to the left top edge of the whole stage / screen / window.

The mouse.downx and mouse.downy variables store the position where the mouse button was last pressed down (for left and right buttons). The coordinates itself are relative to the left top edge of the area.

The mouse.clickx and mouse.clicky variables are special case ones - they store the position where the click from onsingleclick or ondoubleclick events had happend. The coordinates itself are relative to the left top edge of the area.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
keycode int 0
The keycode of the last pressed or released key.

The keycode value will be set in the onkeydown and onkeyup events.

Here a small code snippet to find out the keycode of the pressed key:
<events onkeydown="showlog(); trace('keycode=',keycode);" />
Variable names (read only)typedefault value
The roll-delta of the mouse wheel rotation.

These variables will be set in the onmousewheel event.

  • wheeldelta
    • The wheel roll delta as normalized value.
    • Typically +3 or -3 on the most systems.
  • wheeldelta_raw
    • The 'raw' unscaled and non-rounded delta values of the mouse wheel rotation. The normal wheeldelta values are limited to integer values and can be too inaccurate for some usages (plugins).
    • Note - in the krpano Flash viewer, the raw values are only available when using the default krpano embedding script and only in windowed-mode (not in Fullscreen mode)! In the krpano HTML5 viewer, the raw values are always available.
  • wheeldelta_touchscale
    • On touch devices there is no mouse-wheel, but the onmousewheel event will be also called on 2-finger zooming gestures.
    • The wheeldelta_touchscale variable will provide detailed information about the relative touch scale / zoom.
    • Note - only available on touch devices!
      On other devices the value will be always 0.0.
Variable nametypedefault value
fullscreen Boolean false
The fullscreen variable can be used to check or to change the current state of the fullscreen mode. When the variable will be changed, then also the fullscreen mode will be changed.

Example - switch to fullscreen mode:
Example - switch between fullscreen and windowed mode:

  • Before using the fullscreen setting, it should be verified if the current browser / device actually supports the fullscreen mode. This can be done with the xml fullscreensupport devices setting and the device.fullscreensupport variable.
  • Due Flashplayer and HTML5 security limitations the switching to the fullscreen mode will be only possible as reaction to an user input like a mouse click or a keypress! That means it's only possible switch to fullscreen mode in an onclick or onkeydown event!
  • When the HTML5 fullscreen mode is not supported by the browser (like on iOS), then the fullscreen setting will only change the size of the viewer html element to match the size of the full browser window. Due technical limitations this will not work from inside an <iframe> and can be problematic in nested html structures.
  • When trying to use the HTML5 fullscreen mode from within an <iframe>, it is necessary to add the allowfullscreen parameter (and the non-standard browser versions of it) to the <iframe> declaration. This tells the browser that this iframe is allowed to switch to Fullscreen mode.

    <iframe ... allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Variable names (read only)typedefault value
The sizes of the current viewer window in pixels.
Get the these sizes in the onresize event.
Variable name (HTML5 only)typedefault value
stagescale Number 1.0
A global overall scaling setting.
The stagescale setting will scale all krpano elements and sizes.

By scaling all elements, the krpano stage-size (screen-size / resolution) itself will be scaled inversely by this value - e.g. a value of 0.5 will scale-down all elements by 50% while increasing the internal stage-sizes by 200% at the same time.

The default stagescale value depends on the device, the browser, the Javascript window.devicePixelRatio value. On desktop and tablets browsers the default value will be typically 1.0, on mobiles typically 0.5.

That means the elements on mobiles are typically half the size as on desktop or tablets. To disable that behavior (e.g. to implement some custom responsive layout) add this code to the first xml:
<action name="mobilescale" autorun="preinit" devices="mobile">
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
Information about the browser.
Flash notes - in the Flash viewer these information will be only available when using the krpano embedding script. When directly embedding the swf file, then these information aren't available.
Variable names (read only)typedefault value








The device object provides information about the current device/system. It's the dynamic/scripting equivalent to the xml devices attribute.
The attributes/properties of the device object can be checked anytime by scripting code, e.g. by the if() action.

The device object has these properties:
  • flash - true only in the krpano Flash viewer
  • flashversion - version of the Flashplayer
  • html5 - true only in the krpano HTML5 viewer
  • desktop - true only on Desktop
  • normal - true only on Desktop and Tablets (as opposite to mobile)
  • tablet - true only on Tablets
  • mobile - true only on Mobiles
  • handheld - true only on Mobiles and Tablets (as opposite to desktop)
  • Note - desktop, mobile and tablet are 'tri-state' settings, they can never be set at the same time, only one of these can be set to true.
  • css3d - true when CSS-3D-Transforms are available (HTML5 only)
  • webgl - true when WebGL is available (HTML5 only)
  • multiressupport - true when the browser is capable for multires
  • panovideosupport - true when the browser is capable for panoramic video
  • fullscreensupport - true only when the Fullscreen-mode is support
  • pixelratio - the pixelratio of the device/browser
  • fractionalscaling - true when a fractional page-scale or pixelratio is set
  • mouse - true only on devices with mouse support
  • touch - true only on devices with Multi-Touch support
  • Note - mouse and touch can be set at the same time when the device is supporting both (e.g. desktop devices with touch-screens).
  • ios - true only on iOS devices (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
  • iosversion - the iOS version of the device (iPhone,iPad,iPod only)
  • iphone - true only on the iPhone (and iPod Touch)
  • ipod - true only on the iPod Touch
  • ipad - true only on the iPad
  • android - true only on Android devices
  • androidversion - the Android version (HTML5 only)
  • androidstock - true only in 'stock' (=WebView-based) Android browsers
  • chrome - true only in the Chrome browser (HTML5 only)
  • chromemobile - true only in the Mobile Chrome browser (HTML5 only)
  • chromeversion - version of the Chrome browser (HTML5 only)
  • firefox - true only in the Firefox browser (HTML5 only)
  • firefoxversion - version of the Firefox browser (HTML5 only)
  • ie - true only in the Internet Explorer browser (HTML5 only)
  • ieversion - version of the Internet Explorer browser (HTML5 only)
  • edge - true only in the Microsoft Edge browser (HTML5 only)
  • safari - true only in the Safari browser (HTML5 only)
  • safariversion - version of the Safari browser (HTML5 only)
  • opera - true only in the (Presto-based) Opera browser (HTML5 only)
  • operaversion - version of the Opera browser (HTML5 only)
  • standalone - true only in the Standalone Flashplayer
  • windows - true only on Windows systems
  • mac - true only on Mac OSX systems
  • linux - true only on Linux systems

if(device.html5, ...);
if(device.flash, ...);
if(, if(device.flash, ...); );
if(device.iOSversion GT 5.1, ...);
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
timertick int
The timertick variable returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the viewer was started (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
random Number 0.0 - 1.0
The random variable returns a random number in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

Example - how to get an integer random value in the range 1 - 10:
mul(val, random, 9);
add(val, 1);
trace('random value=',val);
Variable namestypedefault value
These variables can be used to set a force to move the view / the pano.
Their main usage is for keyboard or button movement control.

When they will be set to a value other than 0.0, the view will start slowly accelerating (controlled by control.keybaccelerate) and then move with a maximum speed (controlled by control.keybspeed) until they will be set back to 0.0, then the movement will slow down (controlled by control.keybfriction).
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
multireslevel int
The multireslevel variable returns the current multi-resolution level
(0 - image.level.count).
Variable nametypedefault value
lockmultireslevel String -1
Lock the automatic multi-resolution level selection to a fixed level.
Set lockmultireslevel to "current" to lock the level to the current level. To release the level locking set lockmultireslevel back to "-1".
Variable nametypedefault value
downloadlockedlevel Boolean false
When set to true, the currently locked level will be downloaded completely.
Variable nametypedefault value
progress.progress Number 0.0
The current loading progress as linear value from 0.0 to 1.0.

It could be used to create custom loading animations - e.g. use the onxmlcomplete event for starting the loading animation, and the onloadcomplete event for stopping it.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
xml.url String
The xml.url variable contains the path/url of the currently loaded xml file.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
xml.content String
The xml.content variable contains the whole content of the currently loaded xml file as string. After loading a <scene> with the loadscene() action, the xml.content variable will contain only the content of the <scene> element.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
xml.scene String
The xml.scene variable contains the name of currently loaded scene.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
xml.view Object
A backup of the values from the initial <view> element defined in the current xml or scene. E.g. get the initial view.hlookat value via xml.view.hlookat.

Note - only the values that were defined in the xml are stored here, no default values. That means before using a value from that object, it would be necessary to check if these variables actually exists - e.g. via if(xml.view.fov !== null, ...);.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
lasterror String
The lasterror variable contains the last error message when an error had happened. To get this variable the onloaderror event must be used.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
haveexternalinterface Boolean true
This variable can be used to check if the External Interface from the Flashplayer is available. This interface is necessary for the Javascript Interface and for the openurl actions.
Online on a server the External Interface is always available, but locally only when Flash file will be opened inside the Browser and when the folder of the Flash swf is in a 'trusted folder'. The trusted folders can be managent in the Flashplayer security settings, see here for more detatils - Local / Offline Usage.
Variable name (read only)typedefault value
havenetworkaccess Boolean true
This variable can be used to check if the Network Access is available in the Flashplayer. This can be used to avoid errors when trying to use plugins like the Google Maps or Bing Maps locally, because these plugins are trying to load data from the web and so need Network Access.
Online on a server the Network Access is always available, but locally only when the folder of the Flash swf is in a 'trusted folder'. The trusted folders can be managent in the Flashplayer security settings, see here for more detatils - Local / Offline Usage.

Action Documentations

def(variable, type, value*)
Define a new variable with a specific type and optionally set it to the given value.

When no value will be given and the variable already exsits, then the variable with its current value will be converted to the given type.

  • variable
    • The variable name.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • type
    • The type of the variable.
    • Available types:
      • boolean - true or false
      • number - a numeric value
      • integer - an integer value
      • string - text characters
      • object - an object with custom properties
  • value (optionally)
    • The new value for this variable.
    • When no value will be given and the variable already exsits, then the variable with its current value will be converted to the given type.
    • When no value will be given and the variable doesn't exsits, then these the default values are used: boolean=false, number=NaN (Not a Number), integer=0, string=null.
    • When the type is object, no value can be set.
def(b, boolean, true);
def(n, number, 123.456);
def(s, string, 'text');
def(obj, object);
def(obj.x, number, 0.0);
def(obj.y, number, 0.0);
set(variable, value)
Set the given variable to the given value.

  • variable
    • The variable name.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • value
    • The new value for this variable.
    • When the variable already exists, then the value will be converted to the type of the variable.
    • Note - when the name of value also is a variable, then its value will be not automatically resolved! To get the value of a variable use the get(variable) action.
set(var1, 'hello');
set(var2, get(var1));
set(fullscreen, true);
set(layer[p1].visible, false);
set(hotspot[h1].scale, 2.5);
set(contextmenu.item[0].caption, 'hello item');
set(events.onxmlcomplete, null);
action( get(variable), ... )
array[ get(variable) ]
<xmlelement attribute="get:variable" ... />
Resolves the variable to its value.

The get(var) action is a special action that can be only used as parameter when calling other actions or when accessing array elements.

  • variable
    • Any variable.
    • When the variable doesn't exists, get() will return null.

Note - some actions are automatically trying to resolve their given parameters to their values. For these actions using get(var) would be not necessary.
set(dstvar, get(srcvar));
lookto(get(h), get(v), get(f));
set(pic, spot1);
set(hotspot[get(pic)].visible, false);
trace('xyz=', xyz, ' get(xyz)=', get(xyz));
txtadd(msg, 'fov=', get(view.fov));
calc(variable, expression)
action( calc(expression), ... )
array[ calc(expression) ]
<xmlelement attribute="calc:expression" ... />
Calculate / evaluate / resolve the expression to its value.

The calc(expression) action is a special action that can be only used as parameter when calling other actions or when accessing array elements.

  • variable
    • The variable where the result will be stored.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • expression
set(y_new, calc(y_old - offset1 + offset2));
set(animationtime, calc('%1' == 'instant' ? 0.0 : 0.5));
<layer url="calc:'%CURRENTXML%/skin/' + settings.image1" />
copy(destination, source)
The copy() action copies the content from one variable to the other one.

When both variables have different types, then the value of the source variable will be converted to the type of the destination variable.

This is the same as: set(destination, get(source))

  • destination
    • The destination variable.
    • When the variable doesn't exists, it will be created.
  • source
    • The source variable.
    • When the variable doesn't exists, null will be set to the destination variable.
copy(dstvar, srcvar);
copy(cur_hlookat, view.hlookat);
copy(layer[text].x, mouse.x);
copy(layer[text].y, mouse.y);
delete(variable, ...)
Delete and remove the given variables.

  • variables
    • Any variable name.
    • It's possible to delete several variables at once - just pass several variables names (separated by a comma).
set(tmp1, ...);
set(tmp2, ...);
... do something ...
delete(tmp1, tmp2);
if(condition, then-actions, else-actions*)
The if() action allows conditional execution of code.

  • condition
  • then-actions
    • The actions that will be executed when the evaluation of the condition will be true.
  • else-actions (optionally)
    • The actions that will be executed when the evaluation of the condition will be false.
if(fullscreen, fullscreensetup(), windowsetup() );
if(fullscreen, set(layer[controls].visible, false) );
if(i LT 10, loop(next) );
if(var === null, set(var,0));
if(hotspot[spot1] === null, trace(there is no spot1 hotspot));
if((varA GT 5) AND (varA LT 10),
    trace('varA is between 5 and 10')
if(varA AND varB AND varC, trace('all vars are true') );
if(var1 GT var2,
    trace('condition is true');
    trace('condition is false');
if(a*2+b GT (c+3)*1.5 OR teststring == '123', ...);
delayedcall(delay, actions)
delayedcall(id, delay, actions)
Calls / executes the given actions after a given time.

  • id (optionally)
    • An optional unique id for the delayedcall.
    • This id can be used to stop the delayedcall by calling stopdelayedcall(id).
  • delay
    • The number of seconds to wait before executing the actions.
  • actions
    • The actions to call after the delay.
delayedcall(5.0, hidelogo() );
delayedcall(10, looktohotspot(spot1);loadpano(pano2.xml); );
delayedcall(1, showtext('hello');       );
delayedcall(4, showtext('to the pano'); );
<action name="updatemousepos">
  copy(layer[cursor].x, mouse.x);
  copy(layer[cursor].y, mouse.y);
  delayedcall(0.02, updatemousepos() );
Stop the delayedcall with the given id.

  • id
    • The id of the delayedcall that should be stopped.
<events name="introimage_events"
        onnewpano="delayedcall(introimage, 5.0, hide_introimage() );"
Calls / executes the given actions in the next processing tick - that means after the current actions, but as soon as possible.

  • actions
    • The actions to call.
callwhen(condition, actions)
Calls the given actions when the condition is true or when it will become true.
When the condition is currently not true, then the callwhen() action will wait as long until the condition will become true.

  • condition
    • A logical expression.
    • The callwhen() action will check this condition constantly every frame until it will become true.
  • actions
    • The actions to call when the condition is true.
callwhen(plugin[video].loaded, plugin[video].playvideo(...); );
callwhen(plugin[maps].loaded, plugin[maps].setcenter(...); );
for(startactions, condition, nextactions, loopactions)
For loops.

First the startactions will be called, then the condition be checked and when it is true - then the loopactions will be called, then the nextactions and then it starts checking the condition and the loop again.

  • startactions
    • The actions that will be called / executed before the for loop starts.
  • condition
  • nextactions
    • The actions that will be called / executed after one loop (after the loopaction).
  • loopactions
    • The actions that will be repeatedly called / executed as long as the condition is true.
for(set(i,0), i LT 10, inc(i), trace('i=',i) );.
for(set(i,0), i LT layer.count, inc(i), 
loop(condition, loopactions)
asyncloop(condition, loopactions, doneactions*)
As long as the condition is true the loopactions will be called repeatedly.

The normal loop() action will continue with the following actions when the loop itself is done. The asyncloop() will continue intermediately with the following actions and execute the loopactions once per frame. When the async looping is finally done, then the doneactions will be called.

  • condition
  • loopactions
    • The actions that will be repeatedly called / executed as long as the condition is true.
  • doneactions (optionally, asyncloop only)
    • The actions that will be called when the condition becomes false and the looping stops.
ondown="asyncloop(pressed, layer[scrollarea].scrollby(+2,0) );"
onover="asyncloop(hovering, updatemousepos(), hideinfo() );"
asyncloop(true, framehandler() );
setinterval(id, delay, actions)
Calls / executes the given actions repeatedly with a delay time interval between them.

  • id (optionally)
    • An unique id for the interval.
    • This id can be used to stop the interval by calling clearinterval(id).
  • delay
    • The number of seconds to wait between the actions calls.
    • When using 0 as delay, the actions will be called once every frame.
  • actions
    • The actions to call every delay seconds.
setinterval(time, 1.0, 
    jsget(time, (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(); );
<events onkeydown="setinterval(get(keycode), 0.1, trace(keycode); );"
The toggle action toggles the value of the given (boolean) variable between true and false.

  • variable
    • The boolean variable that should be toggled.
switch(variable, value1, value2, ...)
The switch action switches the value of the given variable between / through several states. Everytime when the switch action will be called the value will be switched / changed.

When only the variable itself without value parameters will be given, then the variable will be switched between true and false.

When there are two or more values given as parameters then the variable will switch through all of these values (from left to right).

  • variable
    • The variable that should be switched / changed.
  • value1, value2, ... (optionally)
    • The switch-through values for this variable.
switch(layer[button1].alpha, 1.0, 0.5);
switch(layer[child].parent, button1, button2, button3);
switch(destpos, -100, 0, +100); tween(y,get(destpos));
  • Break / stop the execution of the current actions call.
  • When used inside a for() or loop() loop, only the loop itself will be stopped.
callwith(caller, actions)
Call krpano action code with using a specific plugin / layer or hotspot element as caller. This can be used for direct property access or to simulate event calls on these elements.

  • caller
    • The element that should be used as caller.
    • Can be only a <plugin> / <layer> or <hotspot> element.
  • actions
    • Any krpano action code.
    • The code will be executed in the 'context' of the caller - that means 'direct' access to its properties.
callwith(layer[test], onclick);
callwith(layer[test], trace('test pos=',x,'/',y); );
callwith(layer[test], tween(alpha, 0.0); );
assignstyle(elementname, styles)
Copy the attributes from one or more <style> elements to a custom element.

  • elementname
    • The name of the element where the style attributes should be copied to.
      E.g. layer[test] or myelement[name].
  • styles
    • One or more name of <style> elements.
      Several names need to combined by a | character.
assignstyle(layer[test], 'teststyle');
assignstyle(layer[test], 'style1|style2');
events.dispatch(eventname, instantly*)
Dispatches / calls the given event from all <events> elements.

  • eventname
    • The name of the event.
  • instantly (optionally)
    • A Boolean setting (true or false, false by default).
    • When set to true, the events will be called and executed instantly, when not set or set to false, the events will be called after the current actions calls.
<events name="events1" myevent="trace(events1...);" />
<events name="events2" myevent="trace(events2...);" />
add(variable, valueA, valueB*)
sub(variable, valueA, valueB*)
mul(variable, valueA, valueB*)
div(variable, valueA, valueB*)
mod(variable, valueA, valueB*)
pow(variable, valueA, valueB*)
Actions for mathematical calculations.
These actions can be used with 2 or 3 parameters:

  • with 2 parameters:
    • add(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst + val1 (like +=)
    • sub(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst - val1 (like -=)
    • mul(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst * val1 (like *=)
    • div(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst / val1 (like /=)
    • mod(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst % val1 (modulate)
    • pow(dst,val1)  ⇒  dst = dst ^ val1
  • with 3 parameters:
    • add(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 + val2
    • sub(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 - val2
    • mul(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 * val2
    • div(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 / val2
    • mod(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 % val2 (modulate)
    • pow(dst,val1,val2)  ⇒  dst = val1 ^ val2

Note - val1 and val2 can be values or variables. When val1 or val2 is a variable then automatically the content of the variable will be used!

  • variable
    • The variable where the result of the calculation will be stored.
    • When the variable doesn't exists, it will be created.
  • valueA / valueB (optionally)
    • The values or variables for the calculation.
set(val, 1);
add(val, 1);
trace('val should be 2: val=',val);
mul(doublewidth, width, 2.0);
mul(scale, 0.5);
div(result, vala, valb);
add(dst,rotate,360); tween(rotate,get(dst),5);
add(xpos, mouse.x, mouse_x_offset);
sub(destx, stagewidth,  destwidth);
inc(variable, byvalue*, max*, min*)
dec(variable, byvalue*, min*, max*)
These actions increase or decrease variable (with saturation or limiting).

  • variable
    • The variable to increase or decrease.
  • byvalue (optionally)
    • Increase or decrease the variable by this value.
    • When not set, the variable will be increased or decreased by 1.
  • max / min (optionally)
    • Defines maximum and minimum values.
    • When one limit will be reached then the value will be set back to the other limit value. This can be used to let the varibale either wrap around a defined range or to clip at at specific limit (with min=max).
inc(view.hlookat, 2, 90, 90);
clamp(variable, min, max)
Limit the value of the variable to be between the given min and max values.

  • variable
    • The variable to clamp / to limit.
  • min
    • The minimum value - when value of the variable is below that value, it will be set to this min value.
  • max
    • The maximum value - when value of the variable is above that value, it will be set to this max value.
clamp(percent, 0, 100);
screentolayer(bar, mouse.stagex,mouse.stagey, lx,ly);
div(fill, lx, layer[bar].pixelwidth);
mul(fill, 100);
clamp(fill, 0, 100);
txtadd(layer[barfill].width, get(fill), '%');
The Math object provides constants and actions for mathematical calculations.

The most Math actions can be called in two ways - either by just passing the name of the variable - then variable will be used as parameter and the result of the calculation will be stored back to the variable, or by specifying an additionally parameter where the result should be stored.

roundval(variable, decimalplaces*)
Rounds the value of the variable to given decimal places (0 when not set).
(Note - the variable will be a string internally after rounding)

  • variable
    • The variable to be rounded.
  • decimalplaces (optionally)
    • The number of decimal places.
txtadd(msg,'looking at ',get(cur_hlookat),'/',get(cur_vlookat));
tohex(variable, prefix*, length*)
Convert the content of the given variable to a hexadecimal string.
Can be used to create html/css color strings.

  • variable
    • The variable to be converted to a hexadecimal string.
  • prefix (optionally)
    • A prefix (like '0x' or '#') for the string.
  • length (optionally)
    • A fixed length for the result.
set(color, ...an_external_integer_input...);
Convert the content of the given variable to a lower or upper case.

  • variable
    • The variable to be converted to a lower or upper case.
txtadd(destination, txt1, txt2*, txt3*, ...)
The txtadd action can be used to add/connect several texts / values together.
The action can be used with 2 or more parameters. When using only two parameters (destination and a text) then the text will be added to current value of the destination variable.

  • destination
    • The destination variable where the connected text will be stored.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • txt1, txt2, txt3, ... (optionally)
    • The texts that will be connected together.
    • When using only one txt parameter then this text will be added to the content of current destination variable.
    • Note - when the content of a variable should be used - then the get() action must be used to resolve the variable!
txtadd(pname, 'thumbbar_image_', get(i));
subtxt(dstvar, srcvar, startpos, len)
The subtxt action extracts a part of an other text.

  • dstvar
    • The destination variable where the extracted text will be stored.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • srcvar
    • The variable or text with the source text.
  • startpos
    • The starting position from where the text should be extracted.
  • len
    • The length of the text to extract.
indexoftxt(index, txt, searchtxt, startindex*)
The indexoftxt action gives the position of the first occurrence of the 'searchtxt' value in the 'txt' string.

  • index
    • A variable that will store the index of first occurrence of 'searchtxt'.
    • Or -1 if 'searchtxt' never occurs.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • txt
    • The text in which it should be searched.
  • searchtxt
    • The text to searched for.
  • startindex (optionally)
    • The starting startindex / position where to start searching for the text (0 by default).
txtreplace(var, searchtext, replacetext)
txtreplace(dstvar, srcvar, searchtext, replacetext)
The txtreplace action searches in 'var/srcvar' for all occurrences of 'searchtext' and replaces them with 'replacetext'.

  • var / srcvar / dstvar
    • The variable where to search for (var, srcvar) and where the result will be stored (var, dstvar).
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • searchtxt
    • The text that should be searched for.
  • replacetext
    • The text that will replace the 'searchtxt' occurrences.
txtsplit(string, separator, resultingarray)
txtsplit(string, separator, var1, var2, ...)
The txtsplit action searches in 'var/srcvar' for all occurrences of 'searchtext' and replaces them with 'replacetext'.

  • string
    • The string to split, can be either a text or a variable.
  • separator
    • The separator character or string.
  • resultingarray (when calling the txtsplit() action with 3 arguments)
    • Name of an array variable that will contain the split parts as 'value' properties.
  • var1, var2, ... (when calling the txtsplit() action with 4 or more arguments)
    • The results of the spliting will be directly assigned to the given variables.
Split into separate variables:
txtsplit('1|2|3', '|', a, b, c);
trace('a=',get(a), ' b=',get(b), ' c=',get(c));
a=1 b=2 c=3
Split into an array:
txtsplit('x|y|z', '|', arr);
for(set(i,0), i LT arr.count, inc(i),
fromcharcode(var, charcode)
The fromcharcode action converts the given character code to a string and stores in the given variable.

  • var
    • The variable where to store the character.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • charcode
    • The Unicode character code as number.
escape(var, text)
unescape(var, text)
The escape and unescape actions are escaping the content of the given variable or the given text and then storing the result in the given variable.

  • var
    • Without text parameter - the variable which will be escaped/unescaped.
    • With text parameter - the variable where the escaped/unescaped text will be stored.
  • text (optionally)
    • The text that that will be escaped/unescaped.
tween(variable, value, time*, tweentype*, donecall*, updatecall*)
The tween action can be used for a time-controlled animation / change of a variable.
The action will dynamically change the current value of the variable to the given value.

Color support: When tweening a variable with a name that contains the word 'color', then the values will be automatically interpreted as 32bit ARGB colors and each color channel will be processed individually.

Multiple variable support: It is possible to tween several variables together at once. Therefore specify several variables, values and tweentypes separated by | characters. When several variables were specified, but only one value and/or only one tweentype, then all variables will tween to the same value and/or use the same tweentype. The time and the done- and updatecalls will be always the same for all given variables.

  • variable
    • The variable that should be changed.
    • Use the | character to specify several variables.
    • When the variable name contains the word 'color', then process the variable value as 32bit ARGB color value.
  • value
    • The destination value for this variable.
    • When tweening percent values - add a '%' character to the value.
    • Use the | character to specify several values for several variables.
    • Note - to tween to the value of another variable use the get() action to get the value of the other variable!
  • time (optionally)
    • The time in seconds for the change from the current value to the destination value (0.5 seconds by default).
    • Instead of using a fixed time for the change it is possible to define the maximum moving distance for the value and a time for that distance (not supported when tweening multiple variables). This allows to use a short time for a short distance and long time for a long distance.
      This can be done by using the distance function:
      • distance(maxdistance,maxtime)
        • maxdistance - the maximum distance between the start and the destination value
        • maxtime - the time in seconds for this maximum distance

  • tweentype (optionally)
    • The tweening / interpolation type (easeOutQuad by default).
    • See here for all available tween types: tweentypes.
  • donecall (optionally)
    • The action commands that should be executed when the tween is done and the destination value has been reached.
    • Instead of normal actions, it is also possible to use the special keyword WAIT here. In this case the user interface and the execution of the following actions will be blocked until the destination value has been reached.
  • updatecall (optionally)
    • These action will be called every time (=every frame!) when the value will be updated / changed!
    • WARNING - use with care! When heavly used this can reduce the framerate!

Some information about the origin of the name "tween" - Wikipedia about Tweening.
tween(alpha, 1.0 ,0.3);
tween(layer[logo].width, get(destwidth));
tween(view.vlookat, 90.0, 2.0);				
tween(view.fisheye, 1.0, 2.0);
tween(view.fov, 150.0, 2.0);
stoptween(variable, ...)
The stoptween action stops a currently running tween action.

  • variable
    • The name of the variable which is currently tweening and should be stopped.
  • ... variable, variable, ... (optionally)
    • Addtional variables that should stop tweening.
ondown="tween(layer[text].y, 10, distance(400,0.7), linear);"
Here all supported tween types for the tween action.
Linear Ease:
  • linear
Ease Out:
  • easeOutQuad
  • easeOutQuart
  • easeOutQuint
  • easeOutSine
  • easeOutBounce
  • easeOutCirc
  • easeOutCubic
  • easeOutExpo
  • easeOutBack
Ease In:
  • easeInQuad
  • easeInQuart
  • easeInQuint
  • easeInSine
  • easeInBounce
  • easeInCirc
  • easeInCubic
  • easeInExpo
  • easeInBack
Ease Out and In:
  • easeOutInQuad
  • easeOutInQuart  *
  • easeOutInQuint  *
  • easeOutInSine  *
  • easeOutInBounce  *
  • easeOutInCirc  *
  • easeOutInCubic  *
  • easeOutInExpo  *
Ease In and Out:
  • easeInOutQuad  *
  • easeInOutQuart  *
  • easeInOutQuint  *
  • easeInOutSine  *
  • easeInOutBounce  *
  • easeInOutCirc  *
  • easeInOutCubic  *
  • easeInOutExpo  *

Here some online visualization of the different tween types:

* only via moretweentypes plugin
These tween types are only available when including the moretweentypes plugin.
loadpano(xmlpath, vars*, flags*, blend*)
loadscene(scenename, vars*, flags*, blend*)
loadpanoscene(xmlpath, scenename, vars*, flags*, blend*)
loadxml(xmlstring, vars*, flags*, blend*)
Actions to load a new panos.

Note - only the layer, plugin, hotspot, event and lensflare elements with keep="true" will be kept when loading new panos!

  • xmlpath (for loadpano)
    • The path/url of the new pano xml file to be loaded (use null for none).
    • When a relative path will be used then the file will be loaded from the basedir folder, which is %FIRSTXML% by default. That means that the paths in all loadpano calls are relative to the first loaded xml file.
  • xmlstring (for loadxml)
    • The content of a xml file as string / text to be loaded (should be escaped).
  • scenename (for loadscene)
    • The name of the <scene> element that should to be loaded.
  • vars (optionally)
    • Custom variables to set (use null for none).
    • These variables will be set after parsing / resolving the xml but before starting to load the pano images. This way these variables can be used either to overwrite settings from the xml or to set addtional ones.
    • Variables can be defined as var1=val1 pairs separated by &amp;.
  • flags (optionally)
    • Addtional flags for loading (use null for none).
    • Several flags can be combined by a | character.
    • Available flags:
      • MERGE (the recommended flag)
        • Merges all settings from the current and the next pano.
        • If there are plugins and hotspots in the new panorama with the same name as the kept ones, the new elements will not be loaded.
        • This is the recommended setting for virtual tours.
      • KEEPVIEW - keep current view settings
      • KEEPMOVING - keep moving during the blending (HTML5 only)
      • KEEPSCENES - keep current scenes (loadpano only)
      • KEEPDISPLAY - keep current display settings
      • KEEPCONTROL - keep current control settings
      • KEEPPLUGINS - keep current loaded plugins
      • KEEPHOTSPOTS - keep current loaded hotspots
      • NOPREVIEW - ignore the <preview> tag of the new xml
      • KEEPBASE - a predefined combination of:
      • KEEPALL - a predefined combination of:
      • REMOVESCENES - remove all currently defined scene elements (the same like - set(scene.count,0); )
      • IGNOREKEEP - ignore the keep flags and remove also the elements with keep="true"
  • blend (optionally)
    • Blend / fade to next panoroma - transition animation.
    • Available blending modes:
      No blending, just switch directly to the next panorama (the default).

      BLEND(time, tweentype)
      Blend / Cross-fade from current panorama to next one.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=easeInCubic) - see tweentypes.

      (WebGL only)COLORBLEND(time, color, tweentype)
      Blend to a color and then from that color to the next panorama.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • color - The in-between color in hex format (default=0x000000 = black).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=easeOutSine) - see tweentypes.

      (WebGL only)LIGHTBLEND(time, color, colorscale, tweentype)
      Add or subtract a color and then cross-fade to the next panorama.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • color - The color to add in hex format (default=0xFFFFFF = white).
      • colorscale - The scaling factor of the color, use negative values for subtracting (default=2.0).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=easeInCubic) - see tweentypes.

      (WebGL only)SLIDEBLEND(time, angle, smooth, tweentype)
      A slide animation between the current and the next panorama.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • angle - The angle / direction of the slide in degrees (default=0.0).
      • smooth - The smoothing / blurring of the transition line (0.0 to 1.0, default=0.2).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=linear) - see tweentypes.

      (WebGL only)OPENBLEND(time, shape, smooth, zoom, tweentype)
      An opening animation between the current and the next panorama.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • shape - A factor that defines the opening shape (-1.0 to +1.0) - 0.0=circle opening, -1.0=vertical opening, +1.0=horizontal opening (default=0.0).
      • smooth - The smoothing / blurring of the transition line (0.0 to 1.0, default=0.2).
      • zoom - Additionally zoom-out the old panorama (0.0 to 1.0, default=0.0).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=linear) - see tweentypes.

      (Flash or WebGL only)ZOOMBLEND(time, zoom, tweentype)
      Zoom into the current view and cross-fade to the next panorama.

      • time - The blending time in seconds (default=2.0).
      • zoom - The zoom factor (default=2.0).
      • tweentype - The blending curve / motion shape, type of the blending animation (default=easeInOutSine) - see tweentypes.

      DEMO: Pano Blending Demo (Source: blending-demo.xml)

      Note - When the selected blending mode will be not supported (e.g. when using a 'WebGL only' mode and only Flash or CSS3D is available), then it will automatically fallback to the default blending mode.
loadpano(pano2.xml, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));
loadscene(scene1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));
loadxml('<krpano><image><sphere url="pano.jpg"/></image></krpano>');
loadxml(get(data[xml].content), null, KEEPALL);
loadpano('%SWFPATH%/pano.xml', null, MERGE, BLEND(2));
loadpano(sphere.xml, image.hfov=1.0&view.limitview=fullrange);
openurl(url, target*)
Open an url / link.

  • url
    • The url to open.
  • target (optionally)
    • The target where the url should be opened.
    • Possible settings:
      • _blank - open the url in a new window (the default)
      • _self - open the url in the current frame in the current window
      • _parent - open the url in the parent of the current frame
      • _top - open the url in the top-level frame in the current window

Flash Notes - this action requires the External-Interface of the Flashplayer. This is only available when running inside a browser. When working work offline / locally with 'file://' urls, then the security settings of the Flashplayer need to be adjusted.
lookat(h, v, fov*, distortion*, architectural*, pannini*)
Look at this panorama position.

  • h
    • The horizontal looking direction (view.hlookat) in spherical coordinates in degrees (-180 to +180).
  • v
    • The vertical looking direction (view.vlookat) in spherical coordinates in degrees (-90 to +90).
  • fov (optionally)
    • The field of view (view.fov) in degrees (0 - 179).
  • distortion (optionally)
  • architectural (optionally)
  • pannini (optionally)
lookat(45.1, -20.2, 110.0);
looktohotspot(hotspotname*, fov*, motiontype*, shortestway*)
moveto(toH, toV, motiontype*)
zoomto(fov, motiontype*)
Move the view from current looking position to the given position.

Note - the user interface and all other actions are blocked during the movement. That means the next action will be executed when the current action was done. The oninterrupt action can be used to make these actions interrupt able by the user.

  • toH
    • Horizontal destination looking direction (-180 to +180, wraparound possible).
  • toV
    • Vertical destination looking direction (-90 to +90).
  • hotspotname (for looktohotspot, optionally)
    • The name of the hotspot.
    • This will be use the hotspot position (ath/atv) as destination position.
    • When no name will be defined and looktohotspot() will be called from a hotspot element then that hotspot itself will be used.
  • fov (optionally)
    • The destination fov (0 to 179).
    • The looktohotspot action will use automatically the size of the hotspot as destination fov when the fov was not set. The other actions keep the current fov when not set.
  • motiontype (optionally)
    • The type of the motion.
    • Possible settings:
      • linear(speed) - a linear motion
        • speed = moving speed in degrees/second
      • smooth(accel,break,maxspeed) - accelerated smooth movement (=default)
        • accel = acceleration in degrees/second² (default=720)
        • break = negative acceleration in degrees/second² (default=-720)
        • maxspeed = maximum moving speed in degrees/second (default=720)
      • tween(tweentype,time) - tween animation curve
        • tweentype = one of the tween types
        • time = time in seconds for the movement
  • shortestway (optionally)
    • The use the shortest possible way from the current to the destination position.
    • Possible settings: true or false (default=true).
  • nonblocking (optionally, lookto only)
    • When set to true, then the lookto action will not wait for completing the movement before continue executing the the following actions. The user-interface will also be not blocked.
    • When the lookto movement is done then the donecall action will be called (when defined).
  • donecall (optionally, lookto only, only when nonblocking is true)
    • This action will be called when the nonblocking lookto movement is done.
looktohotspot(hotspot2, 40);
looktohotspot(hotspot3, 25, smooth(100,50,20));
Adjusts the view.hlookat value for manual tweening.
It fixes the 360 wrap around for the shortest way to desthlookat.

  • desthlookat
    • The intended destination hlookat value.
    • When desthlookat is the name of a variable, then automatically the value of that variable will be used.
    • The current view.hlookat variable will be adjusted (without changing the current view) to be next to this value.
tween(view.hlookat, 140);
getlooktodistance(result, toH, toV, fromH*, fromV*)
Get the spherical distance between the fromH / fromV and toH / toV lookto points (in degrees). The result will be always between 0.0 and 180.0 (more than 180 degree distance is not possible on a sphere).

  • result
    • The name of the variable where the distance value will be stored.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exists.
  • toH
    • Horizontal looking-to position (-180 to +180, wraparound possible).
    • Can be a variable name or a value.
  • toV
    • Vertical looking-to position (-90 to +90).
    • Can be a variable name or a value.
  • fromH (optionally)
    • Horizontal looking-from position (-180 to +180, wraparound possible).
    • Can be a variable name or a value.
    • When not defined, the current horizontal looking direction (view.hlookat) will be used by default.
  • fromV (optionally)
    • Vertical looking-from position (-90 to +90).
    • Can be a variable name or a value.
    • When not defined, the current vertical looking direction (view.vlookat) will be used by default.
Stop a non-blocking lookto / looktohotspot / moveto / zoomto action.

Instantly stop all user-driven (by mouse, keyboard or touch) panning and zooming movements.

Wait a number of seconds or wait for an event.

Note - The user interface and all following actions will be blocked during the waiting. That means the next action in the current call will be executed when the current wait action is done. The oninterrupt action can be used to make this action interruptable by the user.

  • parameter
    • any number - this the time the action will wait in seconds
    • LOAD - wait until loading is finished
    • BLEND - wait until loading and blending are finished
This action can be used before starting a set of actions (like lookto, looktohotspot, moveto, zoomto, wait and tween with WAIT as donecall) that are blocking the user interface.
When any of these actions will be interrupted by the user (e.g. by a click) then the these actions will be stopped and the in the oninterrupt action defined actions be executed.

  • actions
    • The action commands to call on a user interrupt.
    • Addtionally there is a special command possible here:
      break - this will just break the current actions.
oninterrupt( trace(user interrupt); );
screentosphere(x,y, h,v)
spheretoscreen(h,v, x,y, stereoside*)
Actions for converting between screen and spherical coordinates.

The screentosphere action will convert the x/y variables to the h/v variables and the spheretoscreen action the h/v variables to the x/y variables.

  • x / y
    • Variables with screen coordinates in the pixels from the left top edge.
  • h / v
    • Variables with spherical coordinates in the degrees (360x180).
  • stereoside (optionally)
      For stereo rendering - define to which screen side the coordinates should be mapped. Possible settings: l for the left side or r for right side or not-set/undefined for normal non-stereo screen coordinates.
  • The x,y,h,v parameters must be variable names, using values is not possible!
  • When a variable doesn't exist, it will be created.
screentosphere(mouse.x, mouse.y, toh, tov);
screentolayer(layer, screenx,screeny, layerx,layery)
layertoscreen(layer, layerx,layery, screenx,screeny)
Actions for converting between screen / stage and relative <layer> coordinates.

  • layer
  • screenx / screenx
    • Variables with screen / stage coordinates in the pixels from the left top edge.
  • layerx / layery
    • Variables with layer coordinates from the left top layer edge.
  • The screen /stage coordinates are based on the krpano coordinate system (from left-top 0 / 0 to right-bottom stagewidth / stageheight).
  • The layer coordinates will be scaled when scalechildren is enabled.
  • Rotated layers are not supported!
  • All parameters must be variables, using values is not possible!
  • When a variable doesn't exist, it will be created.
screentolayer(bar, mouse.stagex,mouse.stagey, lx,ly);
div(fill, lx, layer[bar].pixelwidth);
mul(fill, 100);
clamp(fill, 0, 100);
txtadd(layer[barfill].width, get(fill), '%');
remapfovtype(fov, srcfovtype, dstfovtype)
remapfovtype(fov, srcfovtype, dstfovtype, width, height)
Remap a fov value from one fovtype to another.

When changing the viewing fovtype and at the same time, remapping the viewing fov, then the resulting pano zoom will keep the same.

  • fov
    • A variable with the fov value that should be changed.
    • The result will be stored in the same variable.
  • srcfovtype
    • The current fovtype.
    • Can be: HFOV, VFOV, DFOV or MFOV.
  • dstfovtype
    • The new fovtype.
    • Can be: HFOV, VFOV, DFOV or MFOV.
  • width (optionally)
    • The width of the fov area/frame in pixels.
    • By default the current screen/area size will be used.
  • height (optionally)
    • The height of the fov area/frame in pixels.
    • By default the current screen/area size will be used.
set(view.fovtype, HFOV);
set(view.fov, 90);
set(view.fovtype, VFOV);
remapfovtype(view.fov, HFOV, VFOV);
showtext(text, textstyle*)
Deprecated - use the new and extended showtext.xml plugin instead!
This one works basically the same, but it works for Flash and for HTML5.

updateobject(updateall*, updatefov*)
Updates / rebuilds the internal 3D model of the pano object.

This must be called after changes of the display.details and display.tessmode settings.
When changing of the image.hfov, image.vfov or image.voffset settings interactivly, this action must be called with updatefov=true to get an updated pano object!

Note - the rebuilding of the internal 3D model is a heavy process! This action should be used carefully!

  • updateall (optionally)
    • For multi-resolution pano - should all levels be updated?
    • Possible settings: true or false (default=false).
  • updatefov (optionally)
  • Forces a redraw of the screen.
  • Forces a redraw of the screen.
  • And resets also the idletime counter (the time without user interaction).
addlensflare(name, ath*, atv*)
Dynamically create and add a new layer, plugin, hotspot or lensflare element.

  • name
    • Name of the new layer/plugin, hotspot or lensflare element.
  • ath / atv (lensflare only)
    • Horizontal and vertical position in degrees for the lensflare element.
set(layer[button].onhover,showtext('hovering the new button'));
set(layer[button].onclick, removelayer(button) );
set(hotspot[newspot].onclick, removehotspot(newspot) );
set(hotspot[polyspot].fillalpha, 0.25);
set(hotspot[polyspot].borderalpha, 0.50);
set(hotspot[polyspot].onclick, removehotspot(polyspot) );
addlensflare(sun, 20, -60);
set(lensflare[sun].set,  FLARESET2);
set(lensflare[sun].size, 0.7);
removelayer(name, removechildren*)
removeplugin(name, removechildren*)
Dynamically remove and destroy a layer, plugin, hotspot or lensflare element.

  • name
    • Name of the layer/plugin, hotspot or lensflare element that should be removed.
  • removechildren (optionally)
    • When set to true, all children elements will be removed too.
js( JavascriptFunction(parameters) )
Call a Javascript function.

The parameters will be parsed by krpano before calling the Javascript code. Use get(var) in the parameters to resolve krpano variables.

Flash Notes - this action requires the External-Interface of the Flashplayer. This is only available when running inside a browser. When working work offline / locally with 'file://' urls, then the security settings of the Flashplayer need to be adjusted.
Code in the .html or .js file:
function test(p1, p2, p3)
  alert(p1 + ": " + p2 + " / " + p3);
Code in the xml file:
js( test('Lookat', get(view.hlookat), get(view.vlookat)) );
jscall( ...any Javascript code... )
Directly call any kind of Javascript code.

Inside the Javascript code a krpano Javascript-Interface object named 'krpano' will be available for a two-way communication.

Flash Notes - this action requires the External-Interface of the Flashplayer. This is only available when running inside a browser. When working work offline / locally with 'file://' urls, then the security settings of the Flashplayer need to be adjusted.
Change the style of a html element:
Use the calc() action to build the Javascript call and pass krpano variables:
jscall(calc('console.log("krpano version: ' + version + '")'));
Go back to the previous webpage:
jsget(variable, ...Javascript code... )
Get the value of a Javascript variable or the return value of a Javascript function.

Inside the Javascript code a krpano Javascript-Interface object named 'krpano' will be available for a two-way communication.

  • variable
    • The name of krpano variable where the returned value will be stored.
    • The variable will be created when it doesn't exist.

Flash Notes - this action requires the External-Interface of the Flashplayer. This is only available when running inside a browser. When working work offline / locally with 'file://' urls, then the security settings of the Flashplayer need to be adjusted.
Get the address of the current webpage:
jsget(ret, 'location.href');
trace('location=', get(ret));
Let the user enter something:
jsget(passwort, 'prompt("Enter Password")');
if(password == 'hidden', ...);
Get the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD:
jsget(date, 'new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10);');
trace('date=', get(date));
Show or hide the trace output log.

  • state (optionally)
    • true to show the log (default)
    • false to hide the log
Traces texts or the content of variables to the output log.

  • debug() will trace 'DEBUG:' messages.
    These messages will be only shown when the debugmode is enabled.
  • trace() will trace 'INFO:' messages.
  • warning() will trace 'WARNING:' messages.
  • error() will trace 'ERROR:' messages and additionally also open the log (when showerrors is enabled).

  • ....
    • Any text or variables.
    • When passing a variable, then that variable will be automatically resolved to its value.

Note - doing many traces can affect the rendering performance!
Avoid constantly tracing messages every frame!

Note - consider enabling the consolelog setting in the html file to see these trace messages also in the browser console.
trace('view.maxpixelzoom=', view.maxpixelzoom);
<events onkeydown="trace('keycode=',keycode);" />
onclick="trace('mouse clicked at ', mouse.x, ' / ', mouse.y);"
trace('xyz=',xyz,' get(xyz)=',get(xyz));
Show an error message and stop the user interaction.

  • errormessage
    • The error message to show.