The krpanotools makepano tool (and the derived from it droplets like MAKE PANO, MAKE VTOUR, ...) will be configured by external configuration files (.config).
When calling the krpanotools makepano tool, it is necessary to specify a path to such .config file.
The config files itself are just simple text files and can be editing with any kind of text editor.
The syntax of the config files is pretty simple. The config files are read line-by-line.
Each line can be either a setting or a comment or an include. Empty or whitespace lines will be ignored.
When defining the paths for the output-files, it is possible to use placeholders to refer to the input-path and to the pano-name.
These placeholders are available:
This is the full path of the current input-file. It can be used to generate the output-file in the same folder as the input-file.
This is the 'basename' of a input-image. It is the file-name without file-path and without file-extension.
Pre- or post-fixes that are indicating the cube-side were also removed.
When the name of the input-file doesn't allow generating a basename, then the basename will be 'pano####',
where #### is a sequential number which starts at 0000.
When enabled (true) stereo (left/right) images will be generated when there is a stereoscopic input image.
When disabled (false), the pano will be build only for the left image of the stereoscopic input image.
This could be used to build large monoscopic images for normal viewing and special smaller-sized images
via the customimage settings for VR stereo viewing.
Generate a single xml file with a <scene> elements for each input image.
A <scene> is like an 'inline-xml'.
This can be used for automatically generating virtual tours.
When disabled, a xml file for each input image will be generated.
Set the pano 'field-of-view-range' when a pano image should to be converted to cubical.
When the pano range is above this limit it will be convereted, when below then not.
Additional here a %UID% placeholder is supported for generating an unique id. This should be used to avoid
problems when files with the same name were located in the folder.
Set the <image ... progressive="..."> setting in the xml.
Progressive loading affects the loading order - the lowest resolutions will be loaded first and
then step by step - resolution by resolution (but only for the current view!) will be loaded,
until the currently needed resolution for the current view was reached.
Without progressive loading the currently needed resolution will be loaded at first.
Possible settings: true, false or auto.
When set to auto - the progressive loading will be enabled only for flat panos or large partial panos and
be disabled for full spherical or cubical panos.
The tilepath has several placeholders for tile-indices:
%l - index/number of the current multi-resolution level
%h - horizontal tile index (also possible: %x, %c, %u)
%v - vertical tile index (also possible: %y, %r)
[c] - The 'c' will be replaced by the cubeside character, everything else between [ and ] will kept as it is for cubical panos and be removed for other pano types.
%f - frame index (for multi-frame input)
Formating options:
Insert one or more '0' characters or an 'A' between the '%' and the placeholder characters to
to 'fill up' the numbers with '0' characters for an uniform padding.
'A' means 'automatic' - here as many '0' characters as needed will be added for an uniform padding for all tiles.
Each placeholder can be used several times and for the filename and also for the foldername. New folders will be created automatically.
Note - for very large panos organize the tiles into several folders to keep the
'number of files per folder' low - that's better for good server performance!
The smoothness of the preview image makes it possible to compress the image very well
and make the filesize very small. And this allows a very quick loading.
The preview image will be display behind the normal pano during loading.
The value for the [HTML5] placeholder in the htmltemplate html file.
When HTML5-Output is available (=available license and compatible image), then the given value will bet set,
but when HTML5 is NOT available - then the value never will be set.
Use the shorter <cube url="pano_%s.jpg" /> syntax instead of defining
separate xml tags for each cube-side (<left url="pano_l.jpg" /> to <down url="_pano_d.jpg" />).
lower values - worse image quality and smaller files
higher values - better image quality and larger files
Note - using quality settings higher than 95 wouldn't be recommended for web usage!
The minimal increased image quality wouldn't be worth the much increased file sizes and therefore way longer download times.
This makes the JPEG images smaller and should be enabled in the most cases.
When enabled more working memory (RAM) is needed, because each image must be kept in memory until it is finished.
For very large input-images and 32-bit systems, this memory usage can be too much - there it should be disabled.