hi there,
i'm surprised cant find any infos about finding the rx, ry, and rz values for a correct hotspot distortion.
what i have is a hotspot with an arrow (just png with frontal view of the arrow pointing upwards)
now i want to project the arrow to the floor (xz plane) ... basically like a sticker on the floor.
to do this you must set distorted="true" and set the rx, ry, and rz values depending on your ath and atv values.
this is still relatively easy when you want the hotspot image oriented to/away from the center/your camera:
then you can just set ry=0 and rx=atv-90
but when you want to rotate the sticker on the floor now... setting rz=angle will totally mess up the rotation!
does anybody understand what i mean and how to do this?
ps. and maybe to shorten that down:
if you want to place a hotspot as a sticker on a horizontal surface (ground, table)
how do you set the correct rx, ry, and rz values depending on the ath and atv values?
specially if you want to rotate the sticker on the surface to specific angles!
(example some magazine aligned on a table which is rotated by 30 degrees)