krpano 1.19-pr15 / pr16

  • Hallo Klaus,

    vielen Dank für die 3D TV Unterstützung, diese habe ich heute mal mit meinem 55 Zoll Samsung TV und einer aktiven Shutterbrille mal getestet, perfekt!

    Leider stürzt mein iPad und iPhone im VR Modus ab, Dein Beispiel mit dem Rohbauhaus klappt allerdings.

    <krpano onstart="loadscene(stereopano6);">

    <scene name="stereopano6">

    <!-- startup view -->

    <view hlookat="140" vlookat="0.000" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.000" maxpixelzoom="1.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />

    <preview url="panos/pano6_mono/preview.jpg" />

    <image stereo="true" stereolabels="l|r" prealign="0|220|0">
    <cube url="panos/pano6_stereo_%t/pano_%s.jpg" />

    <hotspot name="spot1"
    ath="130" atv="9"
    depth="700" scale="0.5"
    onclick="tween(alpha,0,0.2,default,WAIT); loadscene(stereopano3,null,MERGE|KEEPMOVING,COLORBLEND(1.0,0x000000,easeOutSine));"


    <scene name="stereopano3">

    <preview url="panos/pano3_mono/preview.jpg" />

    <image stereo="true" stereolabels="l|r" prealign="0|25|0">
    <cube url="panos/pano3_stereo_%t/pano_%s.jpg" />

    <hotspot name="spot2"
    ath="115" atv="9"
    depth="700" scale="0.5"
    onclick="tween(alpha,0,0.2,default,WAIT); loadscene(stereopano6,null,MERGE|KEEPMOVING,COLORBLEND(1.0,0x000000,easeOutSine));"

    <hotspot name="spot3"
    ath="-75" atv="9"
    depth="700" scale="0.5"
    onclick="tween(alpha,0,0.2,default,WAIT); loadscene(stereopano2,null,MERGE|KEEPMOVING,COLORBLEND(1.0,0x000000,easeOutSine));"


    Edited 2 times, last by panomexico (June 10, 2018 at 9:33 PM).

  • Hi,

    Leider stürzt mein iPad und iPhone im VR Modus ab, Dein Beispiel mit dem Rohbauhaus klappt allerdings.

    Das 'Abstürzen' auf iOS ist kein Wunder *wink* - die Würfelbilder sind 3759x3759px groß - und das ist für die meisten iOS Geräte einfach viel zu viel, aber auch für viele Android und Desktop Geräte grenzwertig.

    Ich würde hier entweder Multiresolution-Panoramen oder zusätzliche kleine Bilder für Mobil Geräte empfehlen.

    Schöne Grüße,

  • Hello Klaus,

    it seems some Android 8.x-devices have some problems with the gyroscope support of krpano (even with the sample website of the WebVR-version) - using just the gyroscope button or the VR mode. The devices are only able to look up and down but not left to right. We've tested it with multiple devices, the majority is working just fine. Others are not (namely the Sony Xperia/Compact range of devices). We are using the latest Chrome version on all devices 67.0.3396.87. Any ideas? Might this be a limited support by the device? Anything we could try?

  • Hi,

    The devices are only able to look up and down but not left to right.

    That means that devices doesn't have a gyroscope sensor!

    The acceleration sensor is used for tracking the up/down rotating and the left/right rolling - it does that by measuring the angles against the earth gravitation.

    But for the rotation horizontally around a gyroscope is absolutely necessary.
    Additionally the gyroscope is used for the fine/short-time movements as the acceleration sensors are very noise and inaccurate compared to the gyroscope sensors.

    Now the main problem - it's currently not possible to detect if the device has a gyroscope sensor or not. That might eventually change with the new Generic Sensor API from Chrome (krpano will support that soon too). Because when it would be detectable that the device doesn't have a gyroscope, it would be possible not showing the gyroscope and vr icons.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,
    First of all thank you for the new bingmaps.js (1.19.pr17)!
    Please note that the Bing Maps Plugins do not treat correctly the caller.zoomToSpotsExtent(); in the vtourskin.xml.

    For test just change the maps_type="google" to maps_type="bing" in the ..\krpano-1.19-pr16-win\viewer\examples\demotour-corfu\tour.xml.
    None of the checked bingmap.js (ver 1.19-pr*, 1.18.6/3) does not work for me while the google maps does.

    Any idea?
    Thank you and have a great day!

    Please let me share my workaround:
    You need to define the location in the vtourskin.xml:

    <layer name="skin_map" ... lat="48.48143" lng="18.721371" zoom="8"  ...>

    and condition the ZoomToSpotExtend in the vtourskin.xml

    <action name="skin_addmapspots" scope="local">
    if(skin_settings.maps_type == 'google', caller.zoomToSpotsExtent(););


    Edited once, last by pur: Sharing the workaround (July 19, 2018 at 6:00 PM).

  • Hi,

    Das 'Abstürzen' auf iOS ist kein Wunder *wink* - die Würfelbilder sind 3759x3759px groß - und das ist für die meisten iOS Geräte einfach viel zu viel, aber auch für viele Android und Desktop Geräte grenzwertig.

    Ich würde hier entweder Multiresolution-Panoramen oder zusätzliche kleine Bilder für Mobil Geräte empfehlen.

    Schöne Grüße,

    Hallo Klaus, ok Danke ich werde es ändern

    VG Matthias

  • Hi Klaus

    I have a Problem with the new Editor. With my custom skin I do get the Error: "Not a krpano MAKE VTOUR tour.xml file! No editing function available..."
    It must be checking something in the custom vtourskin.xml as i changed to standard tour.xml file an error was still there.

    What do i need to check in my code to get the Editor running`?


  • Hi,

    I have a Problem with the new Editor. With my custom skin I do get the Error: "Not a krpano MAKE VTOUR tour.xml file! No editing function available..."
    It must be checking something in the custom vtourskin.xml as i changed to standard tour.xml file an error was still there.

    What do i need to check in my code to get the Editor running`?

    The tour.xml needs to contain the text 'vtourskin.xml' because the editor is only designed to edit default tours.

    Best regards,

  • how can update my object tours for just html5 and version 1.19?

    Hi jvh,
    Apparently you have older object tours running on Flashplayer krpano viewer. There is no official html5 support for 360 object in krpano 1.19.
    Please post the link to your tour(s) to check it out whether my new plugin obj360.xml is able to handle your tour.


  • Hi Klaus,
    Wishing you and your family a new year of peace and happiness!

    Please notice that

    loadscene(scene_14, null, MERGE);

    is triggering an error:

    ERROR: loadscene() - scene "scene_14" not found

    when issued in the action with scope=localonly or private:NAME
    The scope=local for an action is working OK.


  • Hi,

    Wishing you and your family a new year of peace and happiness!

    Thanks! Best wishes too!

    Please notice that
    loadscene(scene_14, null, MERGE);
    is triggering an error:
    ERROR: loadscene() - scene "scene_14" not found
    when issued in the action with scope=localonly or private:NAME
    The scope=local for an action is working OK.

    Thanks for reporting!
    Will be fixed in the next release!

    Best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,

    Is there a way to check out the caller in the jsget() or js()?
    The krpano object in the jsget and js is great but passing arguments into it via the global variable is insecure. Especially in deferred actions.
    The actioncaller/caller object would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to check out the caller in the jsget() or js()?
    The krpano object in the jsget and js is great but passing arguments into it via the global variable is insecure. Especially in deferred actions.
    The actioncaller/caller object would be highly appreciated.

    Good idea, I have added a 'caller' object for the next release now. And the 'krpano' object will be changed from the JS-Interface-Object to the krpano-Interface-Object which additionally also provides direct access to the krpano objects/variables.

    speaking of next release ... is it on the horizon? Last one is almost a year old....


    Best regards,

  • Good idea, I have added a 'caller' object for the next release now. And the 'krpano' object will be changed from the JS-Interface-Object to the krpano-Interface-Object which additionally also provides direct access to the krpano objects/variables.

    Wow! Thank you, Klaus, for considering it and making it even better!
    Looking forward to seeing the new version.

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