I tried to make the plugin easy to use.
To create hotspots, this plugin does not require deep knowledge of krpano and code writing. Open the xml file only
in order to connect a plugin - insert a line:
Creating, editing, saving is done using the panel inside the browser window.
Ability to create, delete, copy hotspots.
Positioning the hot spot with the mouse, selecting the hot spot image in the Explorer window.
Enter the name of the hot spot, appears when you hover over the hot spot.
Advanced settings - ability to change the scale, transparency, rotation along the x,y,z axes,
change width, height, zorder, capture to make your actions in onover, onhover, onclick, onout, capture, zorder, handcursor.
Assign hotspots to open URL links in a new window, in the current frame.
The purpose of the hotspot open photos.Ability to make a caption to the photo.
Assign hotspots to open a video file. Ability to set the start volume for each file, select the poster and select the loop mode.
The purpose of the hotspot open youtube.
The presence in the editor of a drop-down list of created hotspots, click on the name opens a view with this hotspots.
Edit and save without editing the code in the xml file.
- Plugin connection youtube
- Creating URL links youtube
- Creating an opening door youtube
- Creating local hotpots-images. Positioning in a given plane youtube
- Hotspot parameters display window youtube
- Create TV and photo framed on the wall youtube
- In 3d model, creating a TV and a photo on the wall with a frame and a shadow youtube
- An example of creating land plots youtube
- Grouping hotspots to display youtube
- Joystick youtube
- Flyout Hotspots youtube
add hotspot on youtube
Details of the plugin add hotspot