I took a few 360's while taking the kids to see the fireworks diplay. The night shot I needed 8 second exposures at iso 500 to get even what i did. I realize there are motion blurs and other defects but this was just a test to embed the live video feed of the fireworks display. It was syncronized to music.
US indepenence day
ilike the sunset shot the best!!
Can you explain what you did with that video's??
is it just a video on the pano ??
the video distorted hotspot capture from the same camera and angle...
i guess..
VN you should limit the zenith view angle.. there is black spot in firework view.. :)
yeah ill fix that tonight. (the black spot) i took all the images needed for the 360 then just spunthe camera back around and captured the show with the video mode of the nikon d90. something i cannot figure out though is why the video is so small. i have to run it at scale="2.1" in order for it to fill the size it is supposed to even though it was taken with the same lens as the photography and at the same angle. there must be a difference in the size of the video images taken versus the still photos with the D90.
this was just a test. proof of concept kinda thing.
*forgot to say that yes this is just a distorted video hotspot aligned on top of the pano. turned capture and handcursor to false. since it was so dark out i was able to use the blendmode="screen" and all the black just blended in leaving only the fireworks left. worked ok but you can still see the outline of the video somewhat.
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